Chapter Five

April 11th
Only This Morning

Cassandra sat open-mouthed on her bed as Grace finished explaining the whole incident concerning Tommy.

"I promised him I’d meet him Saturday night below decks. Then he kissed me and took off," Grace said. A sigh escaped her as she fell back onto her bed, thinking about all that had happened.

"Grace, are you mad?" Cassandra asked. "Your father finds you a suitable husband, and now you’re interested in some man you met only this morning?"

"Mother and Father definitely won’t approve of this. I don’t want to be without your support, too," Grace said, frowning.

Cassandra walked over to Grace and laid a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "I’m not against you. I’m just concerned that you’re rushing into things. You’re especially one who doesn’t act rashly."

"It’s completely insane, I know, but’s hard to explain."

The smile that had swept over Grace’s usually stoic face assured Cassandra that whatever it was that was going on between her and Tommy was for the best. "I understand," she said, smiling. "Your secret is safe with me."

Grace embraced Cassandra. "Thank you."

"Well, that was quite a day you had," Cassandra said. "You’re practically engaged, then you almost hurt yourself running from your mother, and the day all ends with you in love."

"The day’s not over yet," Grace stated with a grin.


Montgomery strode to his stateroom to see what it was that his wife needed. Once he arrived, however, his mind was racing with thoughts concerning his daughter. His wife’s small complaint about one slightly impatient steward floated through the air, not heard by Montgomery.

"Dear, do you know where Lawrence is? I need to speak with him," Montgomery asked.

"Mr. Wilson? He should be here any moment now. He’s going to accompany Grace and Cassandra to the dining room after checking in with us," Elizabeth responded.

Wilson gently knocked on the door, and Montgomery answered. Wilson’s wrinkled face was in his usual bright and cheerful smile. Montgomery’s grave look quickly erased his toothy grin.

"Hello," Montgomery said to his assistant. "I need to speak with you."

The urgency in Montgomery’s voice instantly concerned Wilson. "What is it?" he asked worriedly.

"It has to do with Grace."

"Is she all right? Is she hurt?" Wilson asked immediately.

Montgomery shook his head. "No, she isn’t hurt. Just minutes ago I saw her in the hall with a strange man. He looked as though he was a third class passenger."

"Oh, right. He’s the man she met this morning below decks. She got--"

"This morning?" Montgomery asked, thinking over Wilson’s words. "They were kissing in the corridor!" He tried his best to keep his voice down, but the anger in it made it rather hard. Mr. Wilson’s surprised expression lasted as Montgomery took off his hat and straightened his brownish-gray hair, as he always did when thinking.

"Wilson," Montgomery said. "I want you to make sure that she doesn’t see this man again. No matter what. She has too much lose." Wilson nodded, submitting to this request as he would any other. "Do not let her know we are aware of this unless it is absolutely necessary."

Wilson nodded again and waited for anymore requests from his superior. When Montgomery retreated back into his stateroom, Wilson headed towards Grace and Cassandra’s room.

As he approached the door, muffled giggles were barely heard from within. He knocked, and all noise was silenced as the two girls composed themselves. Cassandra’s face soon appeared at the door and let him inside.

"Are you ready to leave for dinner?" Wilson asked.

Grace cheerfully said, "Yes, we are, Larry. Off we go!" She playfully kissed Wilson on the cheek before linking arms with him.

"You’re quite happy," Wilson observed. Grace just flashed him the smile that ad lingered on her lips for quite a while now. Wilson nudged Cassandra gently in the side. "Isn’t that that Douglas man you met earlier?"

Cassandra’s eyes lit up at the mention of his name. "Yes, it is!" she said excitedly. "If you’ll excuse me." She nodded to Wilson and Grace and approached Douglas Johnston.

The sight of the two arm-in-arm only made Grace’s smile grow, as did their shared smiles and adoring stares during dinner. She was happy for her dear cousin, but it also reminded her of her own newfound love. As Grace settled down to sleep that night, she could think to herself that she was truly happy.

Chapter Six