Chapter Fourteen

The stairwell was crowded with people by the time they arrived. On the other side of the locked gate, a steward was trying to calm people, assuring them that they would be released when it was time. A number of people didn't believe him. John, Miriam, and Mary stood near the foot of the stairs, listening to the people begging to be let out and the steward's staunch refusal. Miriam was growing paler by the moment.

"Just hold on, Miriam," John told her. "They'll let us out of here soon enough."

"I hope so!" she retorted. "They're probably afraid we'll riot and deprive the first class people of the boats."

Something occurred to John. "I know that women and children are supposed to board first, but I've never heard anything about class status having anything to do with rights to lifeboats. Why are they holding us down here, unless they think there's a chance that not everyone will get a boat?"

Miriam didn't want to consider the possibility. "There's laws about that. There's got to be enough boats." She paused, trying not to imagine the consequences of too few boats. "There has to be."

At that moment an officer approached the steward. They spoke in low tones for a moment. Then, the steward unlocked the gates. "Bring forward the women and children," he shouted. Several women hurried forward, as did several men. "Women only!"

John shoved Miriam forward. "Go on, get out of here. You and Mary can get into a boat. I'll get out there as soon as I can."

Miriam hugged John, then picked up Mary. She hurried toward the gate.

At that moment, several men ran past the steward, either not understanding his directions or too panicked to care.

"Women and children only, damn you!" the officer shouted, shoving several people back inside. He and the steward quickly closed and locked the gate again, shoving people away and firing a gun in the air.

Miriam was pushed back down the stairs. Rushing back to John, she gasped, "They won't let us out!"

Just then, another couple arrived at the gate. Soaking wet, they looked like they had been swimming in the flooded portion of the ship. Miriam recognized them as Rose Dewitt Bukater and Jack Dawson.

Two men ran down the stairs to greet them. "It's hopeless this way," one of them shouted. "We've got to find another way out!" Jack replied. Grabbing Rose's hand, he turned and ran towards another hallway, followed by the two men.

"Come on!" John grabbed Mary from Miriam and headed after them, Miriam right on his heels.

Chapter Fifteen