
June 20, 1912

The room was full of people, people and flowers and laughter. Rose winked at Helga, who was nervously adjusting one of the bows on her white gown. Helga just smiled back, her eyes full of anticipation and nervousness.

"Ready?" Rose asked quietly, throwing her hair back over her shoulders with a smile. Helga nodded, getting to her feet, still moving a bit awkwardly.

Rose led the way through the small crowd of people, creating a small road in the middle of everything. She saw Jack standing next to a very nervous Fabrizio and she grinned at him, mouthing "She's coming" to him. She stood still for a moment and then started walking towards Jack. Her lavender dress swished gently, making everyone stop to listen.

In the distance the music started playing and she smiled to herself. Maybe it wouldn't be long until she was the bride, walking up to Jack like Helga was to Fabrizio?

Jack looked as handsome as ever in his dark suit, no tie to choke him and the top buttons in the shirt were unbuttoned. He looked like the prince in every little girl's dreams.

Fabrizio smiled at her when he saw the way she was looking at Jack. He was very happy for Jack. Jack had become his friend that fateful night in April and he had become both Helga's and Fabrizio's hero when he had learned that he had been the man who had saved Helga. And now Jack had the same happiness as he did.

But then he forgot all about Jack and Rose. Helga was following Rose down the aisle and her blushing face made Fabrizio see only her. He stared at her, not able to take his eyes off her, not even when Rose stopped at Jack's side, or the Justice of the Peace cleared his throat to make them all listen.

The music stopped playing and Helga was standing next to him. He took her hand softly and before they knew it, it was all over. They said their "I do's" and he kissed her with all the passion he had in him. And then they disappeared into a world of their own, forgetting all about Jack and Rose, Titanic, the world…

In the chaos that came after the newlyweds' first kiss, Jack and Rose disappeared outside, laughing and dancing around in each other's arms.

"Maybe next time, that's us," Rose whispered softly, but regretted her words instantly. Jack's smile had disappeared and he was looking at her very seriously.

"I…I'm sorry, Jack. I didn't mean to…I…" Her voice was almost quavering and she had turned away from him, leaning towards the grass instead, picking up a few flowers.

He just looked at her, the smile coming back slowly.

"Rose, Rose, you always seem to take the words out of my mouth…here I was, trying to make sure everything would be perfect and then you just blurt it out like that." His voice was so gentle and so loving that she looked up again, her eyes showing her confusion.

"What? Jack, I don't know what you're talking about…"

He pulled her to him and she felt him fumbling with something behind her back. Then he opened his right hand to her and she let all air out in one breath.

"Say you'll marry me, Rose. As soon as possible. And then we'll head out for the horizon together." He smiled at her, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. Not even worried about her answer.

She felt the waves of love wash over her with the ring he had just placed on her finger and she just nodded, but then whispered the word "yes" slowly.

He twirled her around and around, dancing with her over the flowers. More magic mornings and happiness awaited them and never again would they deny their feelings for each other.

The End.
