Chapter Seven

Three weeks had gone by since Rose's departure. Angry and depressed, Jack returned to New York. Maybe time with friends would help him sort things out and figure out what to do with his life now that Rose was no longer part of it.

It was Saturday when Jack returned to the apartment building he had stayed in upon returning to the states. Memories threatened to accost him as he stared at the red brick building he had spent so much time in with Rose. Nervously rubbing his hands, he knew that there would be questions to answer…questions that he would rather avoid. Swallowing, he rang the bell, halfway hoping that no one answered the door. If they weren't home, Jack would have to move on, travel the world once again as he tried to mend his broken heart.

"Jack?" Fabrizio opened the door, surprise lighting his warm brown eyes. He had not expected to see his friend again so soon. He had thought it would at least be six months before Jack and Rose had settled into their new lives together.

"Hey, Fabri." Jack grinned, trying to hide his broken heart behind a bright smile. He didn't want to talk about Rose just yet. He wasn't in the mood for either sorries or I told you sos. He just wanted to get back to being the Jack he had been before Rose. Happy and carefree.

"What are you doing back here?" The Italian frowned, looking for his friend's beautiful companion. "Where's Rose?"

Jack sighed. Already, the questions were starting. "I came for a visit. Can't a guy visit his best friend?"

Fabrizio nodded. "Of course. You’re always welcome. Come in. Tommy's not home, but he'll return soon." Fabrizio stepped aside, curiosity eating at him.

Jack's smile widened. For the first time in weeks, he felt completely at ease. Yes. Time with his friends was exactly what he needed.

"Where's Rose?" Fabrizio asked, noticing once again that Jack was alone.

"Philadelphia," Jack flatly answered, not wanting to go into detail, but knowing that he was going to have to.

Fabrizio was about to ask something else, but was interrupted by Tommy's greeting as he entered the apartment, unaware of Jack's presence. His brown eyes lit up when he spotted his friend seated on the couch, looking as if he had lost his best friend.

"Jack!" Tommy exclaimed in delighted surprise. He had naturally liked the young artist from the moment they had met on the Titanic. Jack was full of freedom and optimism. At least, he had been. Right now, he looked as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Tommy." Jack stood to hug his newest friend.

"What brings you back to this neck of the woods, and where's that pretty lass of yours?"

Jack's smile faded at the mention of Rose, the familiar ache returning. How was he going to explain Rose leaving him? What would they think of him? What would they think of her? Not badly, he hoped. Despite everything, he couldn't bear for anyone to think badly of Rose. He still loved her, and would protect her with his last breath, if necessary. "Uh…she's not here."

Tommy frowned. Rose wasn't with Jack? Well, then, where was she? He had thought that those two were inseparable. Something was wrong. He could tell just by looking into Jack's eyes. That spark that had been there when he had last seen his friend was missing. "Want to talk about it, boyo?" Tommy sat across from Jack, the shadow of concern softening his features.

Jack sighed. How could he even say it? It sounded so horrible. It was horrible. Rose had left him for Cal. It couldn't get more horrible than that.

"She left me. She went back to Cal."

"What?" Fabrizio and Tommy exclaimed in unison, shock brightening their eyes. Rose left Jack? But that couldn't be true. She loved Jack. Why would she up and go back to her fiancé like that?

"Why?" Fabrizio sat next to his friend, absorbing the shock. "Why would she do that, Jack?"

"Yeah, boyo. The lass loved you more than anything. What would she go back to that stuffed shirt fiancé for?"

Jack shrugged, staring at his hands. "At first, it was because she was concerned about being a good wife."

"Of course she would have been a good wife!" Tommy snorted, lighting a cigarette and handing it to Jack. The poor guy looked like he could use a smoke.

"I told her that, and I told her how much I loved and needed her. But it went in one ear and out the other. I followed her to the train station. She was with Hockley." Jack tightened his fist, wishing that he had wiped the smug smile off the bastard's face. "I begged her to come back. That was when she told me that I was a fling. A distraction. An escape from her responsibilities. That she didn't love me, but him. Cal was the one she wanted."

Fabrizio shook his head, unable to believe his ears. He had been positive of Rose's love for Jack. He had seen how Rose had looked at Jack. How she had watched him when she had thought he wasn't looking. She had had the light of love in her eyes. That couldn't have been a lie.

"Boyo…that can't be true. She can't be in love with Hockley. For one, the man's a pig. Second, I saw the way she looked at you. I bet she never looked at him like that. I think she's lying."

Jack frowned, afraid to hope that what Tommy had said was true. "You think so?"

"We both do. You should go talk some sense into her, Jack. She's making a big mistake. You have to stop her." Tommy nodded, knowing that his advice was sound. Jack and Rose loved each other. No matter what anyone else had to say. "Go, Jack. Go now before she makes the biggest mistake of her life, if she hasn't already."

Jack got to his feet, gratitude shining in his eyes. Coming here was the best thing he had done since Rose had left. His friends had just confirmed what he had always known, infusing him with the courage to get Rose back. "Thanks. I really needed to hear that."

"So you go? Get Rose back?" Fabrizio asked, hope in his voice. He hated seeing Jack so sad and broken. He wanted him to be happy again, and he knew Rose could do that for him.

Jack nodded. "There's nothing else I can do. I'll talk some sense into her."

Hugging his friends good-bye, Jack headed for the train station. He was going to get Rose back if it was the last thing he ever did.

Chapter Eight