Chapter Six

Jack and Rose decided to go out on deck after they told Ruth the good news and heard something about the two sets of twins were trying to adopt.

They looked out at the ocean for awhile before Jack spoke. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes, I am," Rose replied.

"I am getting hungry, too," Jack replied, following Rose.

A few minutes later, they walked into the second class dining room, which was almost packed full.

"Do you see anywhere we can sit?" Rose asked.

Jack looked around, and noticed one empty table by a window. "There is one empty table by a window," he replied, pointing to it.

Rose followed Jack to the only empty table in the room.

"So, have you decided what you want? Or do you want to see a menu?" Jack asked.

"I am getting the roasted chicken, baked potato with butter and sour cream, and iced tea," Rose replied.

"I think I will have iced tea, too," Jack said.

"I can hardly wait for our baby to be born." Rose smiled at Jack.

"I can hardly wait, either." Jack smiled back at Rose.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" Rose asked.

"It does not matter to me," Jack replied. "Maybe we will have twins."

"That would be wonderful," Rose replied, hoping she was carrying twins.

"It would be wonderful," Jack agreed.

Then a waiter came up to their table. "Sorry if I kept you two waiting. This place has been really busy today."

"That is okay," Jack replied. "We will both have the roasted chicken and baked potato with butter and sour cream. For our drink, we will have iced tea."

The waiter wrote down their orders and left.

"So, do you want to do anything later tonight?" Rose asked.

"Yes. How about if we just spend some time alone, since after the baby is born, we won't have much time to spend any time alone."

"Sounds good to me." Rose smiled.

The waiter came back just then. "Sorry, we are out of everything except for lamb with mint sauce."

Rose and Jack looked at each other. "Let's go, since neither of us care for lamb," Jack said, standing up.

"Sorry about that," the waiter replied.

"That is okay," Jack replied. "So, Rose, do you want to head back to the cabin?"

"Yes, but after we find something to eat. I am starving," Rose replied, standing up.

With that, Jack and Rose headed down to the third class.

"I heard there will be a party down here," Jack told Rose as they walked into the third class dining room. "Do you want to go?"

"Yes, but only for a couple of hours," Rose replied.

"The party does not start until six o'clock. We can get something to eat, then head back to our cabin and spend sometime alone. We don't have to come to the party early. It will go on until midnight, so how about if we get to the party around eight o'clock or nine o'clock?"

"Sounds good to me." Rose smiled at Jack.

Together they walked into the third class dining room, which was empty.

They sat down at a table and looked at the small menu.

"Hi. Can I take your order?" a waiter asked.

"Yes. We both will have the roasted chicken, bake potato with butter and sour cream, and iced tea to drink," Jack replied, hoping third class was not out of roasted chicken, too.

"Is that all sir?" the waiter asked.

"Yes, that is all," Jack replied.

The waiter nodded and said, "I will have you orders ready shortly."

Within five minutes, the waiter was back with their orders.

"Thank you," both of them said.

"You are welcome," the waiter said, before leaving.

Rose and Jack ate in silence so they could get back to their cabin and spend sometime alone before they headed back down for the party.


They walked back into their cabin.

"So, what do you want to do first?" Rose asked, taking off her shoes.

"How about if we take a bath together?" Jack suggested as he headed towards the bathroom.

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Rose replied, following him.

Rose turned on the water, and poured in some bubble bath. Rose and Jack got in and spend over an hour in the bathtub, washing each other's backs and hair.

"Well, it is time to get out, before we turn into prunes," Jack said.

Rose laughed at Jack's comment.

They got out together and dried each other off. They wrapped a towel around themselves and walked out of the bathroom.

Jack walked over to the wardrobe and took a clean shirt and pants from a hanger.

"What do you want to wear?"

"The purple dress with the small white flowers on it," Rose replied.

Jack grabbed it from its hanger and handed it to Rose.

"Thank you," Rose replied.

"You are welcome, Rose."

Rose walked up to him. "Can you please help me with the zipper?"

"Sure," Jack replied, zipping the dress. "So what do you want to do next?"

Rose thought for a moment before answering. "How about if we go to the library? There is a book I want

to read, and I want to see if they have it at the second class library."

"Okay," Jack replied. "Maybe we can read it to each other tonight if we find it."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Rose smiled.

Jack smiled back, and they headed to the library with their arms around each other's waists.

Chapter Seven