Chapter Four

Jack felt his luck would never stop. That night at dinner, he sat with Rose...again. Jack had a feeling that Rose wasn't even noticing his presence. As he looked over to Rose, he saw her just starring into space. Jack had no idea what was going through her head.

"Darling," she said softly to her fiancé. "I'm not feeling to well. Would it be alright if I went back to the room and lie down?"

Cal gave her a look that said, 'Why must you make a fool out of me like that?' Cal smiled and said, "Of course..."

"Maybe you should walk her back, Cal," Ruth suggested.

"I'd be happy to walk her back," Jack said. He looked over at Rose who's face was begging not having to walk back with Cal. "I need to check something in my room, anyway," Jack lied.

"Thank you, Mr. Dawson," Ruth replied politely. "Are you sure you don't mind?"

"It's my pleasure," Jack said as he got up out of his seat and helped Rose out of hers.

Jack knew that this was his chance. His chance to really get to know Rose. He couldn't blow it. He had to get her to open up to him.

As they got out of the dinner room, Jack decided to break the silence. "So...Rose, you're not feeling too well tonight?"

Rose looked into his eyes. "No, actually," Rose said. She was glad she didn't have to walk back with Cal. She just wished she didn't always have to put on an act for people. Rose was sick of all of it. Her life, her fiancé, everything. Rose didn't want this man to see her cry, but she couldn't hold her tears.

"Are...are you alright Rose?" Jack asked.

"Oh, I must have something in my eye," Rose said. "I'm sorry.."

"Wait," Jack said. "Let me see." Jack turned her head and looked straight into her eyes. Then, he knew she felt fine physically. But, she felt horrible emotionally.

They just stared into each other's eyes. Something both went off in them. They didn't know what it was, but it was happening to both of them.

Rose pulled away. "Would you like to take the stairs or the elevator?"

Jack starred right back, like he was before. "Whatever you want."

Rose smiled slightly. They walked slowly to the elevator. Jack didn't know what to do to get to know this girl. Jack decided if he wanted her to open up, he would have to open up, too.

As they reached the elevator, he could tell Rose was about to cry again. Was her life really that terrible? As they got off the elevator, and were alone, Jack took her hand.

"Rose," he said. "You don't have to be brave. It's okay to cry."

Rose smiled. "Mr. Dawson.."


Rose smiled, again. She didn't know why, but she felt she could really tell him. Tell him about everything. Everything that was going wrong in her life.

"I see the things he does to you," Jack said. "I see, Rose."

Rose then, started to cry. Jack pulled her to him and comforted her. They didn't even know each other, yet they felt so close.

"Look," Jack said. "It's gonna be okay. I can see the pain you're going through," Jack said, looking to her eyes.

"Jack," Rose said softly. "Do you wanna come in? We can talk."

"Sure," Jack said with a smile. Rose opened the door and Jack followed her in. One part of Rose was telling her that this shouldn't be happening. But, the other part told her this man could help her.

They both sat on the couch in the sitting room. Rose didn't know why, but she wanted to know this guy. She wanted to know Jack.

"So Jack," she said. "Where did you grow up?"

Jack told her that he had been raised in Wisconsin. He told her about his parents dying when he was fifteen. He told her about his whole life up to that point.

"Rose," Jack said. "What about you? I mean, we've been talking all about me for the last half hour."

Rose's smile suddenly vanished. "Well," she started. "I grew up in Philadelphia. My father died when I was nine, and my mother has determined my life since."

"What about your fiancé?" Jack asked.

"I met him on my birthday last year. I liked him at first, but then he became to possessive. When he proposed I didn't know what to do. But, my mother said I had to say yes. She said it would make me happy." Rose let out a slight sarcastic laugh.

About an hour later, Jack got up and walked to the door. "It's been great talking to you, Rose."

Rose stared into his eyes. "It was my pleasure."

Chapter Five