Chapter Four

Kevin knocked on the Rachel's office door. Rachel answered, and she smiled at the sight of Kevin.

"Kevin, come in," Rachel said.

"Thanks," Kevin said, carrying the tree with him into the office.

"Oh, I forgot how beautiful that tree is. Let's put over there, by the office window, so the children will be able to see it," Rachel said, pointing to the place. Kevin placed the tree over where Rachel was pointing to, and started to set it up.

Then suddenly, the door opened to the office and a little girl and her mother stepped in. "Morning, Doctor Fairvera," the little girl said.

"Good morning, Jasmine," Rachel said bending down. "Morning, Mrs. Fairbanks," Rachel said, looking up at the mother.

"Good morning, doctor. How are you?" Mrs. Fairbanks said.

"I'm fine, but how is Jasmine holding up?" Rachel asked, looking down at Jasmine.

"Well, it seems that her cold isn't getting better," Mrs. Fairbanks said.

"Well, let's see what is happening. Let's go into the office, and see what's going on. Oh, Mrs. Fairbanks, surely you know Kevin Dombere," Rachel said, introducing them.

"Why, yes I have. It is a pleasure to meet you," Mrs. Fairbanks said.

"You, too," Kevin said, smiling.

"Well, come on, Jasmine, let's see what we can do about this cold," Rachel said, and led Jasmine and her mother into a separate room. Kevin watched Rachel help the little girl onto a bed and start to inspect the girl. Kevin watched in amazement how this women who was absolutely beautiful in his eyes, can make do a career like this. "Well, Jasmine, here is what we're going to do. I'm going to give you a different type of medication, and if it doesn't work, then we will try a different one," Rachel said, handing Jasmine a candy cane.

"Thank you, Doctor Fairvera," Jasmine said with a smile.

"You're welcome, Jasmine," Rachel said with a smile. "Here is the medicine," Rachel said, handing her mother a candy cane and a bottle of medicine.

"Thank you again, doctor," the mother said, smiling.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Fairbanks. Any time," Rachel said with a smile.

"Nice meeting you, Kevin," the mother said with a smile.

"Nice meeting you, too," Kevin said. The mother and the daughter left with a chill that came in when the door closed.

"Brr. That was a cold chill, wasn't it?" Rachel asked.

"Yes. They say it is supposed to get really cold out tonight," Kevin said.

Suddenly, the door opened and Rose and Jack stepped inside. "Hey Rachel, Kevin," Rose said, smiling.

"Hi," the two said in unison.

"Are you ready?" Rachel asked.

"Yes," Rose said, smiling.

"Jack, you'll have to wait out here for now. Make yourself at home," Rachel said. Jack smiled and leaned against Rachel's desk.

"So, Kevin what are you doing here?" Jack asked, with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, well, since I didn't think that Rachel could manage putting the tree up by herself, I offered to put it up for her," Kevin said, putting an ornament on.

"Oh, OK," Jack said, still with a smirk on his face.

Kevin chuckled as he came over to Jack. "I know what you're thinking," Kevin said.

"Yeah? And what is that?" Jack asked.

"You think that I like Rachel," Kevin said.

"And you do," Jack said, chuckling. Kevin rolled his eyes.

"So, Rachel. That some gentleman you got helping put your tree up," Rose said.

"Well, what can I say? He asked, I said yes," Rachel said.

"Well, Donald could have done it. I mean, he never has anything to do," Rose said.

"Yes, but he is always so busy. Going to New York to take care of business. I just didn't want to bother him," Rachel said.

"Oh, OK," Rose said.

"There, you're done," Rachel said.

"That was fast. How am I?" Rose asked.

"You and the baby are both healthy." Rachel smiled.

"That's good to hear," Rose said, and grabbed her shawl. "Hey, listen, Jack and I might have a Christmas party over at our house. I haven't asked Jack yet, but if it is all right I would really like you to come."

"I don't know. What day is it?" Rachel asked.

"I'm not sure yet--maybe Christmas Eve...I'll be inviting Kevin," Rose said.

Rachel rolled her eyes, and said, "Well, I'll see what I'm up to, but no promises."

"All right," Rose said, with a smile.

"I'll see you later, Rose," Rachel said, opening the door that went into the main office.

"All right, Rachel. See you later," Rose said.

"Ready?" Jack asked.

"Yep," Rose said with a smile.

Jack and Rose left the office and Jack looked at Rose. Rose could feel the stare that Jack was giving her, even though she had her head turned as she put on her gloves. She turned her head, meeting Jack's eyes.

"What?" Rose asked curiously.

"How is everything?" Jack asked.

"Oh," Rose said, chuckling, and she interlocked arms with Jack. "There is nothing to worry about. Everything is fine. The baby's fine, I'm fine, everything is going to be all right," Rose said, smiling.

"That's good to hear," Jack said rubbing Rose's hand.

Rose smiled, and said, "We need to go to the grocery store. We are quite low on food supplies."

Jack smiled, and said, "All right."

They headed towards the grocery store and it started to snow lightly. "Oh, wonderful, wonderful snow," Rose said.

"Yes, it is. Isn't it?" Jack said.

"Jack," Rose said.

"Yes, Rosie?"

"I was wondering if we could have a Christmas party," Rose said. "You know, we could invite everyone over and exchange presents and stuff," Rose said, smiling.

"Sounds good to me," Jack said.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" Rose said, giving Jack a hug.

"You're welcome," Jack said, chuckling.

"We really should stop by Teddy and Hannah's before we go home," Rose said.

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea. I need my tools back that he borrowed," Jack said.


