Chapter Forty-Two

The Dawson house was full of activity. The women, Rose included, were in the kitchen preparing that night’s dinner. Jack sat on the steps drawing the men of the house playing poker in the living room, while keeping an eye out for Bill and Ruth’s arrival.

"I can understand that Bill fellow coming. But that woman is one cold fish." Weaver left the game to join his nephew on the stairs.

"Ruth is coming because Rose needs to make peace with her." Jack sighed. "Not only for lying about Bill, but for trying to force her into a loveless marriage."

Weaver sighed, running a hand through his graying blonde hair. "I must admit that I still have reservations about Rose. But I know now to keep my nose out of it. I was only accomplishing one thing and that was hurting you. Putting you in the middle like that was wrong and I apologize."

Jack smiled and hugged his uncle. "I forgive you and thank you for letting up on Rose. I love her with my whole soul and when you hurt her, you were hurting me as well. I’m glad that you saw that."

Weaver shrugged. "I hope you’re right about the girl Jack. I’d hate to be right about her."

"Don’t worry Uncle. You’re as wrong as wrong can be. Rose loves me just as much as I love her."

"Hello!" Bill greeted, entering the house with a bouquet of roses. "Where’s my daughter?"

In the kitchen helping the women." Charles got to his feet and went to greet the new arrival. "We’re glad you could make it Bill. Come in and get off your feet."

"Ruth here yet?" Bill asked, looking towards the kitchen, trying to see or hear any sign of his ex-lover.

"Not yet. She should be arriving any minute now." Jack answered just as there was a knock at the door. He opened it to Ruth, who did not seem to be in good humor.

"Where’s my daughter?" She just stepped into the house, looking around at her surroundings. She couldn’t help but sigh, remembering the luxury that herself and her daughter had once been surrounded by. It was becoming clear each passing day that such luxury was a thing of the past.

"In the kitchen ma’am." Charles answered. "Helping with supper."

Ruth bit back a gasp of outrage. Her daughter in the kitchen doing manual labor! The outrage!

Suddenly Rose appeared in the kitchen doorway dressed in a simple blue cotton dress, an apron tied around her waist. Her face was void of make-up and her luxurious red curls were pulled up into a tight bun, drops of sweat dampened the few shorter strands that had fallen free.

"My God Rose! You look a fright!" Ruth exclaimed, forgetting that they were both now part of a class that didn’t care about looking beautiful at all times.

"Why thank you mother." Rose glared at Ruth before turning to Jack. "Can I see you for a minute?"

Jack shrugged, noticing the look in Rose’s eyes. He got up and followed her into the empty dining room that was just off from the kitchen.

Rose stood with her back to him for a few minutes. Her emotions were raging and she didn’t want to take it out on him. Finally she turned, irritation still gleaming in her eyes. "I don’t know if I can do this tonight Jack. I know I promised Bill, but you heard her in there! Her constant criticism!"

"You’ll be fine sweetie. You’re strong and secure. Plus you have me by your side and Bill too."

"She makes me feel like a little girl that spilt tea on her dress. I hate that feeling."

"I tell you what. Every time you feel that way, look at me, give me a signal and I’ll do this." Jack kissed her in a way he knew sent shivers of pure desire down her spine. A kiss that only a grown woman could appreciate. "Now do you feel like a little girl?" He stared.

"You know just how to make me feel better don’t you Jack?" Rose sighed, leaning against his chest. For the first time since her mother’s arrival, she felt safe and secure in the path she had chosen after Titanic.

"I’ll keep your mother occupied while you’re in the kitchen I that’s ok."

"That’ll be perfect.." Rose sighed, pulling away to gaze into her eyes. Looking into those blue depths, she fell in love all over again.

"Hey Rose!" Jacquelyn stuck her head into the room. "I know my brother is easier on the eyes and more fun to be with, but we need your company in the kitchen for a bit longer."

Rose could only roll her eyes before pulling away from Jack to rejoin her in-laws in the kitchen.


Dinner was a quiet affair. Dawsons and guests ate in an uncomfortable silence, no one knowing what to say to each other. Ruth kept stealing glances at her daughter, still reeling with surprise that Rose had helped cook the meal before her. It was so unexpected. She snuck glances over at Bill, wondering what he really expected from her. Did he want money? Well he must know that both Rose and she were as penniless as he was now.

Jack’s the one that broke the silence. He looked at Ruth and smiled. Somehow, to his surprise, Ruth and he had become…a friend, which really isn’t the right word, but for now that was the only word he could come up with. "So Ruth. It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other. How’s life been treating you?"

"I suppose it could be worse. I could be a seamstress right now. How about you Rose. Are you happy here playing house? It’s not as easy as you thought is it?" Ruth’s cold glare fell on Rose.

Rose swallowed, feeling the helplessness coming over her. She squeezed Jack’s hand for support and turned a icy stare of her own on her mother. "I am beyond happy here mother. I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful daughter. I couldn’t ask for anything more."

"Cal would have given you a mansion and status…" Ruth sighed, restfully remembering her former life of parties and get together.

