Chapter Twelve

Rose woke up very early the next morning, and noticed Jack already was not in bed. She lay there for a minute before getting up.

"Hi, Rose. I went to get us some muffins and orange juice," Jack said.

"How long have you been up?" Rose asked, as she got dressed.

"About two hours. Here. I have a present for you."

Rose opened the present, and replied, "Thank you."

"You are welcome."

Rose took a bite of her muffin, and said, "This is the best muffin I ever tasted. Where did you get these?"

"At a small bakery across the street."

"I am ready," Rose said.

"Okay. Let's go."


"Jack, you know something I don't," Rose said, as they waited for a taxi.

"Yes, I do," Jack replied.

"What is it?"

Jack just smiled, and replied, "I can't tell you, but you will find out soon."

Just then, a taxi pulled up to the curb.

Jack opened the door and let Rose in first.

"Thank you," Rose said.

"You are welcome," Jack replied, getting in and closing the door.

After a few minutes, the taxi stopped in front of a small flat.


"Jack, why did the taxi stop here?"

"This is where your mother lives now. Are you ready to find out the secret?"

"Yes. I am ready."

Rose and Jack walked up to the flat and knocked on the door.

"Hi. Come on in," Sara said, from the house.

"Hi, Sara. Where is my mother?" Rose asked, sitting down in a chair next to the door.

"She had to go to the bank. She told me to give you this," Sara said, handing her an envelope.

Rose opened the envelope, and said, "Jack, I can't believe it. We are going to be parents. The adoption of the four children fell through, but they want us to adopt a four-month-old baby boy."

"I know. That means we have to cut our trip short, though."

"I don't care," Rose replied, hugging Jack.

"How about we leave for London tomorrow for a few days, since we don't get to pick up our new son until next Friday."

"Sounds good to me."

Just then, Ruth walked in. "I guess you found out the news I wanted to tell you."

"Yes," Rose replied. "How long have you known about this?"

"About three days."

Rose turned to Jack. "How about you?"

"The same. While you went shopping, your mother came over and told me the great news. She had me promise not to tell you, in case it fell through."

Rose just smiled, and replied, "I was depressed when I lost my baby, but now having an adopted son takes some of the pain away."

Jack hugged her, and replied, "I know, Rose."

Chapter Thirteen