Chapter Fifteen

Jack and Jasmine Attend a Social

Well, after my strange encounter with Fran Jones, I was left quite confused, and my mind was left pondering dozens of questions. Some of them were, "Who was Fran, and where did I meet her? To the best of my knowledge, she was a complete stranger to me."

Jack and Rose were completely oblivious to my concerned mind, as Rose said, "Come now, we must go upstairs." She motioned us to come, and we followed her cue.

The next night was the dreaded social, and Rose knocked on the door. I opened the door, and was blinded by the thousand plus diamonds that stood in defiance and rebellion on her Hope diamond necklace. Those diamonds appeared to say, Dare not to look at me, as I will blind the looker with my black magic! Oh, it was working. I was blinded, and I squinted my eyes, and moved my gaze to the left. Rose looked stunning. She was wearing a dark wine, low-cut evening gown. The color in the gown brought out the rose color in her cheeks.

"Rose," I gasp, "why did you wear that necklace?"

Rose looked confused, and she asked, "Do you not like it?"

I responded, while keeping my gaze away from that damned thing, so as not to be blinded by it. "Yes, I like it, but the gaze is too intense. It has an artificial and surreal beauty to it, which compels the looker to gaze into it. But when the looker gazes into it, the gazer is forever blinded by its power!"

Rose looked confused, and her innocent words pierced into my soul. "I don’t understand…" she said, her voice sounding as gentle as the look of a young doe.

I respond, "You don’t have to understand now, but one day, it will make sense to you."

Jack came out of the room, and he was wearing the suit. I giggled when I saw him, because he looked so haphazard. I mean, he was dressed like a gentleman, but he looked like a misfit in the suit! He glared at me when he caught my gaze, and he said, with a stern look in his eyes that said bug off, "Okay. So I don’t look distinguished, but this wasn’t my idea, so lay off!"

I respond, with a startled look in my eyes, "Jack, I wasn’t saying anything…"

He cut me off in a sharp tone. "It wasn’t what you were saying verbally. It was what you were implying non-verbally with your look." Jack looked into the necklace, and he put his right hand over his eyes to shield it from the sheer power of the necklace. He said, while gasping and panting, as though facing physical difficulty when trying to defend himself from the power of the necklace, "Rose, why did you have to wear that damned necklace?"

Rose backed away from us, and she looked like she was about to cry. She said, in a very hurt voice, "I though you would like it!"

I note how the sweet tones of her voice laid itself to rest on our souls, as an innocent child’s voice would. We respond in unison, our voices gathering strength as they reverberate off of each other. "Yes, it’s nice, I guess, but the damned thing is so strong it blinds everyone who looks at it. It’s almost like you have to try physically to not get possessed by it. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about the necklace that bewitches and curses people. It has a surreal, but haunting, beauty, and sheer power that compels people to look at it, but when they do, suddenly, they are captured by the power of the necklace, and the magic of the necklace, which must be black, pulls the souls into its center and essence, thus entrapping it forever, in much the same way that a Venus fly trap uses its appearance to entice, and then to ensnare insects into it!"

Rose backed away, looking very confused, and she said, "I don’t understand what you say at all! For me it’s a nice necklace, and I like to wear it!" She looked at us with a tone of defiance and self-confidence in her voice. But I wasn’t sure that either one were real.

I said to her, in a soul-piercing voice, "Rose, do you really like that necklace?"

She looked at me with innocence in her eyes, and she said, "Well, yes…well…okay…I’ll admit, I don’t like it. I just wear it to show off. For me, it’s a nice accessory and nothing more. I wear it because I feel like a princess in it, and because I am enraptured by its beauty. But it holds no real magic for me. I don’t feel special in it. Instead, I feel like a nice accessory in it."

I say, "Is that what you want?"

Rose answers, "No, but…" Then she looks at me with an air of confidence in her voice, and she says, "I know. From now on, I’ll look like a real princess. I’ll wear the necklace you gave me!"

I sigh. I had been hoping she wouldn’t say that, but at least I know she’s on the right track.