"Well, I think that's all the decorations," Teddy said, placing the star on the tree.

"It looks absolutely beautiful, Teddy," Hannah said, as Teddy gave Hannah a kiss.

"You know it looks more beautiful when you are standing next to it," Teddy said.

"Oh, I do, do I?" Hannah asked.

"Yes, you do," Teddy said.

"Well, I'm glad one of us can show off the tree's color in their eyes," Hannah said, giggling.

"You know what I meant," Teddy said, laughing.

"Oh, did I show you what I got for Jack and Rose's baby yet?" Hannah asked.

"No, not yet," Teddy replied.

"All right. Stay here. I'll be right back," Hannah said.

"All right. Should I close my eyes?" Teddy asked.

"No, silly! Unless if YOU are having the baby," Hannah said.

"No. Sorry, Hannah. I know how you like babies, but I'm not the type that can have them," Teddy said.

Hannah giggled and came back into the room with a beautiful yellow blanket. "Like it?" she asked, holding it up.

"Hannah, it's lovely! Did you make that?" Teddy asked, rubbing the soft material against his cheek.

"All by myself. Do you like it?" Hannah asked.

"Yes. I didn't know that you were that good with a needle," Teddy said.

"My mum taught me back in England, but she is way better than I am," Hannah said.

"I love how you stitched the teddy bear holding the balloon. Hannah, Jack and Rose are going to LOVE this," Teddy said.

"Thank you," Hannah said. Teddy was distracted by something out the window, as he looked over Hannah's shoulder. "What? What is it?" Hannah asked, turning around to look through the window.

"Jack and Rose are coming. Here, take the blanket...I'll get the door," Teddy said, handing the blanket back to Hannah.

"All right," Hannah said, and ran into the bedroom. There was a knock on the door, and Teddy answered it.

"Teddy, hello," Rose said, giving Teddy a hug.

"Hello, Rose," Teddy replied, hugging Rose.

"Hey, Teddy, how are you?" Jack asked.

"Good," Teddy said, smiling.

"Hey, do you still have those tools of mine?" Jack asked.

"Yeah. They're in the shed," Teddy said.

"All right. Let's go get them," Jack said.

"Okay. Rose, Hannah will be out in a minute. She's changing her clothes," Teddy said, opening the back door that led to the shed.

"All right," Rose said, taking her scarf off. The men left, and Rose petted her head to make her hair nice. Hannah then came in, and smiled at the sight of Rose.

"Rose, how are you?" Hannah asked, giving Rose a hug.

"Wonderful," Rose said.

"Come. Come sit down," Hannah said.

"I see that you got your tree up," Rose said, pointing over to the tree.

"Oh, yes. Teddy put the star up," Hannah said.

"Well, it sure looks lovely," Rose said.

"Oh, thank you. How about you two? Did you get your tree up yet?" Hannah asked.

"Oh, not yet. As a matter of fact, Jack and I are planning on having a Christmas party on Christmas Eve. Would you and Teddy like to come?" Rose asked.

"Yes, if all goes well. I'll see what Teddy and my plans are, if family is coming or not," Hannah said.

"But I thought you and your brother Kevin, Rachel, and Teddy all came from England," Rose said curiously.

"Oh, we did, we did. It's just that Teddy's parents are fluttered with money. They could go to Africa in the summer and Brazil in the winter if they wanted to. Yet, don't get the impression that I'm marrying him for the money," Hannah said.

"Oh, I wouldn't. I know how you feel. Teddy said that you had to change clothes. Did you spill your tea?" Rose asked.

Hannah had a wondrous look on her face, but then caught on, and she said, "Oh, yes, I did. Clumsy me, I was pouring Teddy some tea, and it went all over me."

Rose smiled, and said, "That always happens to me. So don't worry about it."

"So, how is that baby?" Hannah asked, giving Rose's stomach a gentle pat.

"Good, it's very healthy. Rachel and Kevin were both there, and they looked like they were destined for each other," Rose said.

"Yes, they do, don't they?" Hannah asked.

"Yes," Rose said. The back door opened and the men came back in.

"Got the tools!" Jack said.

"Oh, that's lovely," Hannah said. Rose chuckled and looked at Jack.

"Jack, Teddy, what do you think about Kevin and Rachel?" Rose asked, standing up.

"How? As a couple, friends, family?" Jack asked.

"Well, a couple," Rose said.

"Yeah, I could see them together," Jack said, nodding his head at Teddy.

"Yes, I could see them as a couple," Teddy agreed.

"Why?" Jack asked, eyeing Rose and Hannah with a suspicious look on his face.

"Nothing. We were just wondering about you two's opinions," Hannah said.

"Oh," Teddy said.

The oven started to make a wonderful scent, and Hannah sniffed the scent. "Oh, that would be my muffins. Would you two like to stay for tea and muffins?" Hannah asked.

"Well, if it's all right with Jack," Rose said.

"Fine with me. I haven't had tea for a while," Jack said.

"Ah, Rose. Do tell me that my friend is lying when he said that he hasn't had tea for a while," Teddy said, entering the kitchen.

"No, it's a lie. The last time Jack and I had tea was last night," Rose said.

Jack laughed, and said, "I like tea."

Hannah giggled as she took off her mittens from getting the muffins out of the oven, and said, "Well, Jack, whenever you come over, I'll always make sure to have some tea waiting on the table for you."

Teddy smiled, and said, "You can sure tell that Kevin and Hannah are brother and sister. Whenever Kevin comes over, the teapot is full. Yet, the teapot is always empty when I want my share."

Hannah gave Teddy a nudge, and said, "Now that's enough from you today."

Chapter Five