Chapter Three

Jack and Rose were exploring the ship when Rose told Jack she wanted to go out on deck and talk.

Jack and Rose went out on deck, and sat down next to each other on deck chairs.

"What do you want to talk about?" Jack asked.

"I want to talk about maybe trying to adopt while we are in Europe."

"Good idea," Jack replied.

Surprised, Rose hugged him.

"I thought you would not go for the idea."

"I was thinking the same thing," Jack replied.

"Do you prefer a baby or an older child?" Rose asked.

"It does not matter to me. What about you?" he asked.

"It does not matter to me, either."

Jack looked at his watch, and said it was almost time for lunch.

Rose stood up and replied, "I am getting hungry."

"Me, too," Jack replied, standing up.


They were on their way back to the cabin when Rose thought she spotted her mother walking toward them.

"Rose, I am glad I found you," Ruth replied, walking towards them.

"Why? So you can make me marry Cal?" Rose asked.

"No, to say that I am sorry, and to hide from him. He is looking for you," Ruth replied.

Rose was not sure if she should believe or mother or not, and asked, "Did you end up getting married to him?"

"Yes, I married him on January 14, 1914, and had a daughter born on December 2, 1920. Her name is Beth. Cal wants nothing do to with her."

That made Jack mad. "Are you still married to him?"

"Yes, but not for long. I am getting a divorce and seeking full custody of Beth," Ruth replied.

Rose did not now why, but she was starting to believe her mother. "Would you like to stay in our cabin with us?"

"I would like to, but I can't leave Beth or her nanny," Ruth replied.

"I believe there is a cabin next to ours that is empty. I will check for you if you want," Jack offered.

"Thank you," Ruth said, hugging him. "I better get back now, before Cal finds that I am missing."

"Okay. I will send a message if the cabin next to ours is empty," Jack said.

"Thank you," Ruth said, walking towards the elevator.


Cal was mad. He had searched the entire ship, but could not find Rose.

He decided to go back to his suite, and try again later.

When he got there, he discovered Ruth was not there.

"Where is she?" he yelled.

The nanny looked up from a book she was reading and replied, "She went for a walk."

"I told her to stay here," Cal yelled louder than before.

Cal's yelling woke up Beth, and she started crying.

"Will you shut her up?" Cal demanded more than asked.

The nanny went to Beth's crib and held her, trying to stop her from crying.

Cal left, slamming the door behind him.

Five minutes later, Ruth returned.

"I am glad you're back," Sara, Beth's nanny, told her. "Cal was here, and he is mad."

"I might be getting a cabin in second class. If I do, would you like to stay in the cabin with me and Beth?"

"I would love to," Sara replied.

Ruth and Sara packed their and Beth's things, just in case they could get a cabin in second class.


Jack decided to check on the cabin before lunch, and found out it was empty.

He sent Ruth a message telling her the cabin next to Rose and him was empty.

Ruth received the message, and told Sara get ready. "We are going to second class!"

Chapter Four