Chapter Fourteen

Eight Months Later

Rose woke up sick to her stomach and rushed to the bathroom.

"Rose, are you okay?" Jack asked.

"Yes. I think I’ve got the flu."

"Maybe you should see a doctor," Jack suggested.

"Why? I will be fine in a few days."

"Rose, you could be pregnant. If you want, I will go with you."

"Okay," Rose agreed. She hoped that she was pregnant, but did not want have false hope.


A few days later, Rose was examined by a doctor. Rose and Jack waited, a bit nervously, for the results.

"I have some good news. Mrs. Dawson, you are six weeks pregnant with twins," the doctor said.

"Rose, this is good news."

"I know. I was hoping that I was pregnant, but did not want to have false hope, in case it turned out I was not."

"Rose, let’s go home and call your mother about this great news."

"Okay," Rose said, standing up. "Thank you, doctor."

"You are welcome. Take it easy."

"I will," Rose promised.


Rose and Jack watched their adopted, year-old son sleep.

"I can't believe there are two lives in there," Jack said, as he put his hand on Rose's stomach.

"Me, either," Rose replied. "But I am glad that there are."

"So am I. So am I," Jack replied.

"I am going to call my mother now."



Rose called her mother.

"Hello," Ruth said.

"Hi, Mother."

"Hi, Rose. How are you?"

"I am doing well. I really love it here in London."

"I am glad you like it there."

"Mother, are you sitting down?"

"No. Why?"

"Sit down, Mother. There is something I need to tell you."

"Okay. I am sitting down. What is it you have to tell me?"

"Mother, I just found out that I am pregnant with twins."

"Rose, that is great news. How far along are you?"

"Six weeks. I just found out today."

"Well, I hate to go, but the buzzer just went off. I have a casserole in the oven. I will call you later."

"Okay. Bye. I love you. I will to try make it to see you before the babies are born."

"Okay. I love you, too, Mother," Rose said, before hanging up the phone.

Chapter Fifteen