Chapter Three


Rose stared up through the rain at the Statue of Liberty.


It seemed as if it were falling, trying to wash away all the nightmares these people had had over the past two nights, all the nightmares they would have for the rest of their lives. As if it were falling, trying to wash away all the pain these people would feel for the rest of their lives.

Suddenly, the Statue was consumed by blackness. Startled, Rose turned her head to find a man holding an umbrella. She studied him for a moment.

"Can I take your name please, love?" he asked, hand poised over his clipboard and paper.

"Dawson. Rose Dawson," she answered, without hesitation.

"Thank you," the officer said, moving to the next person.

At that moment, Rose DeWitt Bukater died, and Rose Dawson was brought into this world anew.

She shoved her hands into the pockets of the coat—Cal's coat—but quickly drew back as her hand struck something sharp. As she pulled her hand from her pocket, her eyes settled upon the last thing in the entire world she expected to find. In her hand, she held the Heart of the Ocean. She stared at it. It had remained in her pocket through her leap from the lifeboat, dodging Cal's ill-aimed bullets, wading through the flooded corridors—laying there on that piece of molding, Jack's hand frozen to hers. She looked about nervously, straining to see if anyone had seen what she was holding, and shoved the diamond back in the pocket.

Rose quickly turned as she realized she would somehow have to quickly weave a lie to keep Cora with her. She dropped her to knees and looked at Cora. The young girl had been sharing an umbrella with an elderly lady.

"Cora, I need you to do something. You have to do this so that we can stay together," Rose whispered, placing her hands on Cora's shoulders.

"What is it? Are we gonna find my da now?" she asked innocently.

Rose nervously licked her lips and gazed at Cora. "We're not going to find your da, Cora. He's..." She searched for the words. “He's watching over you now, Cora. But he's in...he's in a place that we can't get to yet. You'll see him again. But not for a little while." Rose paused, seeing Cora's distressed, confused expression. "But for now, you need to do something. When that man," she pointed to the man writing down names on his clipboard, "comes around, I need you to tell him your name is Cora Dawson."

"But what about Da?"


"Miss Dawson." The man stood above them. He smiled down at Cora. "She's too old to be your daughter. Your niece perhaps?"

Rose forced a smile and nodded politely.

"And what's your name?" he asked Cora.

Cora licked her lips, glanced at Rose, then back to the man. "Cora D-Dawson."

Rose tightly embraced Cora as the man thanked her and took the name of the older woman holding the umbrella.

"Oh, Cora!" Rose whispered excitedly.


“When the ship docks, I'm getting off with you.”

“This is crazy!”

“I know.” She laughed. “That's why I trust it.”

Rose looked up through the rain. She squeezed Cora's hand as the crowd pushed past them.

"I'm getting off with you, Jack," she whispered as the chilling rain fell on her face, washing away her salty tears. "I'm getting off with you."


"Rose! Over here, darling!" Molly called, waving her arms. There was no reason to be cautious of attracting the attention of one of the other first class passengers; the other first class passengers and all of the reporters had all left hours ago.

Rose's head turned and she finally spotted her friend. As Rose and Cora finally reached her, Molly hurried them into a red Renault. "I've been waiting forever! My goodness! You two are soaked to the bone!"

As Rose stepped into the car, her vision blurred with tears. She glanced up in the corner of the car where a mounted vase held a single red rose. Just as the car in the cargo hold had...

"Rose? Is everything all right?" Molly asked, giving Rose a handkerchief as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Oh, yes," she mumbled. "Thank you." Rose wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked out the window, straining to see the stars.

The stars...

“Where to, miss?”

“To the stars.”

The stars...what stars? The sky was black.

"Rosie?" Cora's gentle tug on Rose's sleeve jerked her back to attention.

"You sure you're all right, darling?" Molly asked, studying her.

"Yes...yes, I'm fine," Rose said quickly, a shiver traveling up and down her spine as a water droplet escaped beneath her dress.

"As soon as we get to the hotel, you can take a nice hot bath and we'll get you into some clean clothes," Molly said to Rose. "And you, too, cutie," she said, tapping Cora on the nose.

Cora giggled.

Another tear slid down Rose's chilled cheeks.

Chapter Four