Chapter One

Jack looked up at the ship. He was in total awe. He had been on ships, but never as big as this. She sure was beautiful. Now he knew why his uncle had wanted tickets so badly.

"See, Jack? I told you it was the ship of dreams," his uncle said.

"I had no idea it would be like this, Uncle Jacob," Jack replied, again looking at the ship.

Then, Frank, who was Jacob's valet, started to get things organized for boarding the Titanic. Frank had been a valet for the Dawsons for years. He was in his late 50s and a faithful man.

"Is everything ready to go?" Jacob asked.

"Yes, sir," Frank replied.

Jack looked up at his uncle. He had always admired him. Ever since Jack's parents had died, he had always been there for him. Jacob let Jack live and travel with him, even though Jack was twenty years old.

The only thing that Jack didn't like about his uncle was the fact that he always set him up with women. The women he choose were always to old for him and never his type.

"Jack, I'm looking forward to getting back to America," Jacob said. "Then, I'll find you a perfect wife."

Jack just smiled politely. "Sounds great.."

Jacob smiled at his nephew. Even with their thirty year age difference, they were still best friends.

The problem was that Jack looked at Jacob as an uncle. A nice, caring uncle. Jacob looked at Jack as just one of his friends. Sure, Jack enjoyed his company. But, he really needed some friends his own age.

Jack looked over at a little girl in her father's arms. She was clutching a doll in her small hands. Jack smiled sweetly at the young girl and she returned the smile.

"Don't worry about those peasants," Frank said to Jack. "They are nothing."

Jack never liked Frank. He was loyal, but he often criticized people. Nothing was ever too good for him. Most of the time, Jack couldn't stand him.

Just then, somebody ran into Jack, knocking over him. Jack fell onto his bottom and looked up to see who had done it. It was a man who looked about Jack's age. He had dark hair and dirty clothes.

"I am very sorry," he said in a thick accent.

"Oh, that's alright," Jack said, standing back onto his feet.

"What do you think you are doing?" Frank said. "Why can't trash like you see where they are going?"

"No, it was my fault," Jack said. "I ran right into him."

Frank looked at Jack and then back at the boy. "Get out of here you filth!"

"Thank you," he said quietly to Jack. Then, the boy started to run again.

Jack watched him run off. He wished that he could have been that boy. So carefree and happy. But, instead Jack was here. With his rich uncle. He would never get to be that free.

"I guess we are ready to go," Jacob said. Jack nodded and followed his uncle onto the great ship.

Chapter Two