Chapter Ten

April 14th
A Ship's Last Night

"Want another drink?" Tommy shouted to Grace over the music. She nodded her head and accepted the glass Tommy handed her. "How many is that?" he asked, sipping at his own mug.

"I lost count after the fifth." Grace giggled. Tommy looked at her with concern, but she replied with a straight face, "It's only my second. Relax."

Tommy said, "You've already had one, and we haven't danced yet? Last night you dragged me out there after only a few sips!"

"What a marvelous suggestion, Mr. Ryan!" Grace giggled as she grabbed his arm and led him into the midst of the people dancing. Tommy happily spun her around on the dance floor and continued to do so for a length of time.

It was getting late, around 11:30. Tommy approached Grace and discovered she was consuming yet another drink, and clearly becoming tipsy. "I think you've had enough," he said, putting the glass down and gently kissing her rosy cheek. "And it's gettin' late."

"No, I'm fine," Grace protested, reaching for her glass again, losing her balance as she did so. She looked at Tommy, who only smirked at her. Then she gave in. "Perhaps we should call it a night."

The hallway outside was dreadfully quiet compared to the common room as the two slowly walked hand-in-hand back to Tommy's cabin. They had just opened the door when the floor began to shake. A horrible grating noise was heard coming not far away from them, from the bow of the ship. Grace grasped Tommy's hand tighter and looked around for any sign of something explaining the noise. Tommy searched around also as a few heads poked out of their cabins to observe the scene as well. Just as these people shrugged it off, Grace and Tommy did the same.

Grace lay down on Tommy's bottom bunk. He kneeled down on the floor, facing Grace, and slowly traced her jaw with his rough thumb. She let out a small laugh, then leaned in and kissed him. He returned the gesture and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you, too," she whispered back, feeling Tommy's hand grip her own. The wear of the night was beginning to set in on her as her eyelids slowly closed and she drifted into a light sleep. Tommy laid his head on the side of the bed and allowed sleep to overcome him as well.


"Grace! Wake up!" Tommy said, a hint of panic in his voice. Grace hesitantly sat up, her head throbbing as the beginnings to a decent hangover began to form. She rubbed her eyes and turned to Tommy as he was towering over her.

"What is it?" She yawned. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, and her heart stopped as her stocking feet landed in water. The coldness of it was immediately sobering. Tommy didn't answer her as he was quickly stuffing his few belongings into a large bag and a suitcase. "Tommy?"

He glanced over and told her to put on her shoes, which she did speedily. "I woke up and water was comin' under the door," he told her. "I dunno what it is, but it doesn't look too good. We should get movin' and try to figure out what's happenin'." Grace nodded and looked out into the corridor, where many people seemed to have the same idea as Tommy.

"Let's go," Tommy said, coming up behind her and nudging her to go. At the bow of the ship, the cabin doors hung open, as their occupants had already deserted their rooms. Tommy grabbed Grace's hand and hurriedly dragged her along, as she was still dazed over the quick succession of events. He led the way, eventually losing his suitcase among the maze of hallways and acquiring Fabrizio in its place.

They came to a long and crowded hallway that led to one of the stairwells. A steward was standing against the wall handing people lifebelts. Tommy dropped his remaining bag as he lunged ahead and grabbed the steward's last lifebelt. He thrust it over Grace's neck and then continued into the mob.

Tommy shoved his way up the stairwell to the locked gate, with Grace coming along behind him. Commands to open the gate came in different languages from all around. The crewman on the other side held his ground.

"You can't keep us locked in here like animals! The ship's bloody sinkin'!" Tommy shouted at the man.

He seemed to contemplate Tommy's words and the pleas from all around. "Bring forward the women and children!" he yelled to the passengers.

Tommy moved Grace in front of him so that she would be at the opening in the gate. "No," she said to him.

"Grace, don't argue. You have to get out. This may be your only chance," Tommy told her. She opened her mouth to protest again, but was abruptly cut short as the crewman grabbed her arm to drag her outside of the gate. Tommy stood against the wall and reached through the gate to hold Grace's hand as she stood in front of him, tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

The handle of an ax came down upon the heads of many men trying to escape from the sinking ship. The handle collided with Tommy's arm as the crewmen fought for control over the crowd. His arm retreated back through the iron gate.

"For God's sake! There are women and children down here! Let us up so we can have a chance!" Tommy shouted. Then, he calmly said to Grace, "Go find another stairwell. I'll meet you there." He pointed his finger threateningly at the crewman manning the gate, then disappeared into the crowd. Grace turned around and ran down the hallway, trying to find a stairwell that led to the deck below.

Chapter Eleven