Chapter Five

A Hidden Burden
April 23, 1912

Rose awoke in the morning with a feeling of awkwardness, if nothing else. She was feeling better, but didn’t feel herself. Something about her was different. She just couldn’t place it.

She looked over at Molly’s bed. For once, she had woken up before Molly had. She looked out the window and realized that it was open. The sun was only beginning to show its golden crown over the large city. The birds sang their song of happiness, and it gave her a warm feeling inside.

"Why must the sun shine so early?" she heard Molly mumble under the covers.

"What’s the matter, Molly? Not an early riser?" Rose teased.

"Never have been, never will be." She uncovered her face and spoke again. "I didn’t realize you were such an early riser." She rubbed her eyes of the lingering sleep, and then sat up. "How did you sleep?"

"Just fine, thank you." Rose thought momentarily of the dreams she had had of Jack. She quickly shook them from her thoughts. She didn’t want Molly to worry for no reason. "Did you sleep well?"

"I guess you can say that," she said warily. "I never have been a sound sleeper, but I slept well for me."

"Hmm." Rose looked out the window in a daze. The big city of New York was wonderful and beautiful, but she knew she didn’t belong there. She belonged somewhere else, where painful memories were not so dominating. She was still too close to her mother and Cal. Philadelphia was only a short distance away. She was glad Molly has asked her to go to Colorado with her.

"Are you feeling better, dear?" she heard Molly ask, and she snapped out of her trance.

"Oh, yes. Much better," Rose replied. "Just a little bit weak. I think it’s just because I’ve been stuck in this hotel room for the past week."

"Well, you need your rest. You have the rest of your life to..." It seemed as if her voice got softer and softer, until Rose didn’t hear her anymore. She was thinking of what Jack had said to her. I have brought you this dream for a reason. What had he meant by that? Why would he and Molly be watching her so closely? She just sat there and thought for a minute. Then, suddenly, feelings of joy, fear, loneliness, closeness, and confusion came over her all at once.

Just a few months ago, when Rose was still in what she thought was love with Cal, her mother had jokingly told Rose to keep track of her menstruation cycles. She hadn’t really thought about what she had said until now. Her last cycle should have come on the seventeenth when she was on the Carpathia. And like clues in a mystery, they all fit together; she was going to have Jack’s child.

At that moment, hundreds of thoughts rushed through her head. How would she explain this to everyone? Would she be a good mother? How could she take care of her child, when she didn’t even know how to take care of herself? She completely forgot that Molly was in the room and just started to cry aloud.

"Jack....why did you leave me here like this? You know I’m only just beginning to learn to live again." She just broke down and shouted, "Why?!" She cried uncontrollably then.

"Rose, honey, what’s the matter?" Molly quickly got out of her bed and rushed to Rose’s side.

Rose could hear the concern in Molly’s voice. She couldn’t speak. She was crying too much. She managed to let out, "Oh, Molly...why?"

"Whatever it is, it’ll be all right," she said calmly. "It’ll be all right." She held Rose close in her arms. "Just let it all out."

Rose was so scared of what was coming, she hadn’t even had time to think of the joy that would surely come with the baby. She would realize that later, but now she was too confused to think of that. All she could do was cry and ask, "Why?"

Chapter Six