Chapter Three

Molly's POV

I left the ship’s infirmary, wondering how I was going to complete this impossible task. To find someone on a ship where nobody knew who was alive or dead seemed impossible, especially when said person could have a fake surname. Nevertheless, I was willing to try. I knew Rose was unhappy in first class and that she and Jack were in love and I was more than willing to help them reunite, if that was possible.

I first decided to check the updated version of the list. I asked a steward if he had it and by chance, he had the most up-to-date version, just finished an hour ago. I scanned all three classes, and sure enough, Rose Dawson was still alive, Rose DeWitt Bukater, dead. I thanked the steward and handed the list back to him. I knew Rose wasn't in first class. I'd already checked every nook and cranny of the first class area and had even briefly scanned second class, but with no luck. Now I was determined to turn this ship upside down--metaphorically, of course--in order to discover whether the sweet, spirited Rose was alive.

Rose Dawson was listed under third class, so I headed to the decks where the third class passengers were staying. The first class passengers had luxury suites, second had standard cabins, and third class had to make do on the decks. I was annoyed by this, as I was one of the few upper class people who cared for the well-being of lower class people. I didn't care about class or social standing. I liked having money, I admit. I loved being rich, but I also wasn't selfish or unkind. I cared about others, looking beyond riches and into the deeper person inside. Anyway, I walked down to the third class decks and was approached by a steward. "Ma'am, may I be of any assistance to you?" he asked politely.

I smiled and said, "Why, yes, you can, sonny. Do you, by any chance, know if there is a Rose Dawson down there?" I asked, nodding down to the large crowd of third class passengers. He said that he didn't, but said I was welcome to go and look. I said thank you and he let me pass.

Dear God, what a sight it was down there. It was an image of misery and grief, as if all things good and happy had been banished for all eternity. It brought tears to my eyes as I walked past a woman tearfully trying to explain to her two daughters why their father wasn't with them. I wanted to run away from this dreadful scene, but forced myself onwards. I had to find Rose Dawson, whoever she was. I tried asking a few women who didn't look too grief stricken, but to no avail. I scanned the deck, looking for someone I wasn't even sure existed. I felt my stomach flip when I saw a little group of women.

Three blondes, all wrapped in shawls I had seen a lot of in Paris--and a woman with a plaid blanket placed loosely over her head, as though she didn't want to be recognized. However, a few dark red curls were blowing in the light wind around her shoulders. I knew then, without a doubt, that the woman was Rose DeWitt Bukater. I ran over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped and turned her head, a terrified look on her face. She smiled widely when she saw it was me. "Molly!" she cried in delight.

I hugged her tightly and said, "Oh, my God, Rose. You're alive!" She rested her head on my shoulder and I could feel her starting to cry.

I held her tightly and she pulled away and said, "Oh, Molly, you don't know how lucky I am to be alive!"

I looked her in the eye and said calmly, "Rose, I know exactly how lucky you were to survive. I know exactly what happened after you ran away from the boat."

She stared at me, wide-eyed. "Y-you can't," she stammered in disbelief. "You can't possibly know. How can you know, Molly?"

I smiled and said, "All in good time, darlin’."

She suddenly looked panicky. "Molly, did you come to take me back to first class? Please. You can't. I can't go back there. I won't go back there!" she stammered, her old stubborn self returning.

I gave a small laugh. "Rose, on the contrary, the reason I am here is a completely different one. Come with me. I promise I won't take you anywhere near first class. Not now that I know what he's been up to lately."

She stared at me, even more shocked. "You mean you know about Cal?"

I nodded. "Every detail."

She shook her head. "But you can't know! You were on the lifeboat. I saw you! Unless you could somehow see me on the ship, there's no other way you could know. Well, the only other way you could know without hearing it from me is--" She cut herself off, tears forming in her emerald eyes again. She began to sob.

I put my arms around her comfortingly. "Rose," I said. "That's exactly why I came to find you! Jack isn't dead. He's alive and on this very ship!"

She stared at me in shock. She shook her head in disbelief. "No! He can't be!" she said. "I saw him! I was there when he died! I saw him sink underwater. There's no way he could be alive! Molly, are you sure it's him?"

I nodded my head firmly. "Rose, it is as true as I am standing here. It’s no mistake. Jack Dawson is alive!"

Before she could say anything, I grabbed her arm and pulled her in the direction of the infirmary. The steward at the top of the gates said something about third class passengers not being allowed beyond this point, but I firmly told him she was with me. "And you should be doing something to help those poor souls down there. They've gone through hell and back these past few days, and you should do something other than stand there like a lump," I added with a scowl. Rose smiled at my fiery response, almost in awe.

I dragged her through the long corridors to the infirmary. She broke free as soon as we walked through the door and she saw Jack.

Chapter Four