Chapter Twenty-Two

Christmas, 1933
Boston, MA

"Ma? Jamie? Luke? Anybody?" I asked, opening the door to my mother’s home of nearly a year. I motioned for Jonathan to come in behind me. The house was silent, which was really strange, as my brothers were quite possibly the loudest children I’d ever met.

"Is anyone even here?" Johnny asked, taking my coat and hanging it on the rack. I jumped as James poked his head around the corner.

"Hey, Jo…we gotta be quiet," he whispered.

"Why?" I asked in a lower voice.

"Mom’s sleeping," he replied, and I suddenly understood.

"Oh. Gotcha. Where’s Luke?" Jamie pointed down the hall.

"In the living room with Dad and Jack." I nodded, starting toward the living room as James fell into step behind me to inquire of Johnny, "Hey, Johnny, do you want to go sledding after lunch?"

"Sure, kid! Your sister and I will take you guys out for a while," he replied easily, and I could tell he was smiling behind me.

"Really?" Jamie was excited now. "Is that okay, Jo?"

"No problem." I grinned. I heard a wail of protest as I walked into the living room, where my father, bless him, was trying in vain to diaper his infant son. I cleared my throat, trying to hold back my wry grin. He looked up, panicked, obviously thinking I was my mother.

"Rose…I just can’t figure this damned thing…" He noticed it was me. "Oh, Jo?" Luke laughed.

"Daddy’s funny…he tried to put three diapers on Jack already!" Luke told us excitedly. I rolled my eyes affectionately.

"Dad…" I tried to speak without laughing. I turned the baby so that he was facing me and grabbed a new diaper. Within seconds, my smallest brother was clean and dry.

"He peed on me," Dad said dryly. "Twice," he added. With a giggle, I put the baby’s blue jumper back on.

"Amateur," I teased. "How’s Mom?"

"Tired," he replied, shaking Jonathan’s hand.

"Has Dave called?" I asked, sitting with the month-old baby in my lap. He smiled faintly, which I knew wasn’t really a smile, but it was cute all the same.

"Yes…they’ll be along in a bit. The train was delayed," Dad said, slumping against the back of the couch.

"Poor Gloria," I said, thinking of my friend. "But she’s staying with us until after the baby is born, right?" Dad nodded, gently taking a broken toy away from Luke.

"You could hurt yourself, buddy," he said when Luke began to whine in protest.

"It’s a stupid toy anyway," Luke replied grumpily. Dad chuckled, ruffling his hair and pulling him to sit beside him.

"He thinks he’s so tough because he’ll be four in two days."


After lunch, we took the boys sledding so that my parents could relax. Ma was awake when we came back in, flushed from the cold. I almost died of shock. She’d cut her long hair to her shoulders.

"It was bothering me," she said in response to my open-mouthed surprise.

"It looks nice," I offered, meaning it. It complimented her well and was very modern.

"So, how is married life?" she asked Jonathan and I as we sat on a loveseat.

"Busy," Johnny answered, laughing. I nodded in agreement.

"I don’t think we’ve been home for more than a day for six months!" Jonathan squeezed my hand.

"We’re going to Europe for a few months after New Year’s," he said as Ma raised her eyebrows, sipping her tea.

"That sounds fun…" I could see it, the fear in her eyes. I reached across to grab her hand.

"It’s okay…the cruise companies have really improved safety standards…they don’t want another Titanic on their hands."

"I know…" she replied uneasily, biting her lip.

"Rose…" Dad interjected. "The odds of that happening again…are so small…" He was always so calm. It never ceased to amaze me. I was glad to have inherited that trait…well, for the most part. I had Mom’s temper, though, and poor Jonathan had seen it a few times in the six months we’d been married.

"Yes, I know…" Mom went on, sighing. "You’ll be fine. Just be sure to write us and let us know you’ve arrived."

"I promise," I said reassuringly.

"Momma!" Jamie said, coming into the room impatiently.

"What is it, James?" she asked, reaching to brush some of his long brown hair out of his eyes.

