Chapter One

Rose DeWitt Bukater was in shock. Her mouth slightly ajar, her pale blue eyes staring into the cruel sensation of nothing. No noise. No ship. No Jack. Why hadn't she'd stayed on the sinking ship with him?

Just four hours ago, the possibilities of her life had seemed endless compared to the cliché lifestyle she was expected to live with her mother and Cal. Just four hours ago Rose could answer questions like what path in life do you want to go down. Now it was back to "What color do you want the bridesmaids gowns?"

In her gut, Rose knew that Cal had survived. "I have an arrangement at the other end of the ship." Cal's words echoed through Rose's head continuously. She knew that Cal had used his checkbook to get his soul on a lifeboat. What am I talking about? Rose thought, Cal has no soul.

Every once in a while Rose's mind would linger. What if Jack had survived? As quickly as she could she would come to grips with reality. Jack hadn't survived.

Rose's face hadn't been so full of emotion since her father's death. All through out Rose's childhood her mother had told her time after time to keep her composure. Over the years Rose had developed quite a talent for acting. This was no time to let in the pain.

Around Rose sat people very much like herself. Their faces clearly were showing it too. Rose cried for the two girls close to her wrapped in their mother's arms for warmth, eagerly waiting for their father, not knowing they'd never see him again.

Rose knew she was crying for herself too. Back to a time when she was just as naive as the two girls. Back to the night her father died. Nine years ago, almost to the day, Rose's mother came into her room in a mess of tears. Rose knew something had to be very wrong. She had never seen her mother cry before. "Rose!" Ruth called out in a devastated voice. Ruth motioned for her daughter to come to her, and then followed an unbearably painful talk.

Around 3:30 AM a loud "Boom!" came out of nowhere along with an enormous light. Murmurs began being exchanged. It was indeed a ship on its way to save the dreary Titanic survivors.

A few hours later, two young gentlemen were assisting Rose into the Carpathia.

"Here you are miss!" said the one on the left, extending an arm.

Rose grasped it but lost her balance and landed in a heap on the ground.

The other one helped Rose back onto her feet. "That's what a whole night in the cold will do to ya. You'd better get some rest."

Rose nodded in appreciation with a slight smile. "Thank you," she said, almost frightened at the sound of her own voice.

Rose moved to the side, not quite sure of what to do. For a few minutes she watched others get out of the boat. Some in tears, some in relief, some asking themselves, "What next?" Rose thoroughly understood them. The same two little girls smiled at their mother and asked if they could go find their father. Their mother grabbed the two girls' hands and began the same talk Rose's mother had had with her nine years ago.

Of course Rose's thoughts always wandered back to Jack. What kind of cruel death had he faced? Why didn't she go back on the ship? "You jump, I jump." Rose had forgotten. What was she thinking? Would Jack have lived if she had jumped? Would it have even made a difference?


Roses' thoughts were interrupted by an unpleasant voice. She instantly regained her composure.

"Sweetpea! Your mother and I have been worried to death about you! We thought you'd never turn up. Come on."

Rose was very familiar with Cal's tone of voice at that moment. It was so unemotional. Rose knew that Cal was absolutely furious with her and he would show it the very next time they were truly alone.

Rose followed after Cal like a pathetic obedient dog. Cal pushed his way through the crowd with his usual haughtiness. Pushing newly made widows and sobbing children out of his path with no mercy whatsoever until they reached a small corner with a few benches and Margaret Brown, the Countess Rothes, Lucille Duff-Gordon, and Ruth. After seeing Rose, Ruth moved away from the group.

"Rose! Come here. Are you all right? You look famished. Have some tea."

Rose took a seat next to Molly Brown as a steward poured her some tea. Ruth sat back down and engaged herself back into the conversation. Molly gave Rose a sad smile, yearning for Rose to tell her what had happened after Rose had refused to get on the boat. Rose only smiled sadly back, trying to keep her composure.

Jack was dead and she had to face the fact. Rose didn't know if there was anyway that she could pull off the wedding. It was in three weeks. Rose sighed as she thought of a cruel future without Jack.

Chapter Two