Chapter Eight

"Well?" Jack asked, eagerly.

"They're fraternal, a boy and a girl," Rachel said.

Jack smiled and let out a chuckle. "Are they all right?" Jack asked in a worried tone.

"Yes." Rachel nodded. "I need to go and check on Rose now. All right?" Rachel said.

Jack nodded, and then said, "Rachel." She turned around. "Do you think I should tell Rose? She wanted it to be a surprise," Jack said.

"I think you should. It might raise her happiness," Rachel said.

"All right. I will, and thanks," Jack said.

"Anytime," Rachel said, and went into the bedroom.

It was not long until night came around and Rose woke up. "Jack?" Rose asked, as she saw Jack holding her hand. He was fast asleep, and laying on his stomach. But, the soft tone of Rose's voice woke up Jack.

"Rose, you're awake," Jack said, smiling.

"Why is Rachel asleep in our chair?" Rose asked.

"She is here to take care of you. So am I," Jack said, softly tucking some of Rose's hair behind her ear. Rose smiled tiredly and yawned. "How do you feel?" Jack asked.

"Cold. I'm hungry also," Rose said.

"Wait here. I'll go make some broth," Jack said.

Rose nodded her head and closed her eyes. Rose touched her stomach, remembering a child she was carrying. "Jack," Rose said. Jack turned around, and stopped at the doorway. He raised on eyebrow. "The baby--is it all right?" Rose asked.

Jack nodded, and said, "Yes. They're doing fine." Jack left to go and get the hot broth.

Rose paused for a minute. "They're?" Rose said under her breath. Jack entered with the broth. "Jack, don't you mean it?" Rose asked curiously.

Jack then remembered that Rose did not know yet that she was carrying two children. "No," Jack said calmly.

"You mean it? There is more than...oh my," Rose said, her eyes getting wide. Jack chuckled at the priceless face Rose put on. "Wait a minute. How do you know? I thought we were going to have it a surprise!" Rose said.

"Well, I asked Rachel what it was just in case, and, well, she said that there is two fraternal twins," Jack said.

Rose chuckled and smiled. "Wow," Rose said. "Wow." She hugged Jack and they held each other for a moment.

"Come on. Let's get you something to eat," Jack said. He started to stir the broth up, and blew on it.

"Now, Jack, I am perfectly capable of drinking my own broth, thank you," Rose said.

"Now, now, this is all in the contract of marriage. Remember? In sickness and in health?" Jack said.

Rose smiled, and said teasingly, "Oh, yeah. I forgot THAT part."

They laughed for a moment, and Jack started to feed Rose the broth with the spoon. Afterwards, Jack lay next to Rose in the bed. "Jack?" Rose said.

"Hmm?" Jack replied.

"Let's not tell the others what we're having. I want it to be a surprise," Rose said.

Jack smiled, and said, "That's fine."

Rachel then woke up and saw Rose talking to Jack. She got up and went over to the bed. "How you feeling, Rose?" Rachel asked.

"Wonderful. Do you think I'll be able to get up and walk?" Rose asked.

"No, not yet. You need to stay in a bed for a GOOD week," Rachel said.

"All right, Rachel, but you have to come and visit me every day when Jack's at work," Rose said.

"All right. I'll try to squeeze you in," Rachel said jokingly. Rose chuckled and gave Rachel a hug.

Kevin knocked on their door, which was opened. "Kevin, come in," Rose said. Rachel smiled.

"Rose, are you feeling better?" Kevin asked, coming over to stand next to Rachel.

"I'm fine, but DOCTOR Rachel said I should stay in bed for a good week," Rose said, teasing him.

"Well, at least it's better than taking that horrible medicine that she makes her patients take," Kevin said.

Rachel slapped Kevin on the arm playfully, and said, "Now watch it, Kevin, or maybe the next time you get sick YOU'LL have to take it yourself."

Rachel and Kevin left. "Hey, YOU'RE the one that wants the ride home," Kevin said jokingly.

"You're right. I should freshen up before work. I'll talk to you later, Rose," Rachel said, and hugged her friend once more.

"Thank you so much," Rose said.

"You're welcome, Rose. Take care, you two," Rachel said, and she left the room following Kevin.

"Well, I might as well go to work," Jack said. "Well, sell some products. I always sell stuff at the general store."

He laughed. Ever since the couple who owned the local general store that died together in their sleep, Jack had been taking care of the store, with fourteen-year-old boys helping him carry in products and food. The business was going wonderful, and when the holidays came around, Rose always made the general store look wonderful.

"Say hello to Hannah and Teddy for me if they come in," Rose said.

"I will," Jack said, putting on fresh clothes.

"When are you coming home for lunch today?" Rose asked.

"Around noon. Kevin might come in late," Jack said.

"All right. Well, just come and say hello, all right?" Rose said.

"Don't I always?" Jack said, putting his arms on each side of Rose. He bent down closer to kiss Rose, but she stopped him.

"Don't you think that's a bad idea?" Rose asked.

"No," Jack said, and kissed Rose. "See you at lunch. Love you."

"Love you, too," Rose said.

Chapter Nine