Chapter Two

One Single Rose
Three Months After the Sinking

Rose awoke that morning in Molly's new house in New York. Molly had bought the house and insisted that Rose stay with her. As she awoke she felt unusually happy. Like nothing had happened at all with Jack, or Titanic. She looked around the small room and knew where she was. She even realized why she had been there in the first place. But something told her her luck would change today.

She got out of bed and got dressed. She went down to the corner restaurant where she had been working for the past two months. It paid good enough for the time being and Rose liked it there. She had met a girl named Violet the first day and they instantly became friends, so Rose was never bored. She opened the door to the restaurant, walked over to the counter and put on her apron, then got to work.

"Hi, Rose. How are you this morning? Well, I hope," came a happy voice that could only belong to Violet.

"I'm fine, Violet. I hope you are well."

"Oh, I'm just fine," rang Violet. Rose had yet to see Violet in an unhappy mood.

"That's good," chimed Rose as a customer walked in.

"Hello, sir. May I help you?" asked Violet.

"Yes, I have to speak to a Rose Dawson. Tell her it's Dr. Harrison," said the man.

Rose had previously had an appointment with him and asked him to come to the restaurant to tell her what he came up with. She had been ill for the past three months. Dizziness and nausea, but still went to work. After all, she still had money to make.

Rose came up to the counter and asked, "Yes, doctor? What is wrong with me?" her voice trembling. She wasn't sure if it had to do with the hypothermia she had for a day or two after, well you know.

"Well, young Rose, it seems that you have a severe case of..." and he stopped.

"Of what? What?" she asked getting annoyed.

"Well...of motherhood. You're pregnant, Rose," he said with a smile.

"Oh, my God! That's wonderful! Hey, Violet! Guess what? I'm pregnant!" she said with hope and joy.

"Oh, Rose, that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you!" said Violet as she hugged Rose.

"Well Rose, I've got to get back to my office now. Congratulations. Bye!" said the doctor and headed out the door.

"Bye!" Rose yelled after him. But Rose still felt unusually happy, but what other things could possibly be better than having Jack's baby? she thought. She got back to work in the kitchen, and shut the door so as not to be interrupted. Then another customer came in the door.

"Hello, sir. May I get you anything?" asked Violet.

The man only looked up at her with tears in his eyes. "What's wrong, sir? Anything I can do to help?" asked Violet caringly.

"Not unless ya know how to find a missing person. But, oh, what the hell. I'll tell ya who. Hey, maybe you know her?" he asked with a kind, gentle voice.

"Well, sir, I'd love to help, but I can't unless you give me her name," Violet said with a little giggle.

"Oh, right. Sorry. Her name is Rose. Rose DeWitt Bukater. Do ya know her?" He looked up with his words and into her eyes.

She immediately trusted him. "Yes, I do, but where did you get that DeWitt Bukater part? It's Dawson now, Rose Dawson," said Violet.

The man's eyes widened at the sound of the name. "Please, where is she, Ma'am? I have to find her. You don't know how long I've been looking," said the man with hope.

"Wait here. I'll get her," said Violet as she headed into the kitchen.

"HEY, ROSE!" Violet yelled across the noisy room. Rose came over to her.

"What?" she asked.

"There's a man out here claims to know you. Said your name was DeWitt Bukater or something."

"OK. I'll go see who it is. Stay here and tend to my duties while I tend to yours," said Rose.

She went out into the main part of the restaurant and saw a lonely man. Sitting there on the stool, with his back towards her. He vaguely looked familiar to her, from the back, anyway.

"Excuse me, sir?" said Rose. And the man turned around. Rose felt like fainting. She grabbed hold of the counter. It was all she could do to keep herself from collapsing. "Oh, did you, oh God, how did you get here?" she asked, looking into the man's eyes. Then all of the sudden she became fearless and strong. She stood up and stood her ground.

"Listen, Rose, I love you. I never told you cause I didn't have the chance, but I do. I love you, Rose. I love you," said the man.

"You never loved me!" she yelled as she realized who the man really was. It was the man she loved to hate. It was Cal.

"Listen, Rose, I didn't come here to fight, so I'll put it this way. I know how much Jack meant to you and he gave me something to give to you in hopes you understand. The part where I said I love you, well I was reading this," he said as he handed her a letter with familiar handwriting. Jack's handwriting. "And he told me to give you this." And he handed her a single rose.

Rose just stood there, speechless. As Cal left she finally uttered, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said, and left. She had nothing to do but read the letter. And it said:

I understand how much I mean to you. And I love you, Rose. I truly love you! I've asked Cal to find you and give you this letter from me. I want to see you, Rose. I want to hold you and tell you it'll be OK now that we can be together. I LOVE you Rose, I love, love, love you. And if you still love me, meet me at 398 East Pennsburrow Street at the little restaurant. Good-bye my love...until tomorrow.

Love always and forever,
Your Jack Dawson------{-@

Rose could hardly believe it. She worked there. By the time she was done reading it was time to go home, so she cleaned up and went home. She worked until 8:30 so she got right to bed. She lay down and shut her eyes thinking of Jack. How much she loved him and how much she wanted to be in his arms. And as she drifted off to sleep she was overwhelmed by a wonderful scent...the scent of love, freedom, motherhood, Jack, and the most wonderful scent of all, the scent of one...single...rose...------{-@

Chapter Three