Chapter Five

It was Christmas Eve morning when there was a knock on the Dawson's door. Rose stumbled out of the kitchen, and went over to the door. She peeked through the white-laced curtains that showed who wanted to enter their lovely home. Rose gasped at what she saw outside, and quickly opened the door.

"Jessica!" Rose said, opening the door.

"Rose!" Jessica said, and gave Rose a huge hug. "How are you?" Jessica asked.

"Pregnant," Rose replied, and chuckled.

"No!" Jessica said with a gasp.

"Yes," Rose said, smiling and nodding her head.

"My goodness. How far are you?" Jessica asked.

"Oh, I'm not even a month far yet," Rose said as she closed the door behind Jessica.

"Do you know what it is yet?" Jessica asked.

"No. Jack and I want it to be a surprise," Rose said.

"Where is Jack, anyway?" Jessica asked, looking around the room as she took her gloves off.

"Oh, he is in bed. He is the lazy one," Rose said, helping Jessica with her bags.

"Oh, did I wake you up?" Jessica asked sincerely.

"Oh, no. I was making breakfast as a matter of fact. Would you like some?" Rose asked.

"Oh, no. Thank you. They fed me on the train," Jessica said, looking at all the beautiful paintings.

"Train? Jessica, you could have told us beforehand, and Jack and I could have come and picked you up," Rose said, pouring some coffee.

"I wanted it to be an early Christmas surprise," Jessica said.

"Well, who picked you up and dropped you off, then?" Rose asked, handing Jessica a cup of coffee.

"Donald," Jessica said, taking a sip.

"Oh," Rose said casually.

Jessica looked up from her cup, and asked, "Now, what was that for?"

Rose let out a sigh, and said, "Nothing. Come into the kitchen with me." Jessica followed her into the kitchen.

"Did Jack do all those pictures that hang in your living room?" Jessica asked.

"Yes, and the ones in the hallway, the bedrooms, and the kitchen," Rose said, smiling proudly.

"He is very talented," Jessica said, looking at one that Jack did with watercolors.

"No, he is more than talented. He's gifted," Rose said, scrambling the eggs.

"Is someone talking about me again?" a voice said, coming from the hallway.

"Good morning, sunshine," Rose said, smiling at Jessica. Jessica gave Rose a smile back, and Jack appeared in the kitchen.

"Hey, Jess. I thought I heard a New York voice in the kitchen," Jack said.

"Indeed you did, dad," Jessica said.

"Dad?" Jack asked, looking at Jessica.

"I told her," Rose said, giving Jack a kiss.

"Already?" Jack asked, impressed.

"Well, she asked how I was," Rose said, smiling.

"And you just had to say that you are expecting," Jack said.

"Exactly, Madame Serena," Rose said.

"So, what was that you were saying about gifted?" Jack asked.

"Oh, Rose was just telling me about your art gifted you were with it," Jessica said.

"Oh, the usual, I take it." Jack said.

"So, what are your plans for today and tomorrow?" Rose asked.

"I was planning on looking for an apartment." Jessica said.

"An apartment?" Rose asked.

"Yes, I would like to live here. I miss you," Jessica said.

"Are you really? Are you really moving to Chippewa Falls?" Rose asked.

"Yes!" Jessica said.

"Oh, Jess. This will be one reason why it will be the best Christmas ever!" Rose said, and hugged Jessica. Jack shook his head and laughed as he poured some coffee. "Did you hear that, Jack?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, I bet Donald will be very happy," Jack said, with a smirk on his face.

Eyeing Jack and Rose, Jessica said, "All right. Now what is this thing about Donald?" Rose sighed and went towards the oven to check on how her Christmas Eve breakfast was doing.

"Nothing, Jess," Jack said.

"Rose?" Jessica asked.

"Oh, now, if we talk about this all morning my breakfast I prepared will get cold. Come on. Let's get to the table," Rose said, starting to put the plates on the table.

"I'll do that, Rose," Jack said, taking the plates.

"Anything I can do, Rose?" Jessica asked.

"Yes. You can squeeze the orange juice," Rose said, and handed her two huge oranges.

"Well, these are quite big," Jessica said, starting to squeeze the orange juice.

"Well, our local market is very responsible when it comes to wonderful food," Rose said, taking her blueberry muffins out of the oven.

"Those smell delicious," Jessica said, taking a sniff.

"Thank you. I made them myself," Rose said.

"So, when are you planning on looking at an apartment?" Jack asked.

"Well, probably around early, mid-afternoon," Jessica said.

"Well, Jack and I would be busy around then, but how about we ask Donald to go with you? He can show you around town and help you pick a decent apartment," Rose said.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to disturb him on Christmas Eve," Jessica said.

"Trust me, Jess. You wouldn't," Jack said. Rose looked at Jack, and then at Jessica.

"He would be delighted," Rose said.

Jessica smiled, and said, "Well, all right." Jack and Rose smiled.

"It will be fun, trust me," Rose said. The door then opened and Donald appeared. "Donald!" Rose said.

"Morning, Rose," Donald said.

"Here, let me help you with that," Jack said, as he went over to go and help Donald with his coat. "Donald, will you do Rose and I a favor?" Jack asked, helping him take his coat off.

"Sure. What is it?" Donald asked.

"Jessica would like to find a nice apartment to live in. Could you please help her find one? Rose and I would, but we have some errands to run," Jack said.

"Tonough. Jessica Tonough?" Donald asked.

"Yes, Jessica Tonough," Jack said.

Donald gave a sigh, and said, "Yes. I will."

Jack smiled at Donald, and said, "Thanks, Donald. You won't regret it."

"Oh, I know I won't regret it. I just have to find something good to wear," Donald said.

