Chapter One

"That one should go over here, John," Celeste Callister told her fiancé. She shifted her eyes from her mother to him, glaring to herself. Her mother had set her up for an arranged marriage with John, all because he was rich. He seemed to love her, but she could never to sure about this man who looked quite catty, almost like he was up to some evil and enticing plan.

"Oh, dear, why must you have these despicable finger paintings with you all the time?" John asked her, giving her a glance that she saw as a critical look.

She turned her head from him. "You have no interest in art. So, stop criticizing me about it!" she shot back coldly. She looked down at the rich red carpet covering the floor of the inn in which they would be residing for a little while to make a few wedding plans. "Get away from me," she muttered under her breath angrily, "forever." She looked down at her long, ruffled blue dress. Why did ladies always have to wear dresses? It wasn’t quite fair.

"Young lady, you will respect John," her mother, Carrie Callister, told her very firmly.

"Yes, ma’am." She peeked out of the window. The sky outside held sunshine. She longed to get out of there. See if I respect him, she thought angrily. She did not like him that much at all. He was worthless to her. She flung her long, curly blonde hair over her shoulder. She had not bothered pinning it. She walked to the door and opened it, attempting to leave her suite for a little while.

"Celeste! Where do you think you’re going?" John asked, a demanding look on his face.

"See if I tell you." She turned coldly, walking off. But John caught her tightly by the arm as she tried to free herself from his grasp.

"Oh, yes, my dear, we will see. You will stay here, under my supervision." His eyes held anger in them, and she did not like it.

"I am not yours to control, John. I’m your fiancée." Her eyes held coldness, not love. She finally freed herself from his grasp, and, without a word, escaped outside. The air was cool. It was the beginning of April, and spring had finally begun. Flowers were blooming in perfect lines along the streets, which were bustling with people. She decided to go and look around in some shops. The scent of bakeries filled the air with their fragrance. She spotted a store that looked to have many odd and ends. She walked inside and saw many different kinds of perfume on one shelf, and fabrics on another. She saw wooden toys for children and dresses of every size, shape, and color. She read the sign. Ella’s Dry Goods. She guessed that it must be a shop for dresses. She looked around at the hats with tall feathers, and at the ruffled dresses and the ones decorated with sparkling beads. Now, of course, she was very rich, so she had dresses like these, if not prettier. She gave a small smile to the store clerk at the front desk.

"Hello, miss," the lady began. "May I help you?" Her voice was warm and kind, and she seemed friendly enough.

"No, thank you. I am just looking around…" Her voice trailed off as she continued browsing. She saw little beaded purses and other things. She walked out of the shop and wandered around the town. Hmm, she thought. I wonder what else is here. She watched as people of every sort walked the streets on this nice, sunny day. She moved out of the way as a carriage with two handsome chestnut stallions pulling it came through. She sighed. Her whole life was under the thumb of John. She came across a small but elegant bakery. She walked in and ordered a croissant from the baker. There were many delicious-looking choices, but she wanted the croissant now. She said thank you and walked out, finishing the last of it. She decided that she had better start heading back to the hotel before John came looking for her. It would not be very good if he came looking for her. She gave a deep sigh and headed to Rena Lane, where it was located. The tall building was quite elegant, really made only for the richer people. She opened the door to the lobby and gave a small smile at the doorman. She walked up to her room, fearing what was on the other side of the door.

"Where have you been?" John greeted her, giving her a look of disapproval. Anger shone in his harsh brown eyes. She realized that her mother was not there, and she feared what he might do to her.

"I went for a walk," she said simply, glaring at him through her glassy blue eyes. She studied her large room, decorated with many beautiful pictures. It was practically a house in itself.

"You should have been back sooner, Celeste." His words were harsh and piercing. "It’s almost time for dinner. Your mother should be back quite soon," he explained to her. She did not like how he was looking at her. "You will wear this dress," he said, holding up a pretty green dress, decorated with white beads and long ruffles. But it was not what she was planning to wear. How could he just control her like this?

She shifted her eyes. "Actually, I was thinking of wearing the red one instead," she argued. She liked red better than green.

"Listen to me, Celeste!" he yelled. "You will do as I say!" He struck fear into her heart then. She saw him reach up, about to slap her.

Oh, no. You will not, she thought, but relief swept over her as her mother walked into the room. He lowered his hand.

"Excuse me," her mother began. "What is going on here?" She looked from Celeste to John.

Oh, I will tell you, Mother, she thought. But just as she opened her mouth to speak, John spoke rudely.

"Nothing, Madame. We were just having some simple conversation. Right, Celeste?" He appeared innocent to her mother, which angered her greatly. But she feared what he would do to her if she told the truth to her mother.

"Yes…" she agreed timidly, shifting her eyes from place to place.

"It’s dinner time now," John told them, hurrying them towards the door. Relief filled her. He was a horror to her. Why had her mother picked him, of all men? Why could she not have let her choose her husband?

"All right…" She let out her breath. She realized that she had been holding it for a minute or more. Her heart was beating fast. She walked down the hallway, following behind them as they headed towards the dining room. She studied the red walls with gold trim. It was quite elegant, though the place seemed dreadful because John’s presence walked the halls of it.

"Sit here," John told her, seating her in a softly cushioned chair at a cherrywood table. The table was set with beautiful china dishes and a nice white tablecloth.

"All right…fine," she affirmed to him, making a small face of dread. She knew exactly what the conversation was about. Wedding plans.

"Now, we need to decided what color dress you’d prefer, Celeste," her mother spoke to her. Before Celeste could answer, some of her mother’s lady friends sat down at the table with them. "Hello, ladies," her mother greeted them.

"Hello, Carrie. Ah…yes, she shall soon be a newlywed," a lady answered.

Celeste scowled.

"Yes. John shall be a good husband for her." Her mother looked at her, as if Celeste was supposed to speak now. But as she opened her mouth, John interrupted her.

"I think ivory would be lovely, and for the bridesmaids, purple should be nice," John said.

"Actually, ivory is nice. But I like red better than purple for the bridesmaids!" Celeste shot back, her eyes full of anger.

"Celeste!" he shot back at her. "I think we need to talk. Now! Please excuse us, Carrie," he said, pulling her up. She tried to free herself from his grasp, but failed in the attempt.

"You will not talk like that to me. Do you understand?" he asked her firmly, his eyes showing sheer rage.

"All right…" she answered timidly, her eyes filling with tears. They walked back to the table and ate in silence.


She lay in bed that night, thinking of how horrible her life was going to be when she married him. He had already tried to abuse her a number of times. Plus, he controlled her, and it was not fair. What she needed was a way out, a way to be free from this pain. Now…I could always run away…but that could also have its bad consequences, too…oh, well. I am sure I will get free somehow, she thought sadly to herself, and then she cried herself to sleep, hoping and praying that some way would come.

Chapter Two