Chapter Twelve

"Rose. Rose," Jack said, nudging Rose.

Rose opened her eyes, and said, "Yes?"

"I'm going to work now. Rachel should be by any time. The children are hungry, but Samantha is really crying," Jack said.

"Oh, will you bring her to me, then?" Rose asked.

"Sure," Jack said, and handed Samantha to Rose.

"Good morning, precious," Rose said, and smiled as she started to feed Samantha. Rose was quite sleepy, since last night her and Jack talked all night.

"See you later, Rose," Jack said, and kissed Rose.

"Bye," Rose said, and smiled. "Jack, wait!"

Jack turned around and raised his eyebrows. "Yeah?" Jack asked.

"Can you hand me Kyle, please?" Rose asked.

"Yeah," Jack said, and picked up his son.

"Thank you," Rose said. "I thought you were leaving."

Jack smiled and waved, leaving the room. Rose giggled for a moment, and let out a sigh. Kyle let out a yawn, and stared at his mother with his blue eyes. He then started to cry a little. "Oh, is someone getting hungry?" Rose asked.

Rose laid Samantha down right next to her, and started to feed Kyle. Rose watched Samantha move her legs and her arms, since that WAS the only thing that she could do right now. After feeding Kyle, and placing the children into the cribs, Rose decided to get dressed. She had stayed a long time in her bed, and she might as well get up. Rose decided to wear her white and navy blue long gingham dress. She put her hair halfway up, and smiled at Kyle and Samantha.

"Ready to go and see what downstairs looks like?" Rose asked the children. Rose carefully carried her two children as she went downstairs.

"Well, nothing has really changed a lot," Rose said, as she looked around the kitchen.

She heard the front door open. "Rose?" a voice called.

"Rachel?" Rose asked.

"Where are you?" Rachel asked.

"In the kitchen," Rose yelled back.

"Oh," Rachel said, and walked in. "Well, it seems that someone is up early. How are Kyle and Samantha doing this morning?"

"They are doing fine. I just fed both of them, and they seem happy," Rose said.

"Good," Rachel said, and smiled at both of them. "How are you doing?"

"Fine. I haven't eaten yet, but I'm getting to it," Rose said.

"Well, you better eat," Rachel said, and chuckled.

"I will. Don't worry," Rose said, and smiled.

"All right. Well, you and the children seem to be fine. So, you have a great day, and tell Jack I said hi," Rachel said, and smiled.

"I will. I'll talk to you later," Rose said.

"Bye," Rachel said.

"Bye," Rose said, and the door closed. Rose went into the living room, and started to open the curtains. The children's eyes opened as the sunrays tickled their faces through the window. "What a beautiful day," Rose said, and turned to Kyle and Samantha. "Let's go outside, and hang up clothes," Rose said, and carried the children outside.

"Hello, Rose," a voice from behind her said. Rose spun around, and saw Cal in front of her.

"Cal?" Rose asked.

"I've finally found you," Cal said.

Rose stood still, and gave him a cold, hard stare.

"Unfortunately, my man that I paid didn't do his duty properly. I guess that I had to find you myself," Cal said, and brushed his hand against her cheek.

Rose slapped it away.

"I see you still have some spunk in you since the last time I saw you," Cal said, grabbing her hand.

"Why were you looking for me?" Rose asked.

"Oh, it's real simple. You see, after you left, I had to explain to everyone why I had a broken nose, and why you left. Have you ever tried doing that, Rose? It is very difficult, and embarrassing. Now, everyone thinks that I'm some sort of harasser," Cal said.

"Well, at least the role fits you perfectly," Rose said.

Cal placed his arm up, ready to slap Rose, until he saw the children.

"You have children now, Rose?" Cal asked. Rose opened her eyes, and gave Cal the most evil stare she could stir up. "Are they mine, Rose?"

"No," Rose said, and shook her head.

"Well then, who is?" Cal asked, still holding Rose by her arm.

"It's none of your business," Rose said, not looking at Cal.

"I'll make it my business if I have to," Cal said, and slapped Rose. She let out a scream of pain.

Suddenly, Kevin came and took Cal by the shoulders, giving him a punch in the face. Cal fell to the ground, unconscious, and Rose held her face.

"Rose, are you all right?" Kevin asked. Rose nodded her head. "Who is that guy?"

"Before I became an actress, I used to be engaged to that man. I never loved him, so on the night of our engagement gala, I ran away," Rose said, and started to cry. Kevin held Rose. "Kyle and Samantha--are they okay?" Rose asked, getting up.

"Yeah, they're fine," Kevin said. "I'm going to go and get Jack."

Rose nodded and leaned against the clothesline. It wasn't long until Jack came running towards Rose. "Rose!" Jack said, and sat down next to Rose.

Jack held Rose close to him, and she cried in his arms. "Are you all right?" Jack asked.

Rose nodded, and said, "I'm fine, Jack." Cal still lay unconscious on the ground.

"I guess you gave him a good smack," Jack said.

"No. It wasn't me. It was Kevin," Rose said.

"Kevin, I didn't know you had that much force in your arms," Jack said, turning to him.

"Yeah, well, I only use it when my friends are in danger," Kevin said.

Cal started to move, and he opened his eyes. Cal looked at Jack, then Rose. "Is this the father?" Cal asked.

Rose didn't answer, but Jack stood up. "I want you to get off our property, and go back to where you came from," Jack said sternly.

"I will, as soon as Rose and her children come with me," Cal said.

"They are my children, and Rose is my wife. If you want her and the children, you will have to come through me," Jack said. Cal stood up, and took a swing. Jack ducked down, and punched Cal in the stomach. He fell to the ground again, but this time holding his stomach. "Now get out of here, and never show your face in front of me, the children, or Rose."

Cal stood up, and walked away, but still turning around to take a glimpse at Rose. "Jack, are you all right?" Rose asked, standing up.

"Yeah. Never better," Jack said. Rose gave a faint smile, and went over to the children.

"Don't worry. That man will not bother you, ever again," Rose said.

Chapter Thirteen