"Dave and Gloria are here, and is she ever big! Even bigger than you were when you had Jack!" I smacked his arm.

"Be nice. You’d better tell her how pretty she looks, or I’ll pop you one," I warned. He scowled and nodded, walking away.

"You should have seen how big I was with Jack," Ma muttered. I turned to her with a small grin on my face.

"I did. It wasn’t pretty. I thought a toddler was going to come out of you," I joked.

"Josephine!" Ma cried, stifling a laugh.

"Or at least twins! He was a monster baby!" I amended. She shook her head as the door opened and Gloria walked in, guided by Dave. Jonathan rose so that she could sit next to me. She wasn’t as large as James had made her out to be, but for her petite size, it was a bit overwhelming.

"How do you feel?" I asked, putting my arms around her. She giggled, hugging me tightly.

"My feet are swollen, my back hurts, I can’t sleep anymore, and I have stretch marks…I feel great!" She sounded sincere. "Of course, I’ll feel much better when he or she is on the outside of my body. But it’s worth it."

"Sorry we’re late," Dave said, kissing my cheek. "Gloria wanted to visit her mother’s grave before we came, so we stopped off in Philadelphia." Constance Edwards had succumbed to tuberculosis in June, just after Gloria had found out she was pregnant. She’d been buried beside Gloria’s grandparents near Jonathan’s father and mother. We visited Deirdre and the girls as often as we could. More often than not, Jonathan and I were bombarded with questions about having children, but we both felt it wasn’t time yet. Not for me. I had decided that summer to start writing a memoir, for which Ma offered some of her diary excerpts. Dad wrote a short piece, and Dave, of all people, contributed a bit. I was about halfway done with my own part.


The day before New Year’s, Gloria gave birth to Michael David Stirling, who had a head of golden hair and blue eyes, just like both of his parents. Liz and Randy had arrived with Belinda on Christmas Day, so they were thrilled to be there for the birth of their first grandchild. Liz raved that Michael looked exactly like Dave had when he was born. Michael was a surprisingly small baby, but healthy. Dave was so proud he didn’t know what to do with himself, and had bawled when he’d seen his son for the first time. After that, all the men had drunk into the night and smoked cigars, celebrating. I stayed with Gloria, who was exhausted, but so happy she was glowing.

"He’s really something, isn’t he, Jo?" she asked, and I nodded, watching the baby sleep after he’d eaten for the first time. I looked over at Belinda and nodded for her to join us.

"Come on, Bel. Don’t you want to see your nephew?" I asked, and she shyly approached us. Gloria beamed at her.

"Would you like to hold him, dear?" she asked. Belinda nodded. I took the baby from his mother and gently placed him into his new aunt’s arms. She looked happier than I’d ever seen her. The entire smart attitude was gone. Dave appeared in the doorway, grinning at his little sister.

"He’s so pretty, Dave," she said in a quiet voice. Dave nodded.

"He is, isn’t he?" he agreed.

"He must take after Gloria," I quipped, and Dave laughed heartily, coming over to hug me. He embraced me so hard that he picked me up.

"Put me down, you putz!" I cried, smacking him. "Or I’ll sic my husband on you!"

"Sorry, love. You’re at his mercy," Jonathan said, standing in the doorway now.

"You’re going to pay for that, Jonathan," I muttered as Dave set me on my feet not quite gracefully. My husband strode over to me and put an arm around me.

"You ready for one of those?" he asked, indicating Michael. I looked up at him in horror.

"No…I want to finish the memoir first," I replied, laying my head on his shoulder, feeling him kiss my forehead.

"We have plenty of time…no rush," he said. As I watched Dave and Gloria with their son, I was amazed at how much could change in one year. I’d gotten married. Dave was married. Hell, Mom was married! I’d found Jack. I had another brother and a godson. Grant’s nephew had gone to live with him and Olivia after he’d lost his parents to a car crash. Life was still unfair at times, but I was often able to see the good through the bad since marrying Jonathan. I’d never been happier.