Rose says, "Okay, these parties are really quite fake. You’ll be accepted if you talk about all of the money you have. The more money you have, the better and the sooner these people will accept you into their lives. I go to these parties all the time, and…" Her voice trails sadly as she says, "I hate them!" Then she looks at me with a fierceness of burning fire in her eyes, as she continues, "I mean, I go to the same boring parties all of the time. I go to the same socials, and I meet the same boring people, and I wear the same boring clothes, and I wear the same damned necklace Cal gave me. Honestly, I hate it. The only thing it serves to do is to remind me of the cages I am in, and of my inferiority…"

I gasp and gulp in pain, because I have been in cages for all of my life, and her words serve to give me flashbacks of this.

She looks at me with a smile in her eyes, and she says, "Cheer up, Jasmine. You’re a princess!"

Yeah, well, I sure didn’t feel like one now!

Jack rolls his eyes and he looks at me. "Well, Jasmine, are you ready to put up pretenses, and to pretend to be someone you aren’t?"

I nod in affirmation. Then I chuckle to myself, as I think it’s quite ironic that Jack and I have to pretend to be accepted by society. Such a society is fake, indeed.

"Let me tell you where the blood that runs this city comes from. It comes from the villages."

These were the words that MK Gandhi, India’s spiritual leader, who is credited with freeing India from British rule, said in regard to rule by the British and nobility in India. However, it could have easily have applied to this situation, if the word city had been replaced by upper class and the word villages had been replaced by the word commoners. This was apparent to me as I walked up into the upper hall, where the upper classes were eating. The finery of the place and the nice lights blinded me. I was awestruck by what I saw!

The lights from the electric light bulbs completely blinded my eyes, and I found myself squinting, as did Jack. We scanned the table for people we knew. No one, but then we both saw Fran Jones, and we breathed a sigh of relief. Fran winked at us, to signify that she acknowledged our presence, and then she motioned for us to sit next to her. I saw that there was ornate fare, from all parts of the world on the table tops of the elite, and I began to tug at my sari in discomfort, because I did not feel as though I fit in. Though my sari was ornate, exquisite, and special, I did not feel as though I was dressed up enough for the event, seeing as all of the ladies were decked up in their silk, velvet, and nice jewels. Well, I couldn’t afford jewels!

Jack and I sat down, one on each side of Fran. I sat on Fran’s right side, and Jack on her left. Somehow, her presence served to calm us down, and let us know that everything was okay. I felt a sense of real spiritual relief washing over me as I sat down next to her. It was as though, somehow, I could feel God cleansing my soul, and rejuvenating it with his magical hand, which emanated from Fran’s presence. Anyway, I could feel a burning sensation piercing through my heart. I looked up, and I saw the evil red gaze of nefarious fire burnishing and burning through Cal’s gaze, piercing my flesh and making its way through my heart. I felt quite uncomfortable, because I sensed that this was the type of gaze that was meant to destroy souls. I swore that Cal looked at his opponents in much the same way a hungry hawk looks at its prey--in a very studious and cunning manner, with the intent to destroy it! I noticed that Cal was looking at Jack as well. The intensity of his glare lessened, and I could see that some of the redness was disappearing from his eyes, but I knew that Cal could sense that, somehow, Jack was in on the plan to free Rose, and he didn’t like it! He studied Jack with such a gaze that I could sense that Jack was beginning to feel quite uncomfortable. In fact, were it not for the presence of Fran, which served to neutralize Cal’s deadly gaze, we would have felt as though we were going to die at the dinner table! I looked at Fran, and I noted that somehow she had a very strong spiritual aura, and a very down-to-earth quality. She was like that friendly next-door neighbor that anyone could relate to. She’s the kind of person who would help a person out at one o’clock AM, regardless of the problem. And this was what made her unacceptable to the other high society molting pigeons--I’m sorry--matrons. I could not help but notice that the other ladies were looking at her as though she was a fish out of water. But somehow, this did not bother her. She just stood still and kept her composure, as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening. I noted that Cal was staring at Fran quite nervously. Cal didn’t like change, and that’s exactly what Fran was, change. Fran challenged the status quo of old money because she had come from the new moneyed elite, and Cal had a hard time accepting this, because, like the other patrons of high society, he had a hard time accepting anyone who did not conform to the narrow and strict rules and regulations that made up high society. At least, at that place in time. For people like Cal, it was not enough to act and dress like a lady or a gentleman to be considered a gentleman. For people like him, a person must have money, status, prestige, and honor, and must conform to the rules of society, and must think with a very narrow-minded point of view. I could sense that Fran had a rebellious nature and spirit that was going to challenge the very rules, regulations, and accepted traditions of the elite class because she wasn’t just new money, rather, she was new thinking, because she was very spiritual in nature, which was a trait, that for all of their perceived social standing, all of the people sitting at the table lacked. These people did not realize that it was soul, behavior, talent, nature of heart, the ability to have a heart, and intent, as well as caring abilities, character, moral standing, stature, and personality, and many other traits that made people ladies and gentlemen. When I looked at these people, I could see a whole bunch of insecure evil spirits, who were desperately clinging to their perceived and ill-gotten titles, because that was the only way they felt they could gain importance in this world. For all of their stature and their supposed ability to control the world and stop people like me, Jack, and Fran from upsetting their narrow status quo, they realized, deep down inside, that they had as much control over us as anyone does over the weather. They realized, ultimately, that God, though they didn’t like to accede that such an entity existed, even though many of them claimed to be practicing Christians, decided what happened to a large extent in life, and that any distortions humans try to put in the natural balance of society tend to be corrected by God, and the spiritual forces. Since these people didn’t like to recognize that such forces existed, they were very nervous by the presence of the three of us, because that was what we represented. Also, Cal hated the idea that we might be pulling Rose towards that end.

