Chapter Seven

Celeste, still in a deep daze from the kiss, treaded gracefully into the apartment with Sam. It was marvelous to know what real love felt like, and not fake love as John had shown her. She clung tightly to Sam, wishing that there were no trials in the world that could possibly separate them.

Now, it was the moment of truth. "Sam," Celeste began, drawing his total attention to her, "I want to go to America with you." She was all the way truthful. He pulled her closer, and she felt the warmth of his body against hers.

"Oh, Celeste…are you sure? I want you to come with me…but you wouldn’t get the rich life like you had…"

She saw his slightly sad expression and pulled back slightly to look him in the eyes. "Sam…I do not care what you have to offer me. All that matters to me is that I am with you." She knew that she couldn’t go back to the life she had once lived…a meaningless social life. Sure, from the outside it might look like the best life to live, but on the inside, it was horrible. She had had no freedom, and no real love. She had had no choice of her husband, or whether to marry or not. She had had no choice in what friends to have, either, or even how to dress and what to wear. She knew that in Sam’s world, there was freedom and real love.

Sam’s penetrating gaze bore right into her soul, seeing that she meant her words. "Then that’s great with me. We’ll find a way. I promise." He kissed her forehead softly and caressed her cheek, cherishing her.

"I know. I trust you," she said, standing nearer to him. She blushed slightly as he stroked her hair. It was a lot for her to handle. But she was very mature for her age of seventeen. When her mother had told her she was marrying John, Celeste had thought she was too young to marry, but her mother hadn’t listened. Her mother only looked at men for her for their money, not for love. She recalled the nights of misery as John treated her like a worthless toy. Oh, the pain she had felt then. But then had come Sam, her knight in shining armor, who had rescued her from the misery of John. She wondered how Rose must feel, cooped up in a gilded cage with Cal.

Sam and Celeste just stood there for a while, holding each other in their arms. She rested her head against his chest, smiling, as he stroked her hair. He reminded her slightly of her father, of how he had held her so softly in his arms. Her father and she had never had a very close relationship, because she was raised to be an indoor girl. But she had still loved her father, and missed him terribly. Her father had developed cancer and had died. She had always wondered why it had happened. But she knew that one day she would see him again. She turned her attention back to Sam.

Sam loved her for who she was, not for her looks or her social status. Oh, how she hated the status quo! It drove her crazy. There was always a certain way she had to dress, and a certain way she had to speak. But what she had always hated most about the status quo and society was how they treated poorer people. They treated them like they were nothing, just insects flying aimlessly around on earth. She had never been one to treat others that way. She had always wanted to be different. I wonder exactly what he thinks of me, she thought. I wonder if he thinks I wouldn’t survive out in the world.

"Celeste, we’ll have to find some way to get to America. I’ll see if I can get us tickets for the Olympic." They sat down next to each other on the couch.

"Yes. I just don’t feel quite right about that new ship, the Titanic." She glanced around the room and came back to meet his eyes. He was so handsome, his blond hair falling just above those beautiful blue eyes.

"I get your point. Now, we’d probably better be off to bed. It’s been a long day."

"All right. Good night, then," she answered wistfully, not wanting to leave him.

"Okay. Come on…" He playfully pulled her up off of the couch and brought her in front of him. Soon, they were embraced in an ardent kiss. She blushed slightly, and took a deep breath as they pulled slightly apart. He gripped her hand delicately and led her down the hall to her room. There, the two sat on her bed, wrapped in each other’s arms. He gave her a sweet kiss, and then gently pushed a stray curl off of her face.

"Good night. I love you," he whispered. She reached up to kiss him.

"I love you, too. Good night." He gave her one last hug, and then they parted reluctantly. She snuggled under the soft covers, smiling to herself. She said her prayers, including one that John would not find them. She peered down the hall from her bed and noticed a light on. She knew that Sam must still be awake. She closed her eyes and drifted off into a restless sleep.


Gunshots were heard from overhead, and an angry scream echoed through Celeste’s ears. She held firmly onto Sam’s warm hand, and they broke into a vigorous run, laughing all the way. They had finally lost John. They slowed down to a walk, gasping for breath as they walked along the sandy shoreline, watching as the crystal waves crashed up against the shore.

"Hey! Watch out!" Sam yelled playfully as they bounded into the cool water, enjoying the feeling of the water against their feet. Sam brought her up to him, and they started into an ardent kiss. But it didn’t last forever.

"There they are!" Cal and John’s voices rang out from a little bit farther on. Celeste let out a frightened scream, but Sam held her tightly.

