Written by Starlight63

Things were finally going right with my life
I was making a living doing what I loved
I was an officer of the grandest ship in the world
I was finally getting along with the other officers
Especially the sixth
We had become fast friends,
Being the youngest of the officers.
We had made plans about continuing to be officers
On the same ships so that we could receive the promotions
At the same time. But none of that will ever happen now.
Sure I’ll get my promotions, but my best friend won’t.
But I will be right there with you when you get to be captain
A whispery voice said. Aye, but it shan’t be the same, Jimmy.
We had so many plans. As did many who lost their lives that night,
But why did they all have to die?
Will, Jimmy, Henry, Smith, Andrews, and so many more!
While that bastard Ismay survived. If anyone should have died,
It should have been him! Titanic was supposed to be the Ship of Dreams
Instead she turned out to be the Ship of Nightmares
Taking way too many good people that night.
She also made all of us grow up and become heroes.
None of us will ever forget those Godawful screams
Those screams of the people who were unable to get into the boats.
Nor will I ever forget seeing the people who I was too late to save
I will see their faces until the day I join them wherever it is
We go when we leave here.
You did what you could, Harold. You saved six
And you gave my family peace.
But I wasn’t able to save my best friend from an early grave
And for that I will never forgive myself.
Perhaps with time I will learn to accept that fact
But I will never forgive myself for it.
Just don’t let the pain eat you up, Harold.
You have a life still to live. Just promise that you will be able to move on
From this and live your life to the fullest and get all those promotions.

I will live my life and get those promotions
But never will I forget my best friend.
I won’t let his memory be forgotten and be sunk like the Titanic.
