Chapter Thirteen

A few days later, they arrived in London.

"Rose, close your eyes."


"Just close your eyes. You will find out in a minute."

"Okay," Rose said, closing her eyes.

"Okay. You can open them now."

Rose opened her eyes, and was surprise what she saw a house with a Sold sign in the yard.

Rose turned to Jack. "You bought this house?"

"Yes. You always said that you wished you lived in London. Now your wish has finally come true."

"How did you pay for this?"

"Remember when we first arrived in Paris, and I got a letter saying that my latest painting had sold for a million dollars?"

"Yes, I remember. You mean you bought this house with part of the million dollars?"

"Yes, Rose. I had a hard time not telling you this surprise."


"Jack, this is a beautiful house," Rose said, as they walked through the small but charming house.

"I knew you would love this house," Jack said, holding Rose close to him. "Want to see the upstairs?"

"Yes," Rose replied.

"What do you think, Rose?" Jack asked, after they had finished walking through their new house.

"I love it, Jack."

"I knew you would love this, Rose," Jack said.


A few days later, they returned to Paris to pick up their adopted son, who they named Jack Andrew Dawson, Jr.

On the train back to London, Rose smiled at her sleeping husband and their adopted son before going to sleep herself.

Chapter Fourteen