"Shh, Celeste. It’s okay. I’ve got you." Sam’s comforting voice filled her ears. Sam thrust her forward, and they began to run from those evil monsters. Perhaps they would escape them soon. Celeste heard the last gunshot. Before she knew it, her beloved was lying on the ground, panting for breath. She gasped as she saw a stream of blood staining his white shirt, and ran to his side. Tears ran down her cheeks.

"Sam…oh Sam…" She took her shawl and wrapped it around the bleeding place. She had to get him to a hospital, and quickly.

"Celeste Martha Callister!" An angry John ran up behind her and fiercely grabbed her arm so that it hurt. She screamed in pain as he yanked her forward.

"No!" she screamed. But John paid no attention to her screams. The next thing she knew, she was on the ground. She had fainted.


Celeste awoke suddenly to Sam shaking her.

"Celeste! Celeste! Wake up!" he called to her.

Celeste gasped and hugged him tightly to make sure he was still there. "Sam…oh, Sam…you’re here…" Tears were running down her cheeks as she choked out the words.

"Yes, yes. I’m here, Celeste. Now, what’s wrong?"

"He…he shot you…Sam. You were going to…die…" she sobbed.

"Hey, hey. I’m not going to die. I’m here." He held her in his arms warmly.

"I’m…sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up…" She sighed deeply and clung tighter to him.

"Oh, no…it’s okay. I’m more worried about you. He won’t get you, Celeste. I won’t let him." And with that, he brought her into a passionate kiss. When they pulled apart slightly, it was he who spoke. "Celeste, if it’ll help any, you can sleep in my room, or I’ll come sleep in yours. That should help you not to have bad dreams." He smiled warmly, still holding her.

"That would be fine…" Her voice trailed off, thinking of how much Sam reminded her of her father. Her father had come and protected her from nightmares and dangerous things. That was, until Mother would come along and say it was nonsense.

"Okay, Celeste. I’ll be right back." He smiled warmly at her and headed out of the room. Celeste sat in wonderment, her heart soaring. Sam was almost more like a father to than her beloved! But she still loved him all the same.

Sam appeared in the doorway, holding a bundle of blankets and a pillow in his arms. "Here we are." He looked very happy to help comfort her. He fixed up a spot on the floor. Next, he got up, walked over, and sat on the bed next to her. He tenderly took her hands, and she was wrapped up in a loving hug. "Now, if you need anything, just wake me up. I’ll be right here."

"All right. Thank you." She sighed with happiness, feeling warm inside. It was spectacular to have sturdy, loving arms to fall back in.

"I love you, Celeste. Good night," he said comfortingly, giving her a kiss.

"I love you, too, Sam. Good night." She smiled up at him, enjoying the warmth of his body against hers. He soon got up and lay down in his makeshift bed. She noticed that he was beaming with happiness, and she was doing the same. They lay in their beds, and soon drifted off into a deep sleep.


Celeste awoke dreamily, warm in her bed. She noticed that Sam wasn’t on the floor anymore. She thought he must have already gotten up. She smiled to herself as she thought of the events of the previous day. She arose from bed, smelling the pleasant aroma of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen. She took it all in as she made her bed. She combed out her hair and decided to leave it down for the day. She ambled into the kitchen after she had smoothed out her dress. She stood in the doorway to the kitchen, watching as Sam moved about the room, smiling. He hadn’t noticed her standing there. "Sam?" she asked, and laughed as he jumped, nearly dropping the plate in his hand.

"Whoa! You kind of scared me there!" He laughed and wrapped her in a loving hug. She smiled as he planted a kiss on her lips. "But good morning. Sleep well?" he queried as he pulled away slightly.

"As always, nicely. What about you?"

"Of course. All’s well for me. But we’d be even better if we got some breakfast. Today, we need to go and see about ship tickets."

"Oh, all right. That sounds fun. We just have to be careful." She sighed. It was really bad to always have to worry about trouble with enemies.

"Ah…yes. Don’t worry. You know I’ll protect you."

"Of course. I trust you."

They smiled at each other as they sat down to eat the delicious home-cooked meal. When they had finished eating, Celeste got up and washed the dishes. Sam had gone to put on a different shirt. He came out dressed in handsome attire, which made her smile.

"Ready?" he asked, gently grabbing her hand.

"Yes." And with that, they walked out the door together.

"Truly, no worries, Celeste. He’s not going to get you. I promise," he whispered comfortingly, keeping her at his side. She guessed that he had seen the worry in her eyes.

"Yes, but what exactly will we do when we get to America, Sam?" she asked.

"Ah…don’t worry. We’ll find a way. I made my way here, didn’t I?"