I was feeling quite uncomfortable myself, so I decided to take my cues from Fran, and I decided to use her spiritual strength to buffer myself from any ammunition that these people could use to hurt us, from an emotional or a spiritual standpoint. I look at Rose, who is supposed to stand tall and proud by her fiancé’s side. Instead, she is looking quite small, insecure, and nervous by Cal’s left side. She seems to have shrunk in her own image, and she disinterestedly picks at her peas. I realize that she is miserable in her life. She has come to hate these parties, and she wants a way out. She may look stately, and like a classic princess in the garments she’s wearing, but I realize that this is quite fake. She has a very natural aura to her, and she is the type of person who should be frolicking about on an open plain, where she can run with the rebellious and free-spirited nature of her soul. I sense that here she is trapped in her place. Suddenly, I choke, because the word trapped reminds me of the ordeal that I have been in for centuries. I remember who has been trapping me, and then I remember what Fran has told me. It is at this point in time that Fran subtly looks towards me, and looks at me with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye, as if to acknowledge that I finally understand what is going on!

She whispers to me suddenly, "That’s a girl, Jasmine. You’ve got it!"

But then I am reminded of the way that Siddharth and Waile looked at Prita. Both of them gave her a similar look, and I realize that, in some ways, this is as much a part of Prita’s struggle as it is of mine!

I look at Rose, and our eyes meet. She smiles at me, and her eyes lock in a look with mine, to signify that she understands what is going on, and what must be done to liberate us all from this artificial trap. Anyway, Jack is looking quite insecure, and uncomfortable. He looks to me for support, and I give him a supportive smile. Suddenly he perks up, and I can sense his spiritual energy level is rising. I look at the way that Cal looks at Jack, and chills run up my spine, because I realize that though Jack doesn’t realize it, it is he, and not me, who is number one on Cal’s hit list. I mean, it has finally clicked to Cal, and I can tell by looking into his dark eyes, that Jack is Rose’s soulmate. This makes Cal feel very insecure, because he doesn’t want Rose to wake up spiritually. He would like Rose to stay in the dark forever. After all, from his standpoint, what Rose doesn’t know can’t hurt her! Cal flashes back to the incident when Rose hocked a loogie at him, in his eye, and it is all making perfect sense to him! Somehow, I can sense something clicking in the spiritual realm for Cal, and he doesn’t like what he is deducing. Suddenly, he shoots me a gaze that could kill, and this gaze says, Jasmine, I know you’re behind this. Lay off! I am not prepped for this, and chills run up my spine, and I feel quite nervous. However, Fran calms me down when she places a comforting hand on mine, which serves as a balm that calms and soothes my soul. I can sense that Cal is now just waiting to plot and plan his next moves against Jack, much to my dismay. The rest of the dinner party will center on Cal trying to discredit all of us, so that he can convince Rose that we’re quacks.

