Chapter Three

Well, at that moment, Cal pulled Rose to the side and talked to her. But I was quite disturbed by the way he talked to her. I was cleaning the deck, and the door to the room in which he was conversing with her was partially ajar, so I could hear everything he was telling her. I smile to myself as I reflect on a thought that has flown in to my mind. If I were to walk into that room, and start cleaning the floor, Cal would ignore me, and continue his conversation with Rose. I know that the upper classes don’t consider people like me to be significant or intelligent because of the perceived social class that I occupy, and because of the color of my skin. I wince because thinking about this has made my mind flash back all of the memories of the encounters of inequalities that I have encountered over the centuries. The pain hurts as bad now as it did then, sometimes, it hurts even more now, because my soul is waking up, from many millennia of slumber, and is, finally, understanding what these memories mean, and how they impacted my life. By perusing through flashbacks that my neurotransmitters emit to the emotional sensors in my brain for interpretation, in much the same way that servers will submit information to client computers for interpretation, I have been able to gain a much richer understanding of the problems that have plagued me for lifetimes. It is at this point in time that I feel a rude jolt, and I can sense a powerful force, perhaps in me, perhaps not, telling me, somehow , that Rose faces many of the same problems that I do. All of the sudden, I have a strong urge to reach out to Rose and touch her soul, and have long and deep conversations with her so that I could help to "uncage" her. My mind is accosted with millions of thoughts, some finished and coherent, and others not, that tell me to butt into the room, and console Rose, but I feel the psychological constraints that society has placed me by way of the color of my skin, and the social class that I occupy, and I decide not to. I groan, silently, to myself in frustration, because such barriers are artificial, and it would not take much effort to undermine these barriers, but I am not able to do it, because I am in a subordinate position myself. But all of a sudden, my soul utters the word, "ROSE" to me, and in an instant, my face zips over to her, and I focus all of my attention on her. I enter into an altered state of mind, and instead of seeing a meek and shy Rose, I see a very empowered woman, one who reminds me of the Greek Goddess Electra, who is holding a staff and a sword, and whose eyes blaze with fiery fire. In my vision, Rose’s hair burns with a fire of passion that is so bright that it almost blinds me. I can see now, that far from being meek and docile, Rose is a very strong and passionate woman who believes in certain things (that God does) and will pursue matters of the heart. I smile to myself and think, silently, ‘I must meet her, she is my type of woman.’

Anyway, I was quite appalled at the way Cal was talking to Rose. He was shouting at her, and I was quite offended at some of the things he was saying about me. I mean, I may be a washerwoman, but that does NOT mean that I am NOT human! He began his conversation by saying, "Rose, I DON’T LIKE IT WHEN YOU TALK TO THE HELP, YOU ARE A FINE WOMAN OF POSTURE, AND SUCH PEOPLE ARE BELOW YOU, IT MAKES ME WANT TO VOMIT TO SEE YOU ASSOCIATE WITH SUCH A LOW WOMAN!" "My God," I think to myself, "he could wake the dead with that voice." Rose protested, "but Cal, I mean, she was a very nice woman, and I think she could be very friendly." Then, in a voice that made even my bones cringe, Cal responded, "ROSE, YOU DON’T SEEM TO BE UNDERSTANDING ME, YOU STUPID WOMAN, WHEN I SAY DON’T TALK TO HER, I MEAN DON’T TALK TO HER. YOU ARE MINE, AND YOU MUST DO AS I SAY." I was quite shocked to see what happened next. Cal produced his left hand, of all hands, and slapped Rose across her beautiful right cheek so hard she fell. It was at this point in time that I felt for Rose, suddenly, I could feel her pain and misery, and I so longed to comfort her, or, at least to offer her some tea, but, alas I could do none of that. I thought back to the Electra goddess I had seen, and I JUST KNEW, that I could liberate Rose, but I had no idea as to how to do so. I KNEW I would NEED help from someone else to do this, but from "WHOM" I wondered. As for the way Cal slapped Rose, I could feel myself seething with rage at the sight, I mean, I have seen livestock get treated better than the way he treated her. Well, there was one ‘innocent way’ to get back at Cal. My bucket was full of soapy water, so I spilled it on the floor, after Rose had walked out of the room, but not after Cal had walked out. He slipped, and clutched onto the railing for dear life. Then he turned to me, and with a murderous look in his eye he said, " watch where you aim you cleaning supplies you stupid worthless brown sahib. Your skin color reflects your low IQ." I smiled to myself internally, because I knew that this was not true. I looked at him quite innocently in the eye, and said with a thick Indian accent, "My dear gora sahib, it was an accident." I watched as Cal whisked a very unwilling Rose away on his arm, and muttered, under his breath, something about how I needed a thrashing. I smile to myself, because I know that there is nothing that he can do to ‘punish me’ however much he would like to.

As they walk away, I lean my chin on my mop handle, and I think about Cal for a minute. I meditate so that I can learn more about my soul. All of a sudden, I am looking into a dimly lit room, and I see Cal with his jacket off. He is hoarding over ALL of his money, saying, "money is better than honey, for me it is everything. I base everything off of money. Marriage, love, well what is love, who needs love when you have the wonderful green backs. Oh I love Uncle Sam! By GOD I THINK COLONIALISM IS A GOOD THING, I MEAN IT HELPS US BOSS OTHERS AROUND IN THE WORLD, AND IT HELPS US SHOW THEM WHO IS BETTER! I mean we ARE superior, and WE CREATED THE WORLD!" Then, he gets up and starts to dance around the room, singing, "Money is everything to me, when I am happy I have money, when I am sad I have money, but I want more, MORE, MORE. I mean it doesn’t matter if anyone gets hurt.." And I cringe as I see him looking squarely at the eyes of my soul with the evilest look that I have ever seen, and that evil look emanates straight from his eyes, it is as though the Devil himself, is looking straight at me. He continues his conversation as I am looking into his soul in my meditations, he says, "I build myself up by stepping on others, I mean life’s a game, and who ever has the most toys WINS! There is no such thing as an afterlife, there is just this life, and I am going to gun everyone out. As for love, what’s that, you do everything for personal gain, I mean others don’t matter, and the only thing that they’re good for is to be used as a pedestal for you to put your foot on to get what you want. Once you have gotten what you want, you simply knock them down with your foot, I mean people don’t matter but power does, and you can do amazing things with power and money. The best dictators also had the most power, and they were the most influential in history. All of that stuff that people tell you about that being nice is a nice virtue is crap, the only thing that matters is power and money, and once you have that, everything else comes to you. IF you have a big stick, you can use it to brow beat everyone else with it and make them pay LIBATIONS TO YOU!" But at the same time, as I meditate, I see Cal as a little boy, and he is huddling in a corner, he is afraid of the world. He is very cold, and is shivering, I look closer, and I see discernible globules of ice on his clothes. He is on the verge of crying, and he says in a very soft, meek voice, "I’m all alone, and no one will listen to me, I’m scared, please GOD help me." I shake myself out of my meditative state, ‘wait a minute, ‘ I think to myself, ‘DID HE SAY GOD.’ Suddenly various chills of realization shake my body as I realize, that in spite of his tough and callous exterior, there is a part of him that believed in good, and there, probably, still is a part of him that does. I shake my head in sheer disbelief.

Chapter Four