Chapter Two

We went under so fast my lungs burned. The coldness of the water hit me like needles. It was so cold I could not think or breathe. Blackness invaded my senses. Currents ripped at my legs like strong hands tugging at me. Jack! my mind screamed suddenly as the realization that I was not holding his hand hit me.

Terror welled up in me, and my mind was numb. Rose, you must kick. Jack’s words echoed in my mind. I drifted and thought that I was so tired that I should just sleep, close my eyes and never wake up, escape this torment.

You are so special, Rose. Never let go. Jack’s face swum before my eyes, the love spilling over from his brilliant blue eyes.

Never let go. Never let go. The words taunted me like slaps. I had to do something. I kicked hard, every movement agony, my clothes weighing me down and hampering my efforts.

I surfaced to a sea of writhing, desperate humanity, arms flailing and gut-wrenching, animalistic cries against the death in the air. "Jack! Jack! Where are you?" My voice was ripped from my mouth by the cruel cold.

"Help me! Help me!"


"Save me!"

I heard the desperate voices of others calling in panic.

I was so cold. Before I could look for Jack or gather my senses, big arms grabbed me and dunked me under. I tried to scream, but it didn’t come. Swallowing water desperately, I tried to come up for oxygen. I managed to wriggle up and take huge breaths of chilled air.

"Get off me!" I screamed.

The stranger grabbed me again, caught my hair, and dunked me under. I could not stand anymore of this as I felt my minimal strength fading fast.


As we went under, her hand was gone. Survival overtook me, and my instinct was to look for Rose. She was not going to survive this unless I found her fast. I was a good swimmer, often diving into the cool waters of Lake Wissota in the summer. Even so, trying to surface as the undertow was trying to suck me down with the ship was taking too much effort. I kicked hard and pushed to go upwards.

"Christ, it’s freezing!" I yelled as I got my head out of the water. Chaos was all around me, lots of death cries and people thrashing about in the deadly cold water.

"Rose!" I shouted. I could not see her.

Panic filled me. I had to find her fast. We could die in this water, and hypothermia was quick. Death was indiscriminate and sudden.

I struck out with clumsy strokes, looking for her, my progress slow. "Rose?" I called. Suddenly, I saw her. She is being held onto by a large man pushing her down in blind panic. She was trying to get away, but in vain.

I thought, My God, it’s that evil Cal. He can’t wait to destroy her, but I quickly saw that it wasn't him.

I hope he’s dead, I thought bitterly, after the way he tried to kill us as the ship was going down over that damned necklace. That was all he loved--a hideous, cold diamond, hard as his ruthless heart, and it was all he was ever capable of loving.

He had never loved Rose, not liked I loved her and would always love her.

Adrenaline poured through me. I reached the man holding her down, punched him square in the jaw, and he released her. I grabbed Rose and pulled her to me by the straps of her lifebelt.

She was crying, huge, loud sobs, and grabbed me and pulled me close, kissing me wildly. "Jack! Jack! I couldn't find you! Oh, I need you! We need to get out of here!" she cried in a choked voice.

Memories of flying on the bow of the beautiful ship swept before my eyes, Rose’s soft voice saying, "Jack, I've changed my mind." We kissed. We knew we belonged together, two sides of the same coin. A start, I thought, that would be a lifetime for us.

The coldness brought me back to this horrific reality. I kissed her head, my legs feeling like dead weights. She was right that we needed to get out of the water.

I tried to block out the sounds of human suffering all around me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw people floating silently, gone, the coldness sucking away their life.

I dragged Rose hopelessly through the black sea toward what looked like a piece of wood; it was a piece of molding, carved and ornate. Only hours ago, this was on the ship. Now, it was flotsam.

I somehow heaved Rose onto the molding. Her lips were blue, her hair starting to freeze. She had to be out of the water before its chill pulled the soul of out her.

Oh, no! I tried to pulled half my body onto the molding. A terrible realization hit me, and I nearly fell back into the water. The molding would only support one person!

"Jack, get on," she whispered faintly, her breathing labored.

"I can’t," I replied, tears stinging my eyes. "It will only take one. We’ll have to wait for the boats!"

I just hoped that they would be soon. I didn't know how long I could hold on.

Chapter Three