Chapter Five

The Next Day

Rose woke up and noticed that Jack was still sleeping. She carefully got out of bed so she would not wake him. She walked over to the dresser, opened the top drawer, and pulled out some underclothes. She closed the drawer, walked over to the wardrobe, and grabbed a blue dress. She grabbed the book she was reading from the nightstand and walked into the bathroom. She laid the underclothes on the toilet and hung the dress on the hook on the door. She walked over to the bathtub and turned on the water. As the bathtub was filling up, she got undressed. When the bathtub was half-filled, she put some bath salts in the water. Turning the water off, she got in. After taking a long bath, she washed her hair standing up, using the shower. After she finished washing her hair, she turned the shower off. Getting out of the bathtub, she slowly dried herself off and got dressed. She then started to braid her hair.

Jack woke up and noticed that Rose was not lying beside him. He got out of bed and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Rose, are you in there?"

"Yes," Rose replied. "Can you please help me braid my hair?"

"Sure," Jack replied, opening the bathroom door.

"Thank you," Rose replied.

"You are welcome," Jack replied, as he was braiding Rose's hair.

"Do you want to go and eat now, or later?" Jack asked, as he was finishing braiding Rose's hair.

"Now. I am getting hungry," Rose replied. "Also, we are to meet my mother at the second class dining room in fifteen minutes."

"Okay," Jack replied. "Well, I am done. I hope you like it."

Rose walked over to the mirror. "I like it a lot."

"Let me get dressed. Then we will go to the dining room."

Rose nodded her head.

Jack walked over to the wardrobe and grabbed a pair of pants and a white shirt. Since he was not naked, he got dressed right there.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, I am."

"Let's go, then."

As they were leaving, there was a knock on the door.

"I wonder who that could be," Rose said as she was opening the door.

"Hi, Rose and Jack," Ruth said.

"Hi," both Rose and Jack replied.

"Are you doing anything right now?" Ruth asked.

"Yes, we are about to get something to eat," Rose replied.

"I forgot we were to meet for breakfast this morning. I already eaten. When you are done, please stop by my cabin. There is something I want to tell you, and I think what I tell you will make you happy. It is about possibly adopting two girls and two boys. They are two set of twins."

Rose could not believe it. She and Jack might become the parents of four children.

Jack could hardly believe it either. "I can't believe we might become parents, a lot sooner than I thought we would."

"Me, either, but I am ready to have kids," Rose replied happily.

"Me, too," Jack replied.

"I hope it works out for you two," Ruth said.

"It has to," Rose replied.

Ruth nodded her head and said, "I will be going now."

Rose shut the door and screamed with delight.

Jack hugged Rose. "Do you still want to eat?" he asked.

"Yes, but I don't know how much I will be able to eat," she replied.

"Let's go, then," Jack replied.

A few minutes later, they walked into the dining room.

"Where do you want to sit?" Jack asked.

"How about by the window?" Rose suggested.

"Good idea," Jack replied.

They walked to a table by the window and sat down.

"Can I help you?" a waiter asked.

"Yes. Just some hot cocoa and a piece of toast with butter," Jack replied.

"I will have the same," Rose replied.

The waiter wrote down their orders and left.

"I can still hardly believe it," Rose said.

"Me, too. I keep thinking I will wake up from a dream."

"That is how I feel, too," Rose replied.

The waiter then came back with Jack and Rose's hot cocoa and toast.

"I think this is one of the best things that ever happened to us," Jack said.

"No, it is the best thing that ever did happen to us," Rose corrected.

"You are right. It is the best thing that ever did happen to us. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I am," Rose replied.

"Let's go," Jack said.


The doctor examined Cal, who remained unconscious.

Lucy walked in and said, "Sorry I am late. My alarm clock did not go off."

"That is okay," the doctor replied.

"Has there been any change in him?" Lucy asked.

"No. He is still unconscious, and is showing no signs of waking up anytime soon."

"Do you think he will live?" Lucy asked.

"No, I don't," the doctor replied.

"Do you want me to stay here and keep an eye on him?" Lucy asked.

"No. You can have the morning off. Just be sure you are back by 12:30."

"Okay," Lucy replied, leaving the ship's hospital.


Rose and Jack walked into their cabin and shut the door.

"Wait. We were supposed to go to my mother's cabin after we were finished eating," Rose said.

"We will, after we celebrate becoming parents first," he replied as he started kissing Rose.

Rose kissed Jack back.

They were about to take off each other's clothes when there was a knock at the door.

A bit upset, Rose went to answer the door.

"Can I help you?" she asked the middle-aged man standing at the door.

"No, but I have a telegram for you," he said, handing the telegram to her.

Rose thanked him and shut the door.

"What is it, Rose?" Jack asked.

"Let's see," Rose replied, opening the envelope. The telegram read: You are three weeks pregnant.

Rose stood there in shock.

Jack took the telegram from Rose, who was frozen still. "Rose, this is great news. We have been trying to have a baby since we were married over eight years ago."

Rose recovered, and replied, "I went to the doctor's for a blood test, about four days ago, because I been feeling not too well. Now I know why."

Rose and Jack got into bed, and ended up falling asleep in each other's arms.


Five hours later, Rose woke up. She shook Jack and said, "Wake up. We have to get dressed and meet my mother at her cabin."

"Okay." Jack sighed, getting out of bed.

Jack and Rose got dressed in the same clothes they had on earlier.

"Are you ready?" Jack asked.

"Yes, I am," Rose replied.

"Okay. Let's go," Jack replied, putting his arm around her waist.

They left their cabin and headed for Ruth's cabin. Both of them could not wait to give Ruth the good news.

Rose had a feeling that she and Jack were about to become the parents of five children. Four adopted and one biological child, who would be born nine months from now.

Chapter Six