Chapter Ten

I had instructed Jack to stand out by the hull of the ship. I had told him that Rose would attempt to take her life on the hull. As per Jack’s instruction, I gave him a vivid account of everything Rose was thinking when she made the decision to attempt to end her life. Jack and I remained hidden behind some cargo boxes, and I will never forget that night as long as I live, and neither will Jack, wherever he is, seeing as he has died and gone up into the spiritual realm. It was a very cold and dark night, and I remember clamping down hard on my jaws so that they would not make noise by chattering. I started to shiver, and that’s when Jack picked up a stray blanket, and gently and lovingly put it over my shoulders. That gesture meant quite a lot to me, and I was quite touched by it. I knew that he was a very sensitive man, and would make a good lover for Rose. The sky was clear, and was a jet black color, and the air was quite crisp. I could feel the crispness nipping away at my face, the tip of my nose, and my eyes. Sometimes, I feel as though the cold air has little fingers that act like pincers which nip certain parts of the body, because that’s how the wind felt to me on that night.

For a long time, we heard and saw nothing but silence, and fatigue was beginning to get the best of me. I could sense and feel myself beginning to nod off, only being awakened by the crisp and cold air. Then, suddenly, we heard very quiet stirrings on the ground, which reminded me of a gentle mouse scurrying along the ground.

"There she is!" I quietly whisper to Jack.

Jack nodded to me quite instinctively, as if to say, Good. Then we can be ready for her!

The stirrings turned into muffled shuffles, sounding like slippers sliding across the ground. We craned our heads beyond the boxes, and we saw Rose. She was wearing an off-white night gown. My guess is that, by judging the way it appeared in the moonlight, it was made out of some fine muslin. She was wearing a fine, lacy wrapper on top of that, and I could ascertain that her slippers were made out of satin. They were shiny and white. My God! Satin is a cloth material I will never wear! One look at her face, and I could tell she was in pain and consternation. She had a very confused look on her face, that upset her pretty face. Strangely enough, there were no wrinkles on her face, given the immense stress she was presently under. Her face appeared to be, quite literally, pretty as a picture. But, I could see the uncertainty on her face, and I could hear her mind saying, My God. There’s no going back from this one!

I gauged that she didn’t even know how to commit suicide. By now, I knew that she was a lady of leisure and finery, and she believed that acting ladylike and proper was the way to do everything. For her, this was her debut in life, her way of getting back at the landed classes. From her standpoint, it would be the negative publicity from the act, the my God, the DeWitt Bukaters and Cal have just had a tragedy in the family. How could such a scandalous thing as suicide have happened in such a fine family? That would do in the two families that Rose was associated with, and not the tragedy happening to Rose.

I sighed. Well, this is a segment of society that values titles, honor, and image more than anything else. They really evaluate you on who you appear to be, and not on who you really are. Rose could not see us, but I began to concentrate very hard on what she was thinking. I had to keep my promise to Jack.

I tell Jack, "This is what she is thinking."

She looked down at the ground, and she looked over the side of the ship that was at the side of the hull, and she shivered, not because she felt cold--she could hardly feel the cold air--but because she realized that It really is a long way down, she was thinking.

I’ve never seen this side of the ship, like I’ve never seen this side of life before. It is very scary for me, because I’ve known parties and finery all of my life, no matter how boring it may have been. But this is really a new experience for me.

For the first time in my life, I feel afraid, as though I don’t know what’s going to happen next. I really don’t want to do this, but this is the only way I can get them to listen to me! I’ve thought about my life over and over. If I don’t do this, I will end up married to Cal, and I can’t do that. I mean, he’s evil and rotten to the core. There’s no reasoning with him! I might as well marry the man of evil himself, which is exactly what Cal is! All of my life, I’ve felt trapped and caged, and I’ve felt as though there is no way out of my life!

It was at that point in time that I began to choke. My God! I could sympathize with her! Somehow, my mind drew a blank, and instead of Rose being at the hull of the ship, I saw myself at the hull. All of a sudden, I was staring down at the dark and cold waters of the North Sea!

Jack sensed that I was shivering, and he asked, "What happened?"

I said, "Nothing."

Jack turned around and gave me a look that said, Yeah, right!

"All right," I mutter. "I had a strange experience. Presently, we see Rose looking quite nervously over the hull of the ship, but while I was telling you what she was thinking, I had an experience, where, instead of seeing her at the hull of the ship, I was at the hull of the ship, and I was thinking and feeling everything she was!"

Jack looked at me. and he said, "You’re right. That would make my mind wander, too."

I said, "It was quite a scary experience for me. It’s like my life is parallel to hers…but that can’t be because I am not her. I mean, I come from a totally different history, a different family, a different social class. I don’t even think like her!"

Jack interjected, "Perhaps your spiritual life is parallel to hers."

Confused, I ask, "What do you mean by that?"

Jack replied, "I don’t know. You’re the wise one. You figure it out."

I thought to myself, Well, that’s some help! I resume concentrating on what she is thinking.

I understand that there is no way out of my life. I feel that, by living, I am actually dying! I mean, through death, I may find utter and eternal salvation. At least, there will be no pressures for me to face in death, and my soul will be free, wherever it shall lie. It’s the ultimate decision, because once I’m dead, there’s no way I can come back to life, but at least it will have been my conscious choice, like nothing else in my life has been so far. So far, it feels as though someone else has been living my life for me. I have no feelings and emotions, and I exist through someone else’s eyes. It’s like I’m a nice image that someone dreamed up! Well, I want more than just an image. I want real life! If I can’t get it in life, perhaps I can get it in the afterlife!

It is at this point in time that I become quite emotional again, because I can understand and identify with everything that she is saying, thinking, and feeling! For some strange reason, Rose has become me! And her soul and blood course through my body!

I begin to sob, and it is at this point that Jack holds me tight and says, "There, there. Don’t cry, dear lassie. Everything will be fine."

I turn to him and say, "No, it won’t. It’s going to get much worse!"

Chapter Eleven