Chapter Eleven

"We have decided," the man who had questioned Rose told her and Jack the next morning, "that Caledon Hockley has a strong alibi for the time of the shooting. Therefore, he had nothing to do with it."

"That’s not true!" Jack shouted. Although he was still filled with sadness, his actions and feelings were back to the passionate man he was before.

"Sir, this is what we have decided. Please leave now. Thank you," he said.

"How much did it cost for you to decide?" Jack spat, anger rising in him, even though he knew this would happen. "Maybe one hundred pounds? Two hundred pounds? What price was put on my friend’s life? How much did he bribe you?"

"That is a very serious allegation," the man said coldly, but a blush rose in his cheeks.

"Leave it, Jack," Rose begged. "They’re not worth it."

"They might not be," he said, heading for the door. "But I know who is."

Rose ran after Jack, who was storming up towards first class. Several men tried to stop him, but he simply stormed past them.

"You son of a bitch!" he shouted when he found Cal.

"Now, now," he said sarcastically. He knew very well why Jack was angry. "That’s not a very nice greeting, is it, Dawson?"

"You son of a bitch," he repeated. "You shot my friend. You will pay," he threatened, his moveable fist curling into a tight ball.

"I’ll pay, will I?" Cal laughed. This just angered Jack further. He stormed towards Cal and punched his left fist into his stomach. Cal doubled over slightly, but regained himself and grabbed hold of Jack’s left arm. Now there was nothing Jack could do. His only working arm was being held. Cal punched his fist over and over into Jack’s chest and stomach. Rose watched in horror as Jack tried to stop crying out in pain. He wouldn’t give the man the satisfaction.

Cal finally stopped and threw Jack to the floor. He crouched down next to Jack and whispered in his ear. "Yes, I killed your little gutter rat friend. It’s a shame I hit the wrong person. Still, it wasn’t a wasted bullet!" he spat, the hot breath blowing into Jack’s ear. Jack wanted with all his might to smack his fist into the man’s smug face, but he was in too much pain. "I always win, Dawson. I always win."

The smug tone of his voice hit Jack like a freight train. He suddenly swung around, hitting Cal in the face. He fell back and landed on his back. By this point, three men had run up and pulled Jack up off the floor, while another helped Cal up.

"What’s the problem here, sir?" the man addressed Cal.

"I believe this man doesn’t belong up here. Please remove him," he said smartly, dabbing blood from his lip.

"Did he do this to you, sir?" he asked, glaring at Jack. "We can take him in for assault if you’d like."

"That isn’t necessary," Cal said, smiling. "Just take him back to where he belongs, and…oh…" Cal said, pulling a twenty pound note out of his pocket and tucking it into the man’s pocket, "…and see that he doesn’t make his way up here again."

"Very good, sir," the man said. "Take him back," he said, addressing the men holding Jack. They pulled Jack down the stairs as Rose headed over to Cal.

"You really are one unimaginable bastard," she said sharply before turning to the stairs to head back to Jack.

"You go, then!" Cal shouted. "Back to that one-armed gutter rat. See what kind of life you have then."

Rose wondered if she should shout back or carry on. Eventually, she walked back to Cal and quietly but sternly said to him, "I’m sure it’s a much better one than I would ever have had with you."

Rose smartly turned around, heading back towards the steps down to third class. She eventually found Jack sitting on a deck chair.

"Are you all right?" she asked him softly, sitting down beside him.

"Yeah, I’m fine." He sniffed. "But I’m useless, Rose. I couldn’t fight back against him. If those guards hadn’t shown up, he would have finished me off."

"But he didn’t, Jack," she said. "And he never will. You’re not useless. As long as you’re here with me, that’s all the use you need to be." She hugged him close. His head rested on her chest as they drifted closer to America and a new life for them both.

Chapter Twelve