It looks as though Cal has moved in for first base. He looks at Jack, and says, "So, Jack, what do you do?" in a very intimidating voice that’s meant to put Jack on the spot.

I know that Jack is very creative, and will know how to maneuver out of this one. My mind flashes back to Rose’s initial statement that appears to be reverberating off of every cell in my brain, thereby creating echoes. Just talk about how much money you have.

Jack puts down his butter knife, and he says, "Well, I own a clothing factory in Canada. My father is a successful clothier, and we have a new line of clothes coming out called Dawson’s Pride."

I sigh to myself in relief. I picture Jack moving his chess pieces around a board game that Cal has rigged to win, and so far Jack has outsmarted Cal. I notice that Fran is smiling in relief and approval to Jack.

Cal says, in a voice that reflects suppressed anger and violence, "Okay, Mr. Dawson…" I note that the word Dawson echoes off of my spine, sending chills up it in the process. I look at Rose, and I notice that she winces as well. "How come I have never seen nor heard of this clothing line?"

Jack coolly replies, "Well, it’s a noveau line of clothing that only people who are into new fashion would buy." After he says this, he smiles at Cal, who is smarting at the idea of being bested by a commoner. In the board game, I see Jack putting his chess pieces in front of Cal’s yet again. I also see that the people surrounding us, instead of being condescending judges, are acting as cheerleaders to cheer Jack on. Fran smiles, and squeezes Jack’s hand in support, as if to say, Good work!

Cal says, "Well, I know everyone in Canada, so how come I have never heard of you?"

Jack replies, "Well, you probably know all of the major players in Canada, but we buy through regional guys, and we sell to niche markets in Europe, America, India, China, and other places."

I shiver as the word India sends chills up my spine, and I flash back to Fran’s saying that she had met me earlier in India. I wonder if that is how she met me? Anyway, the cheerleaders are egging Jack on. Also, Jack has Cal cornered with his chess pieces, but if I know anything about Cal, he is going to have a few tricks up his sleeve.

Cal says, "Oh, but if you sell in the colonial world, then how can you be rich? Remember that they can’t buy anything."

Jack laughs out loud, and he says, "It depends on which they you are talking about. If you are talking about the natives, then you might be right about that one. But we sell on contract to the British government, and with all of the wars that Britain is fighting, and the fact that many mills in England are state-owned, our demand never drops. We also sell to the rich all over the world, and we sell to governments and corporations, who are always thirsting for our products. You see, you haven’t heard of us, because we sell to niche markets. We also buy our cloth from the colonies, and this is why we are able to sell and operate the way that we do. We are rich because we are frugal, and we keep our costs down!"

I note that he winces as he says the word colonies. I wince, too, because I know that imperialism is slavery and encagement by another name. I note that Jack is trumping Cal, and that he is beginning to take some of Cal’s chess pieces away from him. Much to Cal’s consternation, the cheerleaders are rooting and egging Jack on, even though, in Cal’s eyes, Jack is a no one, because of his perceived social standing. However, Cal can see that Jack is clearly very clever, and that, since Jack has bested him, there is no way that he can convince his peers that Jack is a no one. Cal can sense that everyone at the table is beginning to think highly of Jack, due to his wit and ingenuity. Even Rose is smiling in approval at Jack. Cal notices this and this hurts, because Rose never looks that way at him!

Anyway, Cal is not about to give up. Not yet, anyway! Cal responds, "Well, are you thinking of expansion?" Now he is smiling at Jack, as if to signify that he has Jack trapped, and he knows it.

Well, not quite! Jack simply has a relaxed look on his face, and he has picked up his chess piece, and is looking for the opportune place to put it on the chess board. He says, "Well, no. Not yet. I think we’re going to wait a few years before we do that."