"Yes…you did. All right. I’ll stop worrying so much now."

"Good…because if you don’t…" He playfully punched her, making her laugh. They walked along the road in comfortable silence.

"So, where exactly is your hometown in America?" she asked.

"I come from Fairfield, Virginia, if you know where that is. Kind of a hole in the wall, or at least last time I was there it was…" His seemed kind of sad to her.

"And when was that?" she inquired.

"Um…roughly five years ago…"

"I don’t mean to be rude…but exactly why did you leave again?" He had once told her why, but had forgotten some details.

"Because I was mad at my family, so I ran away."

"That’s sad…"

"Yeah, I know. But I may go back there."

"That would be nice…"

She leaned against his shoulder as they walked farther down the street. They were heading for the dock to purchase tickets for the Olympic.

Suddenly, she spotted a familiar figure, and her heart was struck with fear. She sighed with relief to see that it was the familiar redhead, Rose. But Cal and John might possibly be with her, so no chances should be taken.

"Sam…duck!" she whispered fiercely.

"What is it?"

"I see Rose! But John or Cal could be with her…"

"Oh, dear. Come on."

Sam led her off a little way as they tried to find a place to hide. But it was too late. Rose had spotted them, as she had done before.

"Celeste!" Rose yelled after them. Celeste noticed that Rose was carrying a bundle in her arms. Oh, no, she thought with dread. She prayed that neither John nor Cal would be with her.

"Hello, Celeste! How are you?" Rose asked, giving her friend a warm hug.

"Great…" Celeste couldn’t help but smile. She looked helplessly at Sam.

"Um…your mother and John told me to give this to you. It’s your dresses, I think. John told me that they were worthless to him, and that he was letting you go for now." Rose handed her the bundle.

"Thanks…" Celeste answered. "But are they with you?"

"No, thankfully. I finally got out on my own."

"That’s great."

"How are you and Sam?"

"Great, actually. We finally escaped the turmoil of John."

Sam stepped forward, taking Celeste’s hand.

"Yeah, and fell in love, just for good measure…" Celeste looked at him as he spoke, and smiled.

"Yes. That’s true…"

"Oh! That’s wonderful, Celeste!"

"Sure is. Now, we were just heading down to the docks. Want to come?" Celeste asked.

"I would, but I don’t want to get you into trouble."

"No. It’s all right. I don’t think he’s going to find me."

"All right. But are you still going to go on the Titanic?"

Celeste shook her head. "No. The Olympic. It would be safest."

"Ah…yes. I see."

"Celeste, we’d better get a move on here," Sam said, playfully giving her a push.

"All right. Come on, you."

And with that, they walked along, talking and laughing about the different circumstances they had gone through. Suddenly, Rose broke in.

"Um…I need to get back before Cal comes looking for me…"

"Um…all right. But be careful," said Celeste and Sam in unison. Celeste hugged her friend and watched as she walked off.

"So, which building do we go in?" Celeste asked Sam.

"Um…that one over there," he replied, pointing to a small building not too far from where they were standing.

Sam led her toward the building, where a tall, heavyset, dark-haired woman was standing. "Excuse me. Are you the ticket clerk?" Sam asked.

"Why, yes, young man and young lady. May I help you two?"

"Um…yes. We’re looking to get tickets for the Olympic, third class. Can you help us?"

"Let me check. Now, you just wait here," her warm voice said. They watched a she disappeared into the building. Soon, she came out.

"I’m sorry…but the Olympic won’t be docking here until next month, on the fifteenth. The ship leaving the soonest, the day after tomorrow, is the Titanic."

Sam threw a glance at Celeste. "Celeste?"

"Maybe we should wait until the fifteenth of next month, if that’s all right." Celeste’s blue eyes were pleading.

"Okay, Celeste." He turned to the woman. "We’ll take the tickets, ma’am."

"Okay. I’ll be right back."

Celeste ran up to Sam and hugged his neck. She kissed him deeply. "Oh, thank you, Sam!"

"You’re welcome!"

"I love you!"

"I love you, too. Look. Here she comes with our tickets." He pointed to the lady returning to them, holding two tickets.

"Here you go, sir." He handed her the money, and then she gave him the tickets. Both Sam and Celeste were very happy. She laughed as she and Sam spun around happily.

"Get ready, ’cause we’re going to America!" he exclaimed.

"And I’m glad. Thank you."

"You’re welcome." And with that, they became embraced in a deep and passionate kiss. True love at last. And they would soon be in America, with no worries.


Celeste and Sam fell deeply in love with each other. Now, the journey awaited them. They would have to face, but they would make it through out of love.

The End.
