Chapter Two

Jack woke up early the next day. He kissed Rose on the head and got out of bed. He walked over to his dresser and took out some clothes. He walked into the bathroom and took a shower. After he finished taking a shower, he got dressed and headed downstairs to make breakfast.

Rose woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon cooking. Smiling, she got out of bed. She walked into the bathroom to take a shower. When she was done, she walked back into the bedroom and walked over to the closet. She took out a white shirt. She walked over to her dresser and took out a pair of pants. She got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Good morning," Rose said, as she sat at the table.

"Good morning," Jack replied, setting a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her. Rose took a bite of egg, and lightly salted them. Jack fixed his plate and sat down next to Rose.

"What do you want to drink?" Rose asked, getting up from the table.

"Orange juice," Jack replied, taking a bite of his eggs. Rose walked over to the icebox and took out the orange juice. She poured Jack and herself a glass of orange juice and put the rest of it back into the icebox. She handed Jack a glass of orange juice and sat back down. While they were eating, they talked about what to do while they were on the Olympic. After they were finished with breakfast, they cleaned up the kitchen.

"Are you ready to head out?" Jack asked, putting the last plate back into the cupboard. Rose nodded yes. Jack and Rose loaded their car, and headed to the Olympic.

When they got at the port where the Olympic was, a porter was waiting for them, to help them with their luggage. After they were finished getting settled in, Jack thanked the porter, and handed him a five dollar bill. The porter thanked him and left the cabin.

"So, how do you like the cabin?" Jack asked.

"I love it. It is small, but nice," Rose replied, sitting down on a chair by the door.

"I am glad you like it," Jack replied, as he sat down on the other chair in the room.

After they rested for a few minutes, Jack suggested that they explore the ship before lunch. Rose thought it was a great idea, so they headed out to explore the ship.


Cal and Ruth were also traveling aboard the Olympic. They had gotten married in 1914 and had a daughter born in 1920. Cal did not know it yet, but he was about to be confronted by Jack on how he treated Rose. Jack knew Cal was traveling on the Olympic but did not tell Rose.

"I saw a Jack and Rose Dawson on a second class passengers' list," Cal told Ruth. "I want you to stay here while I looked for them. If I find Rose, I will bring her here, even if I have to do it by force."

Ruth nodded. Cal headed out to find Rose. If he found her, he planned to divorce Ruth and make Rose marry him. Ruth hoped he would not find her. She already planned to divorce Cal, though. While she had changed in the last year, for the better, he had only gotten worse. He wanted their daughter to be put up for adoption, because he wanted a son, to mold him into a version of him. Ruth refused. Cal agreed to let Ruth to keep the baby, but refused to have anything to do with their daughter. She decided to leave the stateroom, and to looked for Rose, to tell her that she was sorry, and to tell her to hide from Cal because he was looking for her and planned to force her to marry him.

"I will be back," she told the nanny. "Will you please keep a eye on Beth while I am gone?"

The nanny nodded yes as Ruth headed out the door.

Chapter Three