Chapter One

It was December when Rose looked through her mail and found a letter addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. Dawson." Rose opened the letter. It read in fancy hand writing that Hannah Smith and Theodore Williams are getting married at the Fairbanks Church in two months. Rose let in a shriek that got Jack's attention.

"Jack, Jack! Come here!" Rose said, still holding the invitation.

"What, what is it?" Jack asked, coming over.

"Teddy and Hannah are getting married!" Rose said, handing Jack the invitation.

"Wow, I can't believe that they didn't tell us," Jack said.

"I guess it was supposed to be a surprise. Just think, after two months of courting Hannah and Teddy are finally getting married!" Rose said, smiling from ear to ear. "I gotta go and tell Rachel!"

"OK, I'm going to go and chop some wood for the fire," Jack said.

"OK," Rose said, and put on her shawl, carrying the letter with her. Rose walked over to Rachel's house, which was not far away. Rose knocked on her door, and Rachel answered it.

"Rachel, did you get the letter?" Rose asked, holding hers up.

Rachel nodded her head, and smiled, saying, "Yes, isn't this wonderful?"

Rose nodded her head. "Yes, it is!"

"Come in," Rachel said, opening the door wider. Rose took off her shawl as she entered Rachel's warm house.

"So did you tell Jack yet about the baby?" Rachel asked. Rachel was Rose's doctor, and it was today when they discovered that Rose was pregnant.

"No, not yet. I am going to tell him. I just want to have the perfect moment. I think I will tell him right before we go to bed," Rose said, putting the invitation back into its envelope.

"That sounds like a good idea," Rachel said, nodding her head.

"I thought so," Rose said.

"Would you like to have some tea?" Rachel asked.

"Oh, no thanks, I really should get back home. Prepare supper, think about how to explain to Jack that there is a baby growing in my stomach." Rose giggled.

"All right, well, tell me how it went, all right?" Rachel asked.

"Of course. I will probably stop by tomorrow since I need to buy some groceries," Rose said. Rose put her shawl back on, and said, "Good-bye."

"Bye," Rachel said, and Rose closed the door behind her. Rose walked back to her house, and looked up at the sky. It was starting to snow, and she could feel wind coming. Rose rubbed her shoulders, and started to walk a little bit faster home. Rose finally reached the door and opened it, taking her shawl off and hanging it on the coat hanger.

"Jack? Do you see what it's doing outside?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, snowing. Isn't it beautiful?" Jack asked.

"Yes, it is," Rose said, staring out the window.

"So, what's for supper?" Jack asked.

"I'm thinking about having spaghetti with garlic bread," Rose said.

"Sounds good. I'll start the stove," Jack said.

"All right," Rose said, and started to make the spaghetti.

"You want me to help ya?" Jack asked.

"Yes. Will you please put some butter and garlic on the bread and then place them into the oven for me, please?" Rose asked.

"Yes," Jack said, and he started to do the bread.

"Thank you," Rose said, making the sauce.

"Is that my grandma's recipe?" Jack asked.

"Of course," Rose said, smiling.

Jack took a taste of sauce, and said, "Even better than grandma's."

"Thank you," Rose said, smiling.

After dinner, Jack and Rose did the dishes. Rose looked at Jack, who was drying a plate and putting it in the cupboard. By this point, Rose was getting very excited about telling Jack the wonderful news.

"Have you seen Teddy or Hannah lately?" Rose asked.

"I saw Teddy. He seemed really excited about the wedding," Jack replied.

"What? No nervousness?" Rose asked.

"Oh, yes, but just a little bit," Jack said.

"Oh," Rose said.

It was later on when Jack and Rose were sitting in the living room when Rose felt like that this was a perfect moment. Here she was with Jack, playing with the kittens. Rose looked up from stroking the white kitten and looked at Jack.

"Jack," Rose said.

Jack looked up, and raised his eyebrows.

"I have some wonderful news to tell you," Rose said.

"What? What is it?" Jack asked.

"We're going to have a baby," Rose said.

"Oh, a baby...A BABY! Wahoo!" Jack said, standing up and picking up Rose. Rose giggled as Jack held Rose's hands as they spun around the living room. "Wow, a baby," Jack said, touching Rose's stomach. "What is it? Do you know yet?" Jack asked.

"Well, I'm not sure yet. I went and saw Rachel today, and that's when I found out. Would you like to know, or do you want it to be a surprise?" Rose asked, putting her hand on top of Jack's.

"Let's make it a surprise," Jack said.

"All right," Rose said, smiling. "Would you like to tell Teddy, Donald, Hannah, Kevin, and Rachel about it?" Rose asked.

"Yes. How about tomorrow?" Jack asked.

"All right. Tomorrow it is," Rose said.

Chapter Two