Chapter Sixty-Three

November 10, 1917

Dearest Rose,

Oh, Rose, I am so sorry I haven't written to you yet. I know how worried you must have been and I am very sorry. I am currently in New York and the ship over to France leaves tomorrow. I am really dreading this ship voyage, Rose. Without you, I don't know if I can do it, but I have to try, right? So far, all we have done is gone through training. To tell the truth Rose, I am scared as hell to go and fight. I have no desire to go and hurt other people. To watch people die. I am so frightened Rose, so worried, and so lost. I almost wish you were here next to me. But then I remember what will be going on and I don't want to expose you to all that horror. No, Rose, you are where you need to be. At home. Taking care of Michael and Jillian and being there for them. I miss you so much Rose. The first night without you was like hell. I didn't get to sleep until almost three in the morning and then I kept waking up from that point on. I want to get home already, Rose. I want to hold you, kiss you, and just talk to you. I miss that Rose, our heart to heart talks. Remember when we would stay up all night just talking? It was like we were teenagers again, having sleepovers and talking all night. At least that's what it was like for me growing up. My best friend, cousin, and I would sleep outside during the summer and talk till the sun came up. I don't know about you. Did your Mother ever allow things like that? I know you had parties, but did you stay up all night and just talk like there was no tomorrow? I feel bad now, that I never really asked. I miss our kisses too Rose. I miss everything. Even your talking in your sleep, ha ha. But like I said, the not having you around is the thing I really notice. And it's getting harder by the day. Tell Jilly and Michael that I love them and that I miss them terribly. I am enclosing some drawings for them to have. One of these drawings is for you and you only Rose. Don't let the children see it. I miss you Rose. And I love you Rosie, always remember that. I'll be home before you know it. Until then, I love you more then anything...

All my love forever,

November 20, 1917

Dear Jack,

You can't imagine my worry when I hadn't heard from you within a week. I thought something had happened. I am glad all is well so far, darling. Jack, you talk about your first night alone was being hell. Mine was worse. I didn't sleep at all. I think it had something to do with sleeping in our bed without you. I missed having your arms around me. And having you whisper in my ear. And kissing me good night. Jack, I just about went crazy. I have gotten so I hold a pillow next to me, pretending like I am holding you indeed. I miss you that much Jack. Please keep safe, I need you here Jack Dawson. Oh my, I must tell you what happened. I skipped my period. Now don't worry, I am not pregnant, thank God. When I first skipped, I immediately went to Dr. Lennox. After the relieving news that I am not pregnant, she said I probably skipped because I am so worried for you. Now, that must be something because the only other times I have skipped is when I was pregnant with Michael and Jillian. I just thought you might want to know. But, even though I am not pregnant, someone else is: Dianna. I just about fainted when I heard. I can't imagine what Dianna thought. It made me think, Jack. I want to have more children, but I am glad I didn't get pregnant before you left. I can't imagine going through pregnancy and childbirth without you. I could never do it. Speaking of Bryan, have you talked to him lately, darling? You must tell me how he is if you have heard from him. I do worry about all the men over in the war. If you see anyone else we know, tell them hello for me. Regretfully, I must end this letter. It is Jillian and Michael's bedtime. They send their love back and loved the drawings you made them. I loved mine also, Jack, you made me look so beautiful; I don't know how you do it. I love you Jack; you're forever in my heart. I'll see you soon.