Now I can see that Jack has tried an unconventional move. Cal tried a sticky move on him, and Jack responded by taking a first strike offensive. He did not confront Cal head on. Rather, he decided to answer the question by not answering it. In terms of the chess board, all he did was move away from Cal, to a safer place. Now the audience can see that Jack has real talent, and they are really rooting for Jack. Jack is basking in his glory.

And I notice that Fran is squeezing his hand in approval. "That’s a boy. You’re doing good," she whispers to him in kindly support.

But Cal is not yet finished. He says, "Well, why don’t you want to expand?" And now, he leans in towards Jack, his eyes piercing right through Jack’s soul, as he asks in a soul-penetrating and very low voice, "Is it that you can’t afford it, because you don’t have a business?" Then he leans back in his chair in self-content.

But Jack knows how to maneuver, he says, "Well, no. We have a business, but we’re going to wait to see what happens in the market. I hear there might be a war soon, and if that happens, business will expand dramatically for us. I mean, if we expand now, we may well be building excess capacity, and that’s not sound business!"

I notice that the words that’s not sound business pierce my soul, and I realize that Jack is smart! He has the insight of educated and experienced business people, although he is neither! I really admire Jack for his mettle. I see that the people fully support him, and they are throwing their full gaze and support behind him and not Cal. I see that Jack has trumped Cal completely, and has forced Cal to surrender the game. Jack now has all of Cal’s chess pieces. Good game, Jack, my eyes say, as I shoot him a smile of approval. I look at Rose, and I notice that even she is looking at Jack with approval, and her eyes are shining with a sincere admiration. I pause to myself, because I have noticed that Rose has never looked at anyone with this look in her eyes before! She looks good with that look in her eyes!

Well, it’s getting late, so the people are filing out of the room. Suddenly, there is no one left in the room. I note that Cal is glaring at me, and he gets up, and walks towards my direction. I am confused.

"Get up!" he commands Rose, barking.

Rose is confused, and she stays put for a while. Then, I feel it! I scream out in pain. Cal has just raked a steak knife across my right wrist, and it hurts! Cal says, "Bon a petit!" He looks at all of us with a cold, hard gaze, and he has a very self-centered smirk on his lips, as if to say, I’ve got you!

Cal walks out of the room, as though nothing happened, and Jack looks at me, and he calls out in concern, "Are you all right?"

Then other people begin to filter into the room. I look at the blood oozing out of the wound. Rose gasps, and says, "Jasmine, what can I do?"

I say, "Give me a glass of water."

Jack hands me a glass of ice cold water, and I plunk a handkerchief in it. Then I remember the energy centering techniques that God, Krishna, and other spiritual entities taught me, and I begin to chant words and phrases out of the book of life, and I begin to remember the essence of Sanjeevani, the art of bringing the dead back to life. Suddenly, I can feel the spirits from beyond aggregating through the vortex of my soul, and I can feel the spiritual energy emanating from God concentrating around my wound, and I can feel the energy beginning to close the wound. I can feel the soothing sensation of relief and healing, as I can feel adhesions beginning to rectify themselves naturally.

All the while, I get a vision from God, in which I see God, who is made out of light energy and is in the image of a benign and older man. Lord Krishna is by his side, and both of them say, "Jasmine, you are reaching Nirvana, the eternal state of bliss. Please remember that this is an exercise in soul strengthening. Far from your soul being weakened by this event, it will actually be renewed. Please remember that this is one step in the long process towards the liberation of the soul."

Then God puts his right hand on my right shoulder, and I can feel the intensity of the heat energy going right down to my right wrist, and I can see myself looking at the aura of God, which occupies the horizontal plane of eternity, and God says, "In the end we know who plays fair and folly. We know you are playing fair, and we have come to help you. Though it may not seem like it, we always come for those who are fair, and punish those who are folly. Keep up the good work!" With that, he leaves.

Jack tugs at my hand, and asks, "Are you all right?"

I show Rose and Jack my right wrist as testament. They see that it has fully healed, and they say, "It’s a miracle. I mean, how did it happen?"

Then Fran smiles. She looks at me and she says, "God has come through Jasmine. It is Jasmine who will free us. Then, she will use what she has learned by freeing us to free all of humanity for all time and eternity!"

Chapter Sixteen