Chapter Four


Rose eased her naked body into the steaming water. It felt so good. The hot water rushed over her, and she leaned her head back against the cool porcelain tub. The bath oils in the water smelled wonderful. Her senses were overtaken.

She sloshed the water over herself. It seemed like a hundred years since she had been warm. The dark coat and pink and white dress she had been wearing for three days straight lay haphazardly strewn on the floor. Rose's long red hair floated about her shoulders.

Rose closed her eyes for a brief moment, but when she opened them again, the water was cold...only degrees above freezing. People floated around her. One bobbed against her. She yelled out. His face. Jack! A piercing sound of pure terror escaped her, and she pressed her eyes shut again, trying to escape. And when she opened them, she was once again in the hot water of the bath tub. The door flung open, and Molly entered, bewildered.

"Rose! Are you all right, hon? I heard you scream!" she said frantically, grabbing one of the soft towels and helping Rose out of the tub as she stood.

"I...I closed my eyes and...and...they were...Jack..." Rose sobbed, collapsing onto the cold tile floor. Molly dropped to her knees and wrapped the towel around Rose.

"It's all right, darling. It's all right. Hush. Shh," Molly soothed. Rose rocked back and forth, like a child scared and alone in the dark.

Tears streamed down her face. Her teeth chattered with cold, even though the mirrors were dripping with the moisture from the heat of the water. She trembled all over.

"Jack," she whispered. "Hold me, Jack."

Molly pulled Rose close to her, trying her best to comfort her.


Rose awoke, warm on a feather mattress, tucked in under a heavy comforter, and dressed in a silk robe. She looked about, disoriented and confused. Then, it all came rushing back to her, and she pressed her eyes shut, fighting the dizziness that overtook her.

The door opened and Molly and Cora came in, both smiling.

"Oh, Rose! You're awake!" Molly exclaimed, smiling a relieved smile. "There's a plate of hot food by the bed," she said, pointing toward a plate with a silver cover over it. Rose sat up, pulling the quilt up around her chest.

"Are you okay, Rosie?" Cora asked, sitting on the bed beside Rose.

"Yes, Cora. I'm all right," Rose said, smiling over at the young girl.

"I had the bellhop come up and bring you supper. He didn't wake you up, did he?"

"No. No, he didn't." Suddenly, Rose's eyes grew wide, remembering what had been in the pocket of that coat. "Molly, where is the coat I had? I...I have something in the pockets! I—"

"It's all right, Rose. I got it out," Molly said, winking at Rose. "And the dress has been taken care of. It's folded and put away."

Rose heaved a heavy sigh. "Thank you, Molly."

"Of course, darling. Now, eat. C'mon," Molly said, uncovering the plate of mashed potatoes, tender lamb, mini-carrots baked in a molasses sauce, and some gravy that Rose could not remember having eaten before. She pulled the plate onto her lap and quickly consumed the delicious meal, then washed it down with a sip of the red wine sitting on the bed stand. Rose smiled up at Molly, then over at Cora. "Mmm...I feel better already."

"Good!" Molly perked up, clapping her hands together.

"I'm glad you feel better, Rosie," Cora said, wrapping her arms tightly around Rose.

"Thank you, Cora," Rose said, kissing her on the cheek.

Chapter Five