December 1, 1917

My dear Rosebud,

Just seeing your words made me feel better. I pray every night for you and for our children. And I pray that this war will end. I did talk to Bryan. Ironically, we ended up at the same camp. He says hello and sends his love. He is also very excited--and worried--for the new baby. Tell Dianna, Jen, and Brittany that I said hello and send my love. At the moment, we are in France. It's not every pretty over here at the moment. There's awful smells and the sounds of war all around. The boat trip over here was very nerve racking and I didn't rest for one minute. Scenes from the Titanic kept flashing through my mind. And without you there, there was no one to calm me when I would get worked up over those images. I hated the boat, to say the least. I spent a lot of the time out on deck, looking at the water. I thought about you the whole time Rose. Anyway, we are still just drilling and I pray that it stays that way. I want to get home so back. I miss the ocean so much; the oceans here not as beautiful as back home. Rose, go out there for a little while sometime and just stand there. Do it for both of us. And I swear Rose, with our hearts connected as they are, I will be able to be standing there with you, somehow. Even if I am just there spiritually, do it Rose. You never know how special or important or loved something is until is ruined or gone. How are things over in Santa Monica? I bet it's beautiful again this time of year. I can almost see it in my mind. All the sights, smells, people...I had to stop for a few minutes. Now there is talk of a real battle later this week. I am not looking forward to this at all. I know just hearing your voice, Rose, would guide me through all that is ahead. I carry your letter around all the time, pretending you are smiling at me from across the table at home. I kiss your words in attempt to kiss you in a way. I miss you so, so, so much. I need you so bad, you have no idea. I promise that when I get home Rose, we'll spend so much time together that you won't believe it. I am never going to leave again. And if I have to, you are coming with me. I love you Rosie. I'll come home soon, I promise. And don't us Dawsons always keep our promises?


December 14, 1917

My Dear Jack,

Everything in Santa Monica is the same. You know how I love it at this time of year, and this year is no exception. The ocean is just beautiful. I did what you told me to, Jack. I left the kids with Jennifer and took a walk on the beach at night. I sat at the edge of the surf for a long time, just thinking. I tried to imagine you were right next to me. I could have sworn you were right there after a while. I sat there and cried to myself for the longest time. I miss you so much, Jack. I need to hold you so bad. I have taken to sleeping on your side of the bed, breathing in that scent of yours that is still there. It calms down; helps me to relax somewhat. Sometimes I wear your clothes to bed. I hope you don't mind. Somehow, I know that you don't. Jack when you get home, let's go away for a few days. Just us. No children, friends, pets, anything. Just you and me. Maybe we could go up to that cabin you suggested going to? Remember we always talked about doing something like that. It doesn't have to be right away, but within a few years. But I think we should do something like that. Just be alone for a while. I hope, that wherever you are, that this idea will make you think of happier times and places (ha ha). Michael and Jillian both say hello. They miss you so much, Jack. Everyday I hear: 'When's Daddy coming home,' from Michael and 'Dada home,' from Jillian. They continue to love all the drawings you send them. I took them to the beach the other day. When Michael asked where you were, I told him across the ocean. He, of course, does not understand that there is more the one ocean in the world. So as soon as I had set up a blanket and given Michael permission to go play, he walks out to the surf, raises his hand, waves, and yells 'Hi Daddy' as loud as he could. It was the sweetest thing; I had tears in my eyes. Michael is looking more like you every day, Jack Dawson. He acts like you, too. He doesn't care what people seem to think about him and doesn't take anything seriously. Jillian is growing up so fast. Her hair is getting longer and she is talking a lot more. Its strange, she'll sit for hours drawing lines or circles on paper. And she loves to be read to. Every night she begs to me read to her. And even though she can't understand some things some of the time, she listens attentively. And she is so sweet, always smiling and laughing. She is definitely your little girl, Jack. And of course, Addy is fine. She misses you though. I take her out on walks a few times a week, and she loves it. But I know she would rather have you walking her. I must stop writing now; I am getting very tired. And it's getting very late. I need to get to sleep if I am going to keep up with those children of ours tomorrow, ha ha again. I miss you more then you could imagine. And I love you higher than the heavens.

