Chapter One

Jack and Rose Dawson were getting ready to go to Europe aboard the Olympic. They had not been on a ocean liner since Titanic, nearly ten years earlier. They were taking a rare vacation. They had no children, but planned to soon. They talked about adopting, but had not decided one way or another.

Rose was in their bedroom, changing sheets on their bed. Walking in, Jack handed her a package.

"Happy twenty-eighth birthday."

"Thank you." Rose smiled as she opened the package. She smiled again when she discovered that Jack had gotten her two books by her favorite author, and a photo book of Europe.

"You are welcome, Rose," Jack replied. "I had hoped you would like them."

"You knew I would," Rose replied, as she went over to hug him.

"Are you packed?" Jack asked, flipping though the Europe photo book.

"Yes. I packed a few days ago," Rose replied.

"Good, because I want us to look at the Europe photo book together," Jack replied.

"Okay, but only for a little while," Rose replied, putting the other two books in her trunk.

Ten minutes later, Jack and Rose were drinking lemonade and looking at the photo book.

"What do you want to see first?" Jack asked.

Rose thought for a moment. "Either London or Paris," she replied, taking a drink of her lemonade.

"How about Paris first, then London?" Jack asked.

"Sounds good. I am getting tired, so I think I will head for bed," Rose said.

"I will be up in a little while," Jack replied.

"Okay," Rose replied, and headed upstairs.

Jack poured himself another glass of lemonade and looked at the second class brochure for the Olympic. He had tried to book third class, but it was full.

Rose walked into her and Jack's bedroom and got undressed. She put on a light nightgown and got into bed. She tried to sleep, but could not. She was happy about going to see Europe again, but this time without Cal.

"I wonder what happened to him," she said to herself. Last she heard he was being sued by victim's families of the Titanic disaster.

Jack walked in an hour later. "Are you asleep?" he asked.

"No. I am too excited to sleep," Rose replied.

"I am excited, too, but we leave early in the morning," Jack replied as he got undressed, leaving on only his underclothes.

"What time do we leave?" Rose asked, yawning.

"We leave here around 7:30," Jack replied as he got into bed.

"Good night," he said, kissing Rose.

"Good night," Rose replied.

Rose lay there for a few minutes before turning on her side.

"Good night, Jack," Rose said as she was falling asleep.

Jack was already fast asleep.

Rose dreamed of all the fun she and Jack would have in Europe. She also dreamed that she and Jack were going to be parents soon. She fell asleep with a grin on her face, hoping her dream would come true.

Chapter Two