Chapter Nine

Cal had sneaked into their cabin and was hiding in the closet when they finally walked in.

"I plan to take a bath. Do you want to take one with me?" Rose asked, as she headed for the bathroom.

"Yes, I would, but first I have to see Sara and your mother about something."


"It is a surprise. You will find out tomorrow."

"Okay." Rose smiled.


Rose started to get the bath ready right after Jack had left.

Rose walked back into the cabin, where she took off her clothes and waited for Jack to return.

"You are beautiful, Rose."

Rose turned, thinking it was Jack.

"Cal, what are you doing here?"

"To get what is rightly mine," he replied.

"Cal, leave. Now."

"No. I came for what is mine, and I am going to get it," he replied, locking the door.

Rose tried to escape, but Cal caught her and pushed her onto the bed, where he forced himself on her.

Rose tried to fight Cal off, but he was too strong.

"Rose, please open up. It is me, Jack."

No answer.

"Rose, are you okay?"

Jack got worried when Rose did not answer, so he tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Rose, please open the door."

"Answer the door, but if you tell anyone what happened, I will kill you. Is that in any way unclear?"


"Good," Cal replied, as he hid in the closet.

Rose dried her tears and went to open the door.

"Rose, what is wrong?" Jack asked, seeing the blood on the bed.

"I don't feel well," Rose said, fainting into Jack's arms.

"Rose, wake up," Jack said, but Rose remained unconscious.

Jack carried her to the bed and laid her down. He felt for a pulse. He found one, but it was weak.

"Don't die, Rose. I love you," he said, as he kissed her on the forehead.

He picked up the phone. "Please send a doctor right away." He held Rose's hand while waiting for the doctor, trying to wake her up.


A doctor finally knocked on the door.

Jack led him to Rose, who remained unconscious.

The doctor checked over Rose, and said, "I need to take your wife to the ship’s hospital. She has lost a lot of blood, and only has a fifty percent chance of waking from her coma."

"Can I come?" Jack asked, with tears in his eyes.

"Yes. Maybe if you talk to her, she will wake up."

As they left with Rose, Cal sneaked out of the closet, and said, "Jack, you will join Rose in death," as he patted a gun in his pocket.


Rose remained unconscious for two and a half days before she finally woke up and found Jack crying and holding her hand.

"Jack, what happened?" she asked, weakly.

"Don't try to talk, Rose. You were attacked."

Rose could not remember the attack. The last thing she remembered was getting the bathtub ready for her and Jack.

Jack did not have the heart to tell her she had lost the baby, but knew he had to.

"Rose," he began, holding her hand. "The baby is gone."

Rose closed her eyes, and said, "I don't want to live if the baby is gone."

"No, Rose. Please don't die. I need you."

Rose’s eyes remained closed, and her breathing was getting shallow.

Jack stayed with Rose, trying to will her to live.

Finally, Rose opened her eyes.

"Rose, I am glad you are back."

"I almost gave up, but my father said I would be selfish to leave you like this. He was right. He also said that we will have many babies."

"I am glad you decided to fight this and live," Jack said, as he kissed her on the forehead.


Cal was arrested, and was charged with rape and attempted murder. He tried to buy his way out of it, but no one took his bribe. He end up being killed when he tried to escape with the same gun that he had planned to use on Jack.

His body was shipped back to Pennsylvania.


Jack and Rose finally arrived in Europe.

The doctor had told Rose to take it easy for a few days, so they decided to spend their first day just exploring the shops and cafes.

Chapter Ten