Chapter Eight

Jack led Rose to the boat deck, where there was a table for two set up.

"Close your eyes," he said, as he led her to a chair.


"Just close your eyes. You will see in a few seconds."

Rose closed her eyes.

"Okay. You can open them now," Jack said, as he helped her sit down.

Rose opened her eyes, and said, "Jack, this is a wonderful surprise," as she hugged him. "How did you plan this without me knowing?"

Jack just smiled, and replied, "I have my ways."

Just then, a waiter came over. "Can I take your orders?"

"Yes. We both will have a cheeseburger, fries, and one glass of Coke with two straws. Is that okay with you, Rose?" he asked, looking at her.

Rose smiled, and replied, "I love what you ordered."

The waiter left with their orders.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" Jack asked.

"Well, I thought about going to tonight's party, but instead, let's sneak up to first class and go swimming in their pool."

"Sounds like a plan to me. Rose, come with me for a second. There is something I want to show you."

Rose stood up and walked over to where Jack was sitting.

Jack stood up, and said, "Rose, follow me."

Rose followed Jack to the bow of the ship, where he pointed out dolphins.

"Oh, Jack, they are beautiful!" she exclaimed, as she kissed him.

"I knew you would like to see the dolphins," he replied, kissing her back.

"Maybe we better get back," Rose said, finally pulling back.

Jack nodded, and replied, "Hopefully there is more of that to come tonight."

"Oh, there is, and then some." She smiled.

Rose and Jack walked back to their table, where their food was waiting.

"Do you want to do anything after we eat?" Rose asked, taking a bite of her cheeseburger.

"Yes, there is." He smiled.

Rose smiled, wondering what Jack had in mind.

"Are you ready to find out what I have in mind?" Jack asked, a few minutes later.

"Yes," Rose replied, standing up.


A few minutes later, Jack stopped walking and opened a door.

"Jack, this is a storage room."

"I know," he said, as he led her inside.

Closing the door, he turned to Rose and started to kiss her.

"Oh, Jack," Rose responded, kissing him back.

Jack slowly took off Rose’s clothes, as he kept on kissing her.

"Rose, you are beautiful," he said, as he kissed her body.

Rose kissed him back as she started to slowly undress him.

Finally, both of them were undressed, and ended up making love in the storage room.

"Thank you for everything, Jack," Rose said, when they were finished and lying in each other’s arms.

"You are welcome, Rose. Well, I hate to say it, but we better get dressed."

Rose nodded, gathered her clothes, and began to dress.

"Can you help me with this zipper?" she asked Jack, who was already dressed.

"Yes," he replied, walking over to her.

"Thank you," Rose replied, as she kissed him.

"You are welcome, Rose," he said, as he kissed her, but pulled back just in time.

"There is more of that to come when we get back to our cabin," she whispered in Jack's ear.


Cal woke up and demanded to know what had happened to him.

"You were hit in the head with a reading lamp, sir," the doctor replied.

"Was the person arrested?"

"No. They found it to be in self-defense."

"What? I was almost killed, and they got away with it? This should not have happened. I demand they be arrested now!" Cal yelled.

"I am sorry, but if you had not tried to attack Ruth, this would not have happened."

Cal stood up, and said, "I will take care of this myself, since you refuse."

Cal took a piece of paper that had the Dawsons’ cabin number on it and stuffed it in his pocket.

The doctor picked up the phone. "Hello. Get me the Master-at-Arms."


Jack and Rose walked into their cabin, where they started to take off their clothes. "Jack, can you please help me with my zipper again?" Rose asked Jack, who was already completely undressed.

"Of course," he replied, walking over to her. Kissing her deeply, he helped her undress.

At first, they just kissed, but finally ended up making love right on the floor.

"Rose, do you hear knocking?"

"Yes, I do," Rose replied.

"Should we answer it?"

"No. Do not answer it," Rose replied, as she kissed Jack deeply.

Jack kissed her back, and replied, "I am glad you did not want to answer it."

"It probably was not very important," Rose replied, laying her head on Jack's chest.

"You are probably right," Jack replied, as they lay in each other’s arms.

"Jack, are you ready to go swimming now?"

"Of course, but what about swimsuits?"

"What swimsuits? We don't need them."

Jack smiled at the thought of making love in the water.

They both got dressed in easy to take off clothes and headed for the pool, kissing all the way.


When they got to the pool, they where glad to find it empty.

"Come on in, Jack. The water is fine."

Jack jumped in, swam over to Rose, started to kiss her, and before long they had made love in the water for over an hour.

"I hate to stop, but maybe we should leave before anybody comes and wants to use the pool," Jack said, as he kissed Rose.

Rose nodded, and replied, "I guess you are right."

Jack and Rose dressed and walked out of the pool with their arms around each other, not knowing the nightmare they were about to endure.

Chapter Nine