Chapter Ten

"Can I please speak to you for a moment?" asked a very official-looking man. Rose and Jack looked up. It was a few hours after Fabri’s death, and Jack was still very upset.

"I’m sorry. Can we please talk to you later? Whatever it is, I’m sure it can wait. Something terrible just happened," Rose said. Jack sat in silence.

"That’s what we need to talk about, Miss," he said, this time speaking a little softer. "A man was shot on board this ship. We need to sort it out."

"No, you need to sort him out!" Jack said harshly, speaking for the first time since he had left Fabrizio's cold, lifeless body.

"Who might this be?" the man asked.

"Her ex-fiancé, Caledon Hockley," he said, the name tasting bitter in his mouth. "It was him. I know it."

"Did you see this, sir?" he asked, taking out a small notebook.

"No, but I know it was him," Jack said, quietly but bitterly.

"I saw," Rose said, standing up. "It was him. I saw him with a gun at that time, just above us. Right after, he ran."

"Can I take a statement?" he asked.

"Of course," Rose said. Hopefully, this would get him off her case for good.

"Are you coming, sir?" the man asked Jack, who had remained sitting.

"Can I stay here? If that’s okay with you, Rose," he said, looking towards her.

"Yes, of course," she said kindly. She knew he needed to be alone now.

"Don’t worry," Jack said, almost his light-hearted self. He had seen the scared look in her eyes that told him that she was worried that if Cal had been aiming for Jack, which he had been, he wouldn’t give up this easily. "I don’t plan to get shot anytime soon."

Rose smiled at Jack and gave him a small wave before heading off with the man.


"Please tell us who you believe shot this man, Miss," a second man said as she arrived.

"His name is Caledon Hockley," she said. "He is my ex-fiancé."

"Now, wait a minute…" the man said, as if he were piecing something together. "Caledon Hockley’s fiancée was Rose DeWitt Bukater. You, however, are called Rose Dawson."

"That is correct," Rose said simply. "DeWitt Bukater was my old name. I am no longer that person, so I no longer use the name."

"All right," he said, a little confused. "So, the man you are with--he is Dawson?"

"Yes. Jack Dawson," she said, smiling just with the feeling of his name coming out of her mouth.

"So, why," the man asked, "would Caledon Hockley, who we know to be a very law-abiding man, shoot this Fabrizio di Rossi, as you called him?"

"He wasn’t trying to shoot Fabrizio," she said. Her blood boiled at Cal being called a law-abiding man. He had never been such a person. Rose had seen the dodgy deals, and as for possessing a gun, and then shooting an innocent man… "He was aiming for Jack, but Fabrizio dived in front of him, saving his life," Rose said, speaking the last three words softly, with the honor he deserved.

"And why," the man asked, "would he want to shoot Mr. Dawson?"

"Because," Rose said. She was becoming infuriated with these stupid men. These were meant to be detectives? Wasn’t the reason a bit obvious? "I have left Cal for Jack. Cal doesn’t like this, so he wanted to…eliminate the competition," Rose said, trying to put it as simply as possible.

"All right. You may leave," the man said. "We shall investigate."

"Thank you," Rose said. She left the room, muttering to herself in a manner she was proud to say her mother would not have been proud of. She knew full well that Cal would simply bribe the men, as he had done many times before. Her eyes teared at the thought of Fabrizio’s death going unpunished.

She got back onto the deck and saw Jack leaning against the railing, looking out to sea.


Jack was staring out into the cold Atlantic Ocean, thinking about the last few hours. Fabrizio had given his life for Jack’s. Jack felt guilt with every breath he took, because all the time he was here, speaking, breathing, and living, it would be because Fabrizio was not. He felt weak and helpless. He willed with every particle in his body for that scum, Cal, to get what he deserved, but Jack wasn’t an idiot. He knew the way the world worked. Cal would get off simply because it was the word of a steerage passenger against a first class passenger. Even if someone took a chance and believed him and Rose, Cal would simply pay them off to support him. When Jack had met Rose, he had felt the same social class barriers, but love had broken them. Jack was happy to be alive for Rose, but angry with himself for living when his best friend had died.

Just then, he heard footsteps coming up behind him. He turned around to see Rose approaching him.

"Hello," she said softly, putting a hand on his arm.

"Hey," he said, turning back to look out at the sea. "How did it go?"

"I told them what happened," she said. "But I don’t think anything will happen."

"Because that’s just the way the world works, isn’t it?" he said bitterly. "Rich, first class men will be believed above poor steerage gutter rats."

"You aren’t a gutter rat, Jack," she said, tears pricking her eyes that he was talking about himself like this. "You are one of the most gifted, amazing, talented people I have ever met."

"I used to be," he said sadly. "I’m not any of those anymore, not without my arm."

"You are to me, Jack," she said softly, with heartfelt truth. "And you always will be."

They stood in silence for a while, looking out at the vast, freezing waters that had claimed so many lives just a couple of days ago.

"I’m sorry," Rose finally said, breaking the silence.

"What for?" Jack asked.

"Everything," she said. "It’s my fault. If I hadn’t left Cal, he wouldn’t have tried to kill you, and he wouldn’t have hit the wrong man. Fabrizio wouldn’t be dead," she said sadly. "It’s all my fault."

"Rose," Jack said, turning around. He automatically tried to reach his hands to her beautiful face, but now only one could move. "It’s not your fault, and it never will be. You know that, Rose."

"Thank you," she said softly, as if he had forgiven her, even though he had never blamed her.

They both stared out into the ocean, each lost in different thoughts. The ship steamed onwards, on the voyage that the Titanic, sadly, never completed. Rose and Jack stood on the deck, and despite the extreme sadness of losing a dear friend, they were both strangely at peace.

Chapter Eleven