Chapter Two


Rose leaned on the cold railing, staring out over the water as the Carpathia raced over the icy sea, taking the few survivors of the Titanic's sinking to New York where they would disembark and—and what? Live? Die? Wait? Wait for what? A tear slid down her cheek.

“Come Josephine in my flying machine, and it's up she goes, up she goes!” Jack whispered in her ear, his hands caressing hers as they stood on the railing of the "unsinkable" ship's bow. The air flew over them.

They were flying.

Rose turned her head, and their lips touched, sealing their love in a sacred kiss.

She moaned quietly and wiped her tears away.


Rose spun around, her heart pounding wildly.

"Rose, we thought you were dead!" Molly exclaimed loudly.

Rose looked about frantically, knowing that a first class passenger talking to a third class passenger would certainly attract attention, and attention was the one thing Rose did not need right now.

She pressed her fingers to her lips and signaled Molly to follow her. Rose led her into the interior of the ship and to the third class deck, then backed into a corner.

"Rose, what on earth are you doing?" Molly asked.

"I know, Molly. You must think that I've gone mad, and perhaps I have...but I cannot go back. You cannot tell them that I am here! They were strangling me, killing me, Molly. I...I...I have to stay here. I'm not one of them anymore. This is where Jack was. And this is where I have to be. Please don't tell them," Rose pleaded frantically.

"I won't, Rose. Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. If you don't want them to find you, then they ain't gonna!" she stated, smiling.

Rose smiled thankfully at Molly, tears filling her eyes.

"It'll be all right, darling," Molly said, taking Rose into her arms. She stroked the young woman's hair as if she were a small child. She could not begin to imagine what Rose had gone through. Molly knew that she'd been one of the lucky ones...she'd gotten into a boat, had a thick coat.

But most of all, she had lived.

"But I'm glad you found me, Molly. I...I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't have money, any clothes. I...I don't know how I'm going to find work. I don't know—" She paused and broke the embrace. Rose looked at Molly with the eyes of a wounded animal in dire need of help. Molly smiled at her.

"Hush, dear. We'll think of something. But as for right now, we need to get you back inside. C'mon, darling," Molly said, putting her arm over Rose's shoulders. "Where are they putting you up?"

Rose led Molly to a large room where cots had been set up and blankets handed out for the survivors. The two women wove in and out of the maze of cots and bodies to a corner where Cora sat on a cot, eating some soup. She smiled as Rose approached.

"Cora, this is Molly. Molly, this is Cora," Rose said quietly.

Molly couldn't begin to imagine why Rose had taken this child in. Why, when she had no way of feeding and clothing even herself, she had taken in a child, she had no idea. But of course, that was not something to question now. "Well, hello, Cora! You're cute as a button!" Molly said happily.

The young girl blushed. "Thank you," she answered shyly.

"You are welcome!" Molly exclaimed happily.

Cora smiled shyly once more.

Rose smiled and sat down on the cot beside Cora. She picked up the makeshift doll she had made for Cora from scraps of clothes and blankets and set it on her lap. Molly studied Rose for a moment more, then said, "Well, I should be heading back. I don't wanna be arousing any suspicions. I'll look for you when we dock, all right, Rose?"

"All right, Molly. Thank you," Rose whispered as Molly bent and hugged her once more. "Thank you for everything."

Molly smiled at her, tapped Cora on the nose, then said good-bye and left.

Cora looked up at Rose with adoring eyes. "Are we gonna see Molly when we get off?" she asked, setting the bowl aside.

"Yes, Cora. We might spend a bit of time with her."

"I hope we do," she said, picking the doll up from Rose's lap.

"Me, too, Cora. Me, too."

Chapter Three