Chapter Four

Rose and Jack slept soundly side-by-side that night, happy to be in each other’s arms after the horrors of the night before.

The next morning, Jack awoke as the sunlight streamed in through the windows. He looked across at Rose, who was still sleeping, her delicate figure so peaceful on his working arm. He was captivated by her beauty and allowed himself to just sit and watch her. Her eyes began to flutter open softly. She smiled up at Jack when she saw him over her.

"Hey, Rose," he said softly as she wriggled beside him.

"Are you all right today, Jack?" she asked him. He seemed better, but she was still worried. She couldn’t bear to lose him.

"Arm’s a little funny," he said. This was true, but only half. Actually, he couldn’t feel anything in his arm at all. "You?"

"Just tired." She smiled at him.

"You should go and find something to eat," he said, overwhelmed by a strong urge to care for her.

"I’m all right, Jack," she assured him. "I’m all right as long as I stay with you."

"Hello," the doctor said, walking in. "Oh, good, Mr. Dawson. You’re awake. I’m going to need to examine you. Miss Dawson, you can stay if you like, if it’s all right with Mr. Dawson."

"I’m okay now, Rose. The doctor’s here," Jack said, taking her hand. "Go and take care of yourself."

"If you’re sure, Jack," Rose said.

Jack kissed her hand just like he had when he had had dinner in first class with her. Rose’s heart tingled with happiness at the memory. She headed out of the hospital ward and up to the deck.

"Excuse me, miss," a voice said from behind her.

"Yes?" she replied.

"Can I ask what class you’re in, please?"

"Steerage," she replied, because that was where she felt she belonged. She had never belonged in first class. She had never fit in, and she felt much more at home with Jack and his friends.

"Well, could I please ask you to stay on the lower deck, miss?" he asked. "Sorry. It’s just the rules."

"It’s all right. I was just coming from the hospital ward," she replied, although she didn’t think it was all right at all. Jack and his friends were ten times better than any of the people in first class. They were the kindest, funniest, most caring people she had ever met. They did anything for her. They welcomed her into their place and didn’t judge her on her class. The first class people judged entirely on class and didn’t do anything for anyone unless it would benefit themselves.

The man walked away, and Rose had just started down some steps to find anyone she recognized from steerage when a voice called from behind her.

"Rose! Rose, darling!" It was Cal. Rose quickly started down the stairs to the steerage deck. She got to the bottom, but he caught up with her.

"Rose," he said, stepping in front of her.

"Go away, Cal," she said sharply, dodging him.

"You will stay when I’m talking to you!" he snapped, grabbing her arm.

"Get away from me, Cal. I don’t want to speak to you," she said, struggling to get away.

"You may have tried to leave me, but you are still my fiancée. You are mine, Rose," he warned, threatening her.

Suddenly, a fist came from nowhere, knocking Cal to the ground. Rose jumped back in shock as another fist came at Cal, then another and another.

"Bastardo!" the voice said. "No treat Rosa like that."

"Fabrizio!" Rose said in shock.

"Hello, Rosa," he said.

"How great to see you!" she said, giving him a hug. "I thought…you were…"

"Dead?" Fabrizio finished for her. "Have you seen Helga?" he asked, deep sadness in his voice.

"No. I'm sorry," she said. "But I’ve only just been down here. I was up in the hospital ward with Jack."

"Jack is alive?" Fabrizio asked in happiness.

"Yes," Rose said, smiling. "It was close, but he’s going to be all right now."

"Can we go and see him?" he asked.

"Yes. I think he will be happy to see you." Rose smiled, and they headed back up the steps, just as Cal was waking up.

Chapter Five