Eternally yours,

December 22, 1917


Merry Christmas! I know you won't get this until after Christmas, but I wanted to send it and wish you Merry Christmas anyway. I miss you so much. It doesn't seem much like the Christmas season without you. I am sending something I picked up in France, but it may take a while to get there. Longer than this letter will take. But look for it. I miss you all and I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. It's getting worse over here. It's so depressing. And freezing! It's so much colder then at home. But I keep telling myself that I've been much colder. And I think of home and how it is there. We've had a few battles over the past few weeks. Nothing really big though. So far, I've been lucky. I haven't been hurt or anything. I guess I should be thankful for that instead of feeling depressed for myself. Bryan sends his love again and said to say hello and Merry Christmas. I promised him I would tell you that, just in case he ever asks. It was nice to hear how Jilly and Michael are doing. I wish I could be there to be with them. I feel like I am missing a lot of their childhood. Hopefully, I'll be home very soon to be with them, and you. I need to hold you so bad Rose. I need to hear your voice. I need you Rose. Just to talk to you for a little while would make me feel better, Rose. You know you are like my best friend, as well as my lover and soulmate. I love you. And I still promise I am coming home. I'll never let go of that promise Rose. Never forget that. Say hello to everyone for me. Give kisses and hugs to Michael and Jillian.

I love you,

January 6, 1918

My Love,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! The feeling of peace and joy didn't seem to be around without you. The house didn't seem as bright or cheery. For Christmas Eve, we went over to Jennifer's and had a little party. All of the children really enjoyed it. Oh, and Michael wanted me to tell you that Santa brought him some new things for his art set. And he promised to draw a picture for you and he did! I am sending it with this letter. It is you, Jillian, he, and I on the beach. I am also sending you a little Christmas present that I hope they will let you have. It is a small little bible you can carry with you. I have found that talking to God has helped me through some days recently. Be sure to read Song of Songs all right? Don't think I am being all religious or anything, I just think we should remember who ultimately controls when the war ends. Anyway...in your last letter Jack, you sounded so depressed. And you sounded worried beyond words. You are making me more frightened for you. Please take care of yourself Jack. Don't go looking for trouble. You know how much I need you to come home. I miss everything about you Jack. I miss how you would call me Rosie and Rosebud. And how you would wake me up by gently kissing me. And how we would just stay up all night and talk about nothing that was really important. Like we were best friends seeing each other for the first time in a while. And I miss our old sleeping position we always found ourselves in. You know, with my head on your chest, our legs wound together, your hands caressing my hair and back. I am torturing myself now, but I don't care. You need to know how I feel Jack. And like I said, take care of yourself and come home as soon as you possible can. To let you know, I am keeping my promise. I am not going to give up. I am surviving. And I am trying to make the days count until you come home. I live for the day when you will be home Jack. Just knowing that you will be home soon allows me to fall asleep, helps me to get up every morning. Reminds me to breathe and to live. But I still miss you more then anything. I love you Jack. I always have. Ever since I first saw you. Only I didn't know it then. But by after that night of dancing on the ship, I knew. I just knew. And I still love you. More then ever. Everyday I love you more, if that's possible. No matter what, I will always love you. Nothing on heaven or earth could come between us. I love you!


January 25, 1918


Your last letter gave me so much courage and hope, once again. Thank you so much. And I love the bible you sent to me. And yes they let me have it. I read what you told me too. And I felt like crying afterward. One verse reminded me of you: Song of Songs 4:9: "You have stolen my heard, my sister, my bride. You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace..." It may be corny, but this is what you have done Rose. You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes. I can remember seeing you for the first time, that day out on deck. You were above me and looking out at the ocean. Then you turned your head and looked right into my eyes. And I could feel something Rose. Our souls connected at that point, and they haven't let go of each other since. I love you so much, never forget that Rose. We have seen more battles lately. I am still scared before everyone. I can't help it. And I can't wait to get home. I miss you so much. Oh God, I miss you. I could write an essay, no, a book, on how much I miss you and about all the things I miss about you. But since I have little time and supplies, those words must be restricted to letters. I miss you, home, Michael, Jillian, our friends, you, work, you, everything and anything about Santa Monica. Of our lives before I left. It so hard to be away from all that. It's like a part of me is gone. I hate is here. I want to be home! Hopefully that day will come soon--very, very, very soon! I love you. I love you. I love you. Tell Michael and Jillian I love them and miss them also and kiss them everyday for me. Tell all our friends hello and tell them I miss them all very dearly. I love you!


