Chapter Eight

Cal stormed back to first class with a scowl that screamed for everyone to stay away from him. Most people did. They knew all too well of the temper of Cal and were staying well away. Cal had not yet cut ties with Ruth, Rose’s mother, as he was still trying to win Rose back. When he did, he would need Ruth on his side. In the small chance, or what Cal thought was a small chance, that he failed, he would get far away from Ruth and that family, which was saddled with debt. He knew that all the DeWitt Bukaters had left was their name, and without him they were hopeless. So, as Ruth would be of no use to him, he would get rid of the strain on his bank balance.

His assistant, Lovejoy, had not survived the sinking. Cal had been furious. He was the one who had carried out all of Cal’s dirty deeds, and now he would have to do them alone.

"I can manage this," he whispered to himself, a sick, twisted smile across his face. He had created a plan, a plan that would get Rose back to him for sure.

He tried to dodge Ruth as he saw her coming towards him, but he didn’t get away fast enough.

"Mr. Hockley," she said.

He turned around. "Ruth, my dear! I didn’t see you there." God, I hate this woman, he thought. The sooner he could be rid of her, the better.

"Have you heard from Rose?" she asked him.

"Yes. We had a good conversation," he lied. He didn’t need to tell her the details. She would be his again soon.

"Good," Ruth said. She was waiting for her daughter to stop this ridiculous charade and come back to first class and secure their future. Of course, Ruth could go and look for Rose herself, but she wasn’t going to go anywhere near that filth-ridden third class deck, amongst the dirty and the poor. But if Rose doesn’t get her senses back soon, I will be joining them, Ruth thought bitterly. "I do hope she comes back soon. This silly charade has gone on far too long."

"Yes, Ruth, it has," Cal agreed. He would take Rose back, of course, but discipline would certainly be in order.

"It is so good of you to be prepared to take her back after all that has happened," Ruth said.

"Yes," Cal said, smiling his gentlemanly smile, putting on a false front. "Well, we have all been through a terrible horror, haven’t we? Let’s look to the future. I must go now, Ruth. Please excuse me."

"Of course," she said, waving him away.

Cal couldn’t get away from her fast enough. He headed back to the small stateroom that he had been issued. It was a far cry from the luxury of the Titanic, but compared to what some had, it was good. He only had one more day left of this hellish life to endure and he would be back in America, and he could get back into a decent place to stay.

He rummaged through the small safe in his new room to find what he needed. It was absolutely rubbish compared to his other splendid safe. It would probably have opened with a good kick, but there were some things a man couldn’t carry around all the time.

He removed the panel he had loosened to hide it behind. He closed his hand around the object he needed and pulled it out. He wrapped his fingers around it, feeling the cool feel of it on his warm skin, the feeling of revenge. And this time, he would get it. He found what else he needed. He had got it from an old contact. He was lucky to get it, or the plan wouldn’t have worked. He placed them in the inside of his coat pocket and looked into the mirror above him.

"Yes, Hockley," he said, smirking at himself in the mirror. "You always win."

With one last smooth of his over-pomaded hair, he stepped out of his stateroom and went to find Rose and that gutter rat.

Chapter Nine