Chapter Six

"Jack, I'm afraid," Rose said.

"Why?" Jack asked.

The couple was in bed, and it was the middle of the night of Christmas morning.

"Jessica never came home, and I'm worried," Rose said.

"Well, Rose, I think I have a pretty good idea of where Jessica is," Jack said, and he smiled.

Rose smiled, and said, "You're right, Jack. I really shouldn't worry about her. I mean, this is Chippewa Falls."

Jack nodded his head, and said, "That's right. Now, let's get some sleep."

"All right, Jack. Good night," Rose said.

"Good night, Rosie," Jack said, and kissed her.

It was not long until Rose sat up in bed, and said, "I don't think Jessica would go that fast."

"Rose, I have an idea. Why don't you and I go check the guestroom? All right?" Jack said, brushing some hair off of Rose's face.

Rose smiled, and said, "All right."

The two got out of their bed, and crept downstairs. They peeked into the door, to see Jessica crying on the edge of her bed.

"Oh, Jessica. What happened, and why are you still in your evening clothes?" Rose asked, coming over to comfort Jessica.

"Donald told me that he loved me," Jessica said, through tears.

"But I thought that you did love him," Rose said.

"I do, but it was just...all of a sudden. I didn't know what to say. I feel like such a fool. I feel like such a fool," Jessica said, and started to sob.

Jack came to where Rose was sitting, and sat on the other side of Jessica. "Tell him how you feel," Jack said.

"How could I possibly tell him how I feel after I did that?" Jessica asked.

"Jessica, if he really loves you, he will forgive you," Rose said.

Jessica smiled, and then hugged Rose, saying, "Oh, Rose. Why is love so cruel?"

"Jessica, I know that love may seem cruel right now, but just give it time. Everything will turn out right," Rose said, squeezing Jessica tightly. Rose looked up for a moment at Jack, who was giving her a smile. "Why don't you try and get some sleep?" Rose asked, smiling.

Jessica nodded, and said, "I'll try. Thank you both."

"You're welcome. We'll be here for you anytime," Jack said.

The couple left the room, and went up the stairs. They entered their room, and Rose took off her robe.

"I feel so sorry for Jessica," Rose said.

"I do, too," Jack said, getting under the covers.

"Yet, it will work out for her," Rose said, getting into bed.

"Good night, little one," Jack said, patting, then kissing, Rose's stomach.

Rose put her hand on Jack's hair. He looked up, and they gazed into each other's eyes. Rose slid her hand to Jack's cheek, and moved her lips forward to kiss her husband, passionately.

The Day After Christmas

Jessica was getting her things packed up to move into the boarding house. Even though Jessica hadn't talked to Donald since the incident outside, she had brought up her courage to live in the same boarding house. Of course, she did have counseling from Jack and Rose. Jessica put on her shawl, and brought her bags downstairs.

There was a knock on the door, and Rose went to answer it. She was shocked to see Donald standing there with slight bags under his eyes.

"Donald, do come in," Rose said, generously.

Donald gave her a slight smile, and stepped into the Dawsons' warm house. Jessica came down the stairs with her bags, with Jack behind her with more of her bags. She looked at Donald, and Donald looked back. Jessica gave him a slight smile, and said, "Donald, it is certainly a surprise to see you here."

Donald stared at Jessica, saying, "I thought it would be nice to help you get moved in. I know from experience that the stairs are very steep."

Jessica sucked in her fear and swallowed. She stepped down the rest of the stairs, and stared at Donald. Donald came over and took the bags from Jack.

"I'll be waiting outside," Donald said, and closed the door behind him.

"I'll come over tomorrow, if that's all right," Jessica said, holding her purse and handbag.

"Sounds wonderful," Rose said.

"We'll do the ice fishing like we promised you we would," Jack said.

"Sounds wonderful," Jessica said with a smile. She hugged Jack and Rose, and stepped out of the house.

Donald held out his hand for Jessica, and she took it and stepped into the wagon. The wagon ride was quiet, and there was nothing to say. Donald was a gentleman to Jessica.

He dropped her bags by the side of the door, and Jessica turned around to face Donald, and said, "Donald, this really wasn't necessary. I can surely carry bags anywhere, including up steep stairs."

Donald stared at Jessica, and then placed his hand on Jessica's cheek. "Jessica, I don't care if you hate me, love me, like me, or whatever. Your feelings can't change the way I feel about you, and they never will. No matter where you go, I will always be there for you. You know that, and you can't hide it."

"You're right," Jessica said. "But I can try to ignore it."

She slipped from his gentle hand, and went into the room, picking up her suitcases. She closed the door behind her, and looked at her home for now. It was absolutely beautiful, like Donald had said before. A perfect window to watch the sunset. She noticed that the bed was made, and a lamp stood proudly on a stand next to the bed. There was a bathroom, a closet, a living room, and a bedroom. She noticed that a fire was already started in the fireplace, and that there were some fresh poinsettias in a beautiful blue and white china vase. She smelled the flowers, and it made her happy. She started to unpack her things.

It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. She answered it, and it was Donald.

"I thought that you might want to know that supper is being served right now," Donald said.

"Thank you, Donald. Will you walk down with me?" Jessica asked.

"Certainly," Donald said with a smile. They started to walk down the corridor.

"Donald?" Jessica asked.

"Yes?" Donald replied.

"I'm awfully sorry," Jessica said.

"About what?" Donald asked.

"About lying to you," Jessica said, and stopped in her tracks. Donald did also.

"What?" Donald asked, perplexed.

"You know, when you told me that you loved me, and I said that I didn't. I wasn't telling the truth, Donald...and I'm so sorry," Jessica said, tears coming down her face.

"It's all right. I forgive you," Donald said, in a comforting way. There was a pause between the two.

Jessica looked up at Donald, and said, "Hold me."

Donald held Jessica tightly to him, like he always wanted to do.

Chapter Seven