Chapter Four

Rose's POV

I followed Molly through the ship in disbelief. How could Jack be alive? I had seen his body sink into the sea. There was no way he could've survived either freezing or drowning. Yet Molly seemed so certain. I let her pull me through the corridors of the ship. It was nowhere near as grand as the Titanic, but it was a very nice ship nonetheless. I knew it couldn't be true, but I still couldn't help hope that Molly's words were true. Maybe Jack was alive? But what if Molly had made a mistake? The boat had rowed off with me in it, not him. Could another have come back and found Jack? No, I told myself firmly. He was dead and at the bottom of the ocean. I'd seen it with my own eyes. Molly had simply made a mistake.

Molly, meanwhile, dragged me through the whole ship, and eventually we ended up outside the ship's infirmary. She opened the door and I felt my heart skip a beat. I broke free of Molly's grasp and ran towards him. My one and only true love, Jack. He was here. He was alive.

I ran towards his bed and threw my arms around him, not caring that he wasn't even awake. I hugged him tight, tears falling down my face. I buried my head in his shoulder, muttering, "Oh, my God. You're alive! Oh, my God…" He suddenly squirmed in my arms and groaned. He was waking up. I leaned back and unwound my arms from him. I sat down beside him and watched him wake up. I was afraid to blink in case I was imagining it. The man I loved, who I had lost in the freezing Atlantic, was alive. I blinked hard, bracing myself for it all to disappear, but when I opened my eyes, he was still there. He slowly opened his bright blue eyes and blinked hard when he saw me. He had clearly thought me dead, too. I smiled at him and he shook his head, as if trying to wake up.

"R-Rose?" he asked, his voice a bit wobbly. I couldn't help the tears of joy falling from my eyes.

"Oh, Jack!" I sobbed. "I thought you were dead!" He lifted his arm and brushed my hair out of my eyes, trying to comfort me.

"I thought you were, too," he said, his voice more steady as his body woke up. "Molly checked the list for me and it said that Rose DeWitt Bukater was dead. But then when I saw the name Rose Dawson, I thought it might just be you." I was touched at how he had tried so hard to find me. I felt ashamed to think that I'd simply given up all hope. I felt so disloyal to have just given up on him. I cried harder at the thought.

"Oh, I'm so stupid!" I shouted. "I didn't bother looking for you. I just gave up all hope. You must hate me now." I lowered my head. He lifted it again with his hand and made me look into his bright, sapphire blue eyes. I couldn't help but feel myself go into a trance, looking into those beautiful eyes.

"Rose," he said firmly. "Don't be so stupid. Of course I still love you. I love you with all my heart and I always will. You saw me sink into the ocean. Of course you thought I was dead, and I don't blame you. Just remember that I still love you from the bottom of my heart and I always will--forever."

I smiled at him and said in a shaky voice, "I love you, too, Jack, forever." We leaned forward and kissed. We put our arms around each other and hugged tightly. "By the way, what time is it?" Jack asked.

I was a bit confused about why he wanted to know the time, but said anyway, "Just gone twelve. Why?" He slumped back onto the pillows and sighed.

"Oh, God, here we go again," he muttered, closing his eyes. I was confused now.

"What do you mean, Jack?"

"Any minute now, they're gonna come and make me take that damned medicine." I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Jack, that damned medicine is to help you get better."

"It tastes so horrible, I can barely swallow it, and it makes me feel sick and drowsy," he whined.

"Jack, those are just side effects. Believe it or not, it's to help you. Think of it like this. If you take the medicine, you'll get better and we can start our lives together." He looked at me, smiling.

"So, you're sure you want to be with me? Remember, Rose, this is a big step you're taking. You're giving up riches, jewels, nice clothes, food, the certainty of a warm bed to sleep in. Remember that it’s not always fun and games being poor. It can sometimes be hard and testing. I'm just saying that if you want to go back to Cal now, I won't make you stay or hate you for it." I reached out and held his hand tightly.

"Jack, I've made my decision and I don't regret it one bit. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my whole life when I'm with you. I know what I'm giving up and what I'm taking on, and I know that all I want is you." He squeezed my hand back and simply smiled at me adoringly.

"Oh, God. I love you, Rose," he breathed.

"I love you, too. I can't wait to start our life together! Where will we go? The only other person I know in New York is my Grandma Thelma, who is an exact replica of my mother, inside and out, if my memory recalls."

Jack thought for a moment, his blue eyes narrowing in concentration. "Well, all the people I know are in Chippewa Falls. My parents are dead, like I said, and I can't be sure we’ll have a place to stay there. There's only one boarding house for the whole town and it doesn’t always have a free room. There's one thing I know, and that's that I'm not having you sleep on the streets. I make it sound like a cozy camping trip, but it's not. It's dangerous. I had two close calls when I was in Paris, and there is no way I'm gonna put you through that, full stop." I was touched by his care for me and his determination to keep me safe. I wracked my brains for anyone, anyone I knew who could offer us a roof over our heads. Nothing.

Mother hadn't allowed me to choose my own friends. She knew I would go for the ones she didn't approve of. The poor ones, the spirited ones, the unladylike ones, the common ones. She had chosen for me, had arranged fancy tea parties with her friends' daughters, snobby, upper class girls in fancy frocks who gossiped about who was doing what and how it shamed their families, an exact image of their mothers. I had stuck through it all, but had secretly sneaked out to the stables and had struck up a friendship with the stable boy, Nathan Calvert. I heard alarm bells ringing inside my head when I thought of him. Nathan Calvert! That's it! He would never turn his childhood friend away. He and I had been inseparable since we were young. When Mother and I had traveled to Europe, Nathan and I had secretly exchanged addresses and kept in touch with regular letters. I had a very close friendship with Nathan, but we felt nothing more than that for each other. We were very close friends, but I hadn't thought about becoming anything more than that. What did worry me when I thought of Nathan was what Jack would think. I loved Jack dearly and I hoped he would understand that Nathan and I were childhood friends and wanted to be nothing more than that. I prayed that the love of my life would understand how I felt about my one and only true friend.

Chapter Five