Jack laughed, and said, "Come on." They entered the kitchen and Donald smiled wider, as Jessica sat at the kitchen table.

"Morning, Jessica," Donald said.

"Good morning, Donald," Jessica said. Jack and Rose looked at each other for a moment.

"Donald, would you like to sit down?" Rose asked.

"Oh, sure," Donald said, and he took a seat next to Jessica.


"Good morning," Teddy said to Hannah.

"You know, Teddy, I'm supposed to be the one that cooks the Christmas Eve breakfast, not the men," Hannah said, hugging Teddy from behind him.

"I know, love, but you looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you," Teddy said.

Hannah chuckled, and said, "Well, now you make me feel real lazy."

"Ah, I didn't mean it that way," Teddy said.

"So, has there been any notice of your parents yet?" Hannah asked.

"Yes, but they said that they are not coming this year, yet. They will be staying a while for our wedding," Teddy said. "Well, what are we going to do with their Christmas presents?"

"Let's just wait until they come. We'll give them to them when they come for the wedding," Hannah said.

"Sounds good to me. We wouldn't want the package to not make it," Teddy said.

"What do you mean by that, Teddy?" Hannah asked, eating a sausage.

"Well, if the package is sent on a ship, we wouldn't want the package to not make it if the ship sank," Teddy said, and he put the lid over the sausages so Hannah wouldn't take anymore.

"Well, Teddy, I really don't think that ships do that these days. They are practically unsinkable now," Hannah said, chuckling.

"Yes, but that's what everybody said about that ship, the Titanic. Almost everybody lost their lives. You know that. Remember that we have witnesses. Jack and Rose," Teddy said.

"Oh, I forgot all about those two being on the ship. I suppose, since they never liked talking about it, that I'd never brought it up," Hannah said with a sigh.

"What time is Jack and Rose's party? Do you remember?" Teddy asked.

"I think it is around eight. That reminds me. You and me need to wrap their presents," Hannah said.

"Now, hold on. We need to eat this lovely breakfast I prepared," Teddy said, smiling.

"Teddy, we have to wait for the guests to arrive," Hannah said.

"Guests? What guests?" Teddy asked, perplexed.

"Rachel and Kevin. Remember?" Hannah asked.

"I thought it was just Rachel," Teddy said.

"To Rachel it is, but I thought that since Kevin doesn't have someone to eat breakfast with, why not invite him also? So, do remember to keep your mouth closed about it," Hannah said.

"Yes, mother," Teddy said. Hannah giggled, and gave Teddy a peck on the lips.

"I'm going to go and get dressed," Hannah said.

"All right," Teddy said, and he took a sausage while Hannah wasn't looking.

"Teddy, stay out of the food!" Hannah said, not even looking back.

"I made them. I should at least get to taste them," Teddy said under his breath.


It was around ten when Rachel came up on her horse. It was less than a minute when Kevin came up on his horse.

Rachel let out a sigh, it was like a fairy tale...her prince approaching, a white horse.

"Morning, Rachel," Kevin said, surprised.

"Good morning, Kevin," Rachel said, smiling.

"I take it my sister invited you," Kevin said.

"Why, yes, and so did her fiancé," Rachel said.

"Are you going to Jack and Rose's party?" Kevin asked.

"Why, yes, I am," Rachel said.

"Well, I was wondering if I could take you," Kevin said.

"I'm sorry. I don't understand what you mean," Rachel said.

"Well, I figure that you're going alone," Kevin said.

"Yes, that's correct," Rachel said.

"Well, I could come and pick you up, take you there, and then drop you off back at your house when the party is over," Kevin said.

Rachel smiled happily, and said, "Sounds wonderful."

Kevin smiled, and asked, "Will 7:30 be all right for you?"

"Yes, Kevin, it will," Rachel said.

They looked at each other with huge smiles on their faces. The door the opened, and the two saw Teddy eating something.

"Um, good morning, Teddy," Rachel said.

"Oh, morning. Awfully sorry that I'm talking with my mouth opened, but I'm starving, and Hannah wouldn't let me eat any--" Teddy was saying, but then Hannah yelled, "Teddy! I thought I told you to stay out of those...oh, morning Rachel, Kevin."

Hannah's voice grew silent when she saw the two standing in her doorway.

"Morning," the two said in unison.

"Well, come in. Merry Christmas Eve," Hannah said, taking their coats.

"Merry Christmas, little sis," Kevin said, giving Hannah a peck on the cheek, and handing her their presents that Kevin wrapped himself.

"Oh, thank you, Kevin," Hannah said, smiling.

"Merry Christmas Eve," Rachel said, handing Teddy their presents that she made.

"Thank you, Rachel." And Teddy gave Rachel a little kiss.

"Is this all who is coming?" Rachel asked.

"Yes, but we are going over to Jack and Rose's party. Around eight, I believe," Hannah said.

"Rachel, Kevin, we would be happy to pick you two up on our way to the party," Teddy said.

"No. That's all right. Kevin is going to pick me up," Rachel said, and looked over at Kevin, who was smiling back at her. Teddy and Hannah glanced at each other for a moment, with an accomplished look on their faces, and then looked back at Kevin and Rachel.

"Well, I'm going to set the table, and then we will be ready to eat. Teddy, will you help me with the goblets, please?" Hannah said, motioning to the kitchen.

"Oh, sure, honey," Teddy said.

"You two make yourselves at home," Hannah said.

"All right," Kevin said, as he and Rachel sat down on the couch.

"This is working out perfectly, like I planned it," Hannah said, getting out her holiday silverware.

"You're wonderful," Teddy said, handling the goblets with care.

"Look at them, Teddy. I wonder what they're talking about," Hannah said.

"Hey, Hannah. We do have some guests to feed, remember?" Kevin yelled.

Chapter Six