February 17, 1918

My Dear Jack,

I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. And I miss you as much as ever. More then ever really. God, how I miss you. It's so strange waking up and not finding you lying beside me. I am still not used to that. Jillian and Michael are doing well. They send their love and ask about you every day. They are good children Jack, although Michael always seems to be in the middle of trouble. I wonder where he gets that from...hmm? But he is polite and nice and sweet. Charming really. Jillian is a little angel, most of the time. She is constantly trying to join her brother in whatever he may do. But being as young as she is, it is sometimes hard for her. She plays well with Matthew and Grace though, so that is good. I think they will grow up to be good friends. Michael likes playing with Meaghan or by himself. Although, he will play with Jillian if no one else is over and he is getting bored with playing by himself. I think that when they get older, they will want to play together more. Already Michael and Jillian want to do a lot of things together besides play. I only hope they will be as close as I wanted to be with my sibling that I never had. I got a job, Jack. Now, it's nothing big. I am teaching drama at a theater downtown. It's only twice a week for a few hours, but its a nice change and it helps me get my mind off things for a while. The children stay with Brittany most of the time. Poor Brit, she and Cameron were separated so soon. Every time I see her, my heart aches. I hope and pray that Cameron, along with you, Bryan, and Scott, come home safe and sound. You know, you are the easiest person in the world to talk to. For me at least. I feel as if I can, and do, tell you everything and anything. You're like my best friend. You know that, right? We're not just lovers, but best friends. I think that's one of the things that makes us so close. And I think that's important. I don't know why I am rambling on about this to you for. I just need someone to talk to, I guess. Dianna is always busy or in a bad mood (plus, she isn't really the person I feel like talking to right now). Jennifer is always busy as well, and even though we are friends, we're just not the close talking type of friends. And Brittany is just not the person I usually talk to. She and Jennifer and Dianna are good friends, they just don't understand me like you do. I am rambling on again aren't I? Oh well. Valentine's Day was depressing. Not just for me, but I think for the entire population of Santa Monica. The feeling just isn't there. Everyone is missing someone or has lost someone. Its been cold and dreary and wet here the last couple of days and that just adds to the feeling of loss. I am lying here listing to the rain, and it's a really depressing sound. Gosh, I wish it would stop. Oh dear, Jillian just woke up, which means Michael will be up any minute now. I must hurriedly finish this. I miss you heaps Jack Dawson. Keep safe, keep warm, and always remember I love you. I wish you were here instead of this pillow I am cuddling up against. I love you.

Your Rose

March 10, 1918

Dear Rose,

I just got your letter yesterday; the mail is becoming slower. It was nice to hear about Michael and Jillian. I miss them so very much. I miss that the war would end, and soon. Rose, you know that you are my best friend also. And I know what you mean by wanting someone to talk to. None of the people around here understand me like you do. Bryan is okay to talk to, but I miss you dearly Rose. Things out in the field have been getting worse and worse. It's horrible watching men suffer and die. Just the day before yesterday, a man two feet away from me, in a trench, was shot down and died. It was terrible Rose. That man's poor family. I keep thinking about him. I have seen other people die, but this man looked young and I can't help but wonder if he was married. Or engaged. And if he was married, if he had any children. All things keep running through my mind. Geez, this is painful to write--but I need to tell someone what I am feeling. And even though you are hundreds of miles away, you're still the one who I want to talk to. Need to talk to. I am scared everyday Rose. This is worse then anything I have been through. Worse than the fire that killed my parents, worse then living in poverty for so long, or the Titanic. I want, and I need, to get home so bad. Thank you for listening to me like this Rose. I miss you every millisecond of every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, of every week. I long for the day when I will be able to come home. To hold you again, Rose. I love you.

Love always,

Rose looked at an extra page of the letter Jack had just sent her. Jack had traced his hand on a blank sheet of manila paper. Under the outline were the words "To the stars...I love you, Rose." Tears sprang to Rose's eyes as she stared at Jack's handprint. It had been too long since she had held that hand in her own. She missed it. Suddenly getting an idea, she grabbed a pencil off the nightstand and traced over Jack's hand with her own. She would send this with her next letter. Underneath Jack's writing she wrote the words: "You jump, I jump. Forever. I'll love you always, Jack Dawson."

Chapter Sixty-Four