"A life full of misery." Bill snorted. "It seems to me that you’re more concerned about your upkeep then our daughter’s happiness."

"Bill, you know nothing of our situation. I rather you stay out of this."

"You’re right. I know nothing of what your situation was at the time. But this is my daughter you’re talking about and I don’t appreciate your attempt to sell her off to the highest bidder."

"Your daughter? You have the gall to claim you’re her father now?"

"That’s what he is mother. How soon you forget last Christmas. When all your lies came out in the open." Rose glared at her mother. "All the time I could have spent getting to know my father was stolen by your greed."

Ruth glared at her daughter even more coolly then before. Rose had her father’s outspoken nature and no matter what she did to stamp it out, it had always been there. "You have no idea why I did what I did Rose. No idea at all. Unlike you, I loved my mother. I would never go against her wishes."

"I loved you too mother. I did, but I couldn’t let you hijack my life any longer. Being told how to live may have made you happy, but I was miserable."

"I was only trying to do right by you Rose."

"Mother, you still don’t get it. If you wanted to do right by me, you should have told me who my father truly was."

"But you loved Albert so much. I couldn’t take that away from you. He was always the one you ran to. The one you spent the most time with…"

"Because he never tried to change me mother. He never made me go to those stupid parties. He never once belittled me or made me feel guilty for being myself. He never forced me to spend time with those awful friends of yours. He loved me for me. You just wanted to make me into another version of you."

Ruth sighed, defeated by her past behavior. She had been a horrid mother to Rose. There was no denying that. She had treated Rose like a mold of clay, and now she’s lost her. The only thing left to say was a feeble, "I’m sorry. Forgive me." The coldness had left Ruth’s eyes as tears began to fall. "I should have told you and treated you better. I’m so sorry."

Rose was struck speechless by the apology and even more so when Bill got up and wrapped his arms around Ruth.

"It’s ok Ruthie. We’ve all made mistakes." Bill cooed.

"I’m sorry to you too. For letting my parents break us apart and for keeping you and Rose in the dark about each other. I never stopped loving you Bill. You were always in my heart. Please forgive me."

Bill smiled sadly, brushing away a red strand from Ruth’s eyes. "Of course I forgive ya. I know about Rose now and that’s what matters."

"I guess I can forgive you too. There’s no use carrying this resentment around any longer. Especially now that I have Jack and Molly." Rose squeezed her husband’s hand, who was silent during the confrontation. The conflict was between Rose and her mother. His was something she had to do on her own. He was only moral support.

"Does that mean I can see Molly as much as I want?" Ruth’s eyes lit up with hope.

"As long as you don’t try to mold her into a first class lady…yes."

"You have my word." Ruth wiped away her tears, suddenly exhausted from the confrontation. "Can I see her after dinner?"

"Sure. We’ll bring her down after dinner." Jack spoke up for the first time. Meeting her eyes, Rose smiled, knowing that this was the first step in healing her relationship with her mother.


That night, after the house had gone to sleep, Jack and Rose lay in each other’s arms happy and content with their lives. Rose especially felt at peace. Jack’s uncle was no longer picking on her, she was getting to know her real father, and she was rebuilding her relationship with her mother. And most of all, Jack and Molly were in her life.

She touched his face tenderly, as if to make sure he was real and not some wonderful figment of her imagination.

"Hmm. I love you Jack." She closed her eyes, relishing the overwhelming feeling she got when she looked into his blue orbs.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, a serene smile on his face.

"About how lucky I am. If it weren’t for you…I’d be miserable right now. Just our very presence make me happy."

Jack frowned, thinking of all the unhappiness he had brought her too. He wished that none of it had happened. The thing with Kimberly, his amnesia, his Uncle’s vocal disapproval, their separation…if he could take it all back he would.

Rose’s smile faltered as she saw his frown. "What’s wrong? Why are you frowning?"

"I’ve hurt you so much Rose. Too much…it wasn’t supposed to be like that."

"Oh Jack." She pulled him closer. Their faces were now inches apart, not even that much. "Don’t think about those times. True they were painful, but they helped us grow. Plus we’re married and all marriages have problems at times. There’s no reason to think that ours would be any different."

"I know…but I just hate that I was the cause of the bad times. It was all about me."

"But Jack, you weren’t the cause of the bad times. You’re the reason for all the good, wonderful things that’s happened to me so far and all the wonderful things that will come in the future. You gave so much Jack. You gave me your love, freedom, a wonderful family that I love, you gave me Molly, and if it weren’t for you I probably would have never found out about Bill. You’ve been my lover, my best friend and my guardian angel. You have no idea how much I love and need you."

"And I need you. I know it’s selfish of me, but I could never let you go. Not for anything."

Rose smiled and kissed him tenderly. "Well in that case, don’t let me go, because I now I’ll never let you go either. So we’re both selfish."

"To the stars?" He arched a brow, his blue eyes filling with passion and desire.

"Oh yes Jack. To the stars." Rose sighed, pulling him into a deeper kiss. Once again, the outside world ceased to exist for the lovers. Unaware of the future ahead, they soared above the clouds, lost in each other.
