Chapter Fifteen

After a passionate night, Rose lay in Jack's arms. "The children are quiet, aren't they?" Rose whispered.

"Mm, hmm," Jack mumbled, resting his head gently against Rose's.

"I should go check on them," Rose said.

"They're fine. Let's just lay here a couple more minutes," Jack said.

"Well, the last time you said that, Jack, we ended up staying the whole day in bed," Rose said.

"Well, you never know when Kyle or Samantha are going to walk through the door, and want to climb in bed with us," Jack said.

Rose yawned. "You're right, Jack, but I still would like to go and see how they are doing. I know you do, too."

Jack smiled. "You amaze me, Rose."

Rose smiled and got out of bed. "Come, husband, a new day has come. Let's enjoy it," Rose said, pulling Jack out of bed.

"How?" Jack asked.

"How about a picnic?" Rose asked.

"Sounds fun," Jack said.

"I know that they are a little young, but they will enjoy it," Rose said, and opened the door to their rooms.

The door creaked, and the room revealed the sun shining on the cribs. Rose looked over Samantha's and Jack looked over Kyle's.

"Hello, Sam." Rose said, and she smiled back at her mother with a giggle.

Kyle was smiling also, as his eyes shone into Jack's. "Are you two ready for your milk this morning?" Jack asked, holding Kyle, and looking over Rose's shoulder to talk to Samantha.

Samantha smiled, and lay against Rose's shoulder. Kyle started to cry, and Jack patted him on the back.

"Oh, someone is hungry," Jack said. The two descended the stairs, and Jack sat down, still holding Kyle.

"Here, Jack, you can hold them both while I make their bottles," Rose said, handing Jack Samantha.

Rose then went into the kitchen, and started to turn on the oven. Jack looked at his children. It was amazing; at the age of six months, they both showed so many different expressions. Yet they weren't speaking, or crawling, it was still unbelievable.

"Here Jack, I'll hold Kyle, and you can hold Sam," Rose said, handing Jack a bottle of warm milk.

"All right, Kyle, here is breakfast. There, that's it," Rose sweet-talked to her son.

She decided to make it last now, since you never know when you will be able to have another chance.


"How long has it been since we went swimming?" Jack asked Rose as they lay down with their children.

"It's been a while," Rose said.

"Well, why don't we make the best of it, and take the children in for a swim?" Jack asked excitedly.

"I don't really have a decent swimming outfit to wear, Jack," Rose said with a chuckle.

"Well, you can just wear that," Jack said, pointing to what Rose was wearing.

"Jack, are you joking? I couldn't possibly go swimming in this," Rose said.

"Yeah, you can," Jack said.

"Jack!" Rose said, laughing.

"Please, Rose? Please?" Jack asked, kneeling and talking like a five-year-old.

"Well, all right, but no splashing," Rose said.

"Yes, Mother," Jack said. Jack took off his socks and boots, and took off Kyle's clothes. "All right, Kyle, are you ready to learn how to swim?" Jack asked, holding Kyle. Kyle just looked at the water as it came closer to him. "Oh, this is cold!" Jack said with a yell.

Rose laughed as she took off her shoes, and her daughter's clothes. "How cold is it?" Rose asked.

Jack dipped Kyle in so his hips and below were in the water. "Not that cold. Kyle doesn't seem to mind," Jack said.

"All right. Here we come," Rose said. Rose carried Samantha into the water. "Oh, it is kind of cold."

"You get used to it after you have been in a while," Jack said, as he swirled Kyle around in the water.

"Samantha and Kyle both seem to like the water, don't they," Rose said.

"Yeah, they do." Jack came closer to Rose. Kyle and Samantha yawned. "I think it is time for some people to take a nap," Jack said, kissing Samantha on the cheek.

"I suppose," Rose said.

Rose went out of the water, and looked at her dress. The dress was not all wet, and it seemed that it would dry really quickly. On the other hand, Jack's clothes were completely soaked. Rose laughed, and she went over to the laundry poles to grab some towels. She wrapped up Samantha, and then handed two to Jack. Jack bundled up Kyle, and dried his hair a little.

"It's amazing, Jack, how you can get wetter than both of the children combined," Rose said, shaking her head.

"Oh, just wait after we put Kyle and Samantha to bed. Then, you'll be changing your mind about THAT statement," Jack said.

"Oh, will see about that MISTER Dawson."

Rose then opened the back door, setting down the picnic basket on the kitchen counter. Jack followed Rose up to Kyle and Samantha's room. They dried each of the children, and placed a long shirt over each of them. Rose kissed Samantha on her cheek, and closed the door while Jack followed her out. The two stared at each other. Rose ran down the stairs laughing.

"You can never escape from me, little girl! Ha, ha, ha!" Jack said in an evil voice, chasing after Rose. Rose then tripped and Jack picked her up.

"No, no! Jack, no, stop! Put me down! No, no Jack, not the water!" Rose yelled.

Jack walked across the dock. "One, two, three!"

Jack let go of Rose, and she went into the water. She swam to the top taking a big gulp of air, and choking on water. Her hair was straight, and her dress was now completely soaked. Jack jumped in, and started to swim towards Rose.

"That wasn't funny! Look at me, I'm completely soaked!" Rose said, splashing water towards Jack.

"Hey, remember now, no splashing." Jack splashed Rose. Rose started to laugh and splash Jack.

"Well, well, if it ain't Mr. and Mrs. Dawson," a voice came from behind.

Jack and Rose turned around to see Teddy and Hannah standing there. Jack and Rose looked at each other.

"Hey, Teddy, how long has it been since you went for a swim?" Jack asked.

"Oh, a while. Why?" Teddy asked.

"Well, I think that you should," Jack said, and pulled Teddy in. Hannah started to laugh hysterically.

"What are you laughing at, Hannah?" Rose asked, and splashed her.

Hannah was shocked. She started at Rose, and Jack started to laugh.

"You brat! You're going to pay for that!" Hannah yelled, and jumped in.

"Run, Rose, run!" Jack yelled.

Hannah caught Rose and dunked her under.

"Hey! Hannah, it was only a splash." Rose laughed.

"Now look what you made me do. I'm all wet now," Hannah said.

"It's your own fault." Rose laughed.

"Wow!" Jack said.

"What?" Teddy asked.

"Something just touched my leg," Jack said, looking around.

"It must have been a fish," Hannah said.

"There it is again," Jack said. Rose started to come closer.

"That is some fish," Teddy said. Suddenly, Jack was pulled under.

"Jack!" they all yelled.

Jack then came back up with Donald by his side. "Got you!" Donald laughed.

"Where is Jessica?" Rose asked.

"Right here!" Jessica yelled, and then jumped in.

She started to swim towards them. Then Kevin and Rachel were in the water, and a whole water war assembled against the boys and girls. In the end, everyone was completely soaked, and ended up going inside the Dawson's to drink lemonade.

Chapter Sixteen