Chapter One

"When the ship docks, I'm getting off with you." Rose gazed into his eyes, a bit shocked by her own statement. But she was sure that this was what she wanted. She was done living like a porcelain doll, pretending to be someone she wasn't.

Jack looked at her as if she had lost her mind. His eyes were shining with hesitant joy, just in case this wasn't what she wanted after all. "This is crazy."

"I know. That's why I trust it." Rose wrapped her arms tightly around him and indulged in a long, deep kiss. Neither of the lovers was aware of the audience they were receiving. The officer, the lookouts…they were all watching the lovebirds, oblivious to the looming iceberg that they had safely drifted pass.


Rose stretched as she awoke the next morning. Opening her eyes, she felt a little disoriented at first. This wasn't her stateroom. It was too small and contained too many people. Frowning, she turned to find that she wasn't alone in the tiny bed that she now occupied. As soon as his blue eyes opened and met hers, it all came back to her. After declaring her intentions towards Jack, they had slipped down to his cabin to hide out until they arrived in New York. Starting now, her life had changed. No more Cal, no more Ruth…just her and Jack.

"Good morning." She smiled.

"Rose." He grinned, sitting up, relieved that the night before hadn't been a dream after all. Rose was getting off the ship with him and they were going to travel the country together. "How did you sleep last night? I know you're not used to such small and crowded accommodations, but…"

"It's perfect." She kissed him tenderly, enjoying the feel of his lips so early in the morning. "It's where you are."

"Are you hungry?"

Rose nodded eagerly. She hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon, and she was now feeling the effects.

"Stay here. I'll go get us something." Jack got up and slipped on some clothes, much to Rose's disappointment. Jack seemed to be well-built, and the sight of his bare skin gave her a thrill that she had never felt before.

"Jack…be careful. Cal may be looking for me, and steerage would be the first place he'd look," Rose warned.

Jack smiled at her concern and nodded. "I love you." He waved before slipping out of the room.

Rose closed her eyes and leaned against the soft pillow behind her, content with her decision to stay with Jack. From here on out, the future was bright and full of possibility. Sighing, she was about to drift off to sleep when the problem struck her. Jack's portfolio! They had left it up in her stateroom! She was going to have to go back for it. But how was she going to do that without being caught? A confrontation with Cal and her mother was something she really wasn’t ready for. They'd argue and yell at her and they'd try to force her to stay in their oppressive world. Yes, she knew that she would have to face her mother eventually, but just not now. Not when she had found the perfect love in Jack. She wanted to wait until she was settled into her new life before seeing her mother again.

"I'm back!" Jack announced, his hands full of food. "I hope you're still hungry."

Rose nodded just as the others began to wake up.

"Jack, are you not eating with us?" Fabrizio hopped down. His eyes widened with understanding when he set eyes on Rose, who was busy eating some sausage. Smiling, he soon understood. "We'll see you later, Jack."

Quickly, the three men dressed and went to breakfast. Jack laughed. This was the first time that he had seen Fabrizio blush. "I've never seen him move so fast."

Rose smiled, her mind still on the problem of Jack’s portfolio. How were they going to it back? Jack noticed her distracted state and sat next to her.

"What's wrong?"

"I just remembered. We left your portfolio in my stateroom. We're going to have to get it back."

"Oh. I forgot about that, too. We'll wait until tonight when they're at dinner. We'll sneak up there, get the portfolio and some of your things, and get out."

"Just the portfolio, Jack. I don't want any reminders of my old life." Rose shook her head.

"Not even a dress or two?"

Rose shook her head. "Besides, they're too upper class. I can blend in more wearing simpler clothes."

"Well…if that's the way you want it. We'll just ask some of the girls to lend you some clothes. I'm sure they won't mind."

Cuddling together, the couple enjoyed their breakfast as the ship of dreams continued its race to America.

Chapter Two