Chapter Seven

Rose took a deep breathe. There he was, waiting for her at the top of the staircase. She walked up the steps carefully. As he turