Chapter Twenty


"So, I suppose I'll see you tomorrow, Rose," William said. He awkwardly kissed her on the cheek, then said his farewells to the rest of the family. Julia smiled at Rose after William had left.

"He really is fond of you, Rose." Rose turned and looked at Julia, her cheeks filled with crimson.

"Yes," Rose mumbled. "I guess I'm going to go ahead and get to sleep." Rose kissed everyone on the cheek, then hurried up to her room and changed into her sleeping garments. She lay down on her bed and stared out the window, watching as the moon rose higher and higher above the horizon.

Rose lay awake in her bed staring at the moon. Its sweet face shone in her room. On a sudden impulse, Rose slipped out of bed and dragged the dress box from under it. She shifted through the dress and the rose and the newspaper article and grabbed the diamond. She climbed back in her bed and held it in front of her, staring into it. Its facets made the moonlight dance about the room, like ripples of water on a pond. She stared deeper and deeper into the diamond. And, for a moment, she felt herself completely lost in its dazzling beauty.

Rose felt as if she had betrayed him. Betrayed Jack. She had let her defenses down to William Calvert and let him in. She felt dirty somehow. Her entire being felt as if she had just wronged Jack.

"Oh, Jack," she whispered quietly.

And suddenly she felt another presence in the room. She sat up and looked about.

"Hello?" she whispered. Rose looked about, petrified. She could still hear Nathan's rhythmic breathing coming from his crib. Rose wanted to stand and venture to his crib, peer down at him, but she could not bring herself to get off the bed.

But the presence was still there. Someone was in the room besides she and Nathan. Rose's eyes fluttered over the small room.

"Rose..." The voice swam in her head. A familiar voice.

"Jack?" she whispered. And then she felt something settle beside her, and her head snapped around to see it—him. "Jack!" She smiled, but when she saw his expression her smile faded. She said nothing for a long time, letting a peaceful silence fall over them. “It's—uh—it's time, isn't it?" she whispered shakily. He gazed at her.

"He loves you, Rose. And so do I. Someday, we'll be together again, but now you need to live. You need to live for both of us." He smiled and gently touched her face. A feeling of warmth spread over her. They gazed at each other in a loving silence for a long time. This time, it was Rose who broke the silence. She stared up at Jack, knowing this would be the last time for a long time that she would see him.

"I love you," Rose whispered. "And I love him."


William unlocked the door to the shop and silently slipped in. He turned to lock the door once more. As he laid the keys on the desk beside the cash register for Ralph to find in the morning, he was startled at the sound of someone beside him.

"Ah…Willy, I scare you?" Ralph said, a tone of laughter in his voice.


"How's things go with the Dawsons tonight? You engaged yet, boy? Can I finally get you off my hands?" He playfully elbowed the young man and smiled. He set the candle he was carrying on the counter.

"No, not yet. You'll have to keep me a bit longer." The older man frowned.

"What happened?" William took the ring out of his pocket and looked at it.

"I don't know." William had gone that night with the intent of asking Rose to marry him. As he'd walked down the main road that night and bounded down Dawson Lane, he'd been sure he would be able to simply take her hand in his, gaze into her eyes, and ask. But as soon as he had entered the door and given the girls their flowers, the thought had flushed completely from his mind.

"Never crossed your mind! William, boy, are you scared or something? You're scared, aren't you?" William looked at the middle-aged man. He could tell by the look in William's eyes that his accusation was correct. "You're awfully lucky none of the other young men in this town have spotted her. If they had, she'd have been asked at least five times now. I myself, if I were ten or fifteen years younger would have my eye on her as well. You've earned her trust, boy. Now, don't you dare hurt her or I'll break your neck," he said in a somewhat playful tone, but William could hear the seriousness behind his voice. "Now then, go to bed so you can stay awake tomorrow at the dance."

"Thanks, Ralph." William bounded up the stairs, clutching the ring in his hand.

Chapter Twenty-One