Chapter Nineteen

June 15, 1912
Mr. Thompson's POV

For a while now, I'd wondered about that girl. I knew from the start that there was something odd about her, about the way she spoke, the way she held herself. She seemed to be of a higher class than these country people. I had wondered, but hadn't said anything.

I thought of telling her to go back to where she came from. She didn't belong here with these people. She belonged with the rich and the famous. Not here. I prided myself on considering myself to be the highest class person in Chippewa Falls, and this Rose was getting in my way.

On June fifteenth, I found a letter in my mail sealed inside a sophisticated envelope, with a Philadelphia postmark. When I opened it, I found it to be written on personal stationery, typed, not written, and the contents of the letter were most interesting. It was from a friend of mine. When one wants to make it big in the world, one has to be picky about one's friends. And the person who this letter was from was a definite must know--the rich steel tycoon Caledon Hockley. I knew him well, had contributed to his business, and he to mine, but we rarely kept in touch. To have a letter from him now made it all the more interesting.

In the letter, he spoke of his fiancée, who had gone missing after the sinking of the Titanic. He was most anxious to find her again, as he feared her emotional trauma would get the better of her and she would do something dangerous. He asked that any information I had of her whereabouts be reported back to him as soon as possible. I also noted that a big reward was being offered for her safe return. He described her appearance--light green eyes, a slim build, and long, red, curly hair. I suddenly had an image of Rose Smith in my head. I looked over the details of Rose DeWitt Bukater and matched them to the details of Rose Smith. She was a perfect match in all but one way--her name. But when I did some thinking, I came up with the idea that she had changed her surname to hide her true identity. Yes, it all made sense! Rose Smith was Rose DeWitt Bukater! I had found Hockley's missing fiancée!

I hurried upstairs to my study and wrote a letter to Hockley, explaining his fiancée’s disguise and how to get to Chippewa Falls. I knew the girl didn't belong here right from the start, and now I was sending her back to where she belonged.

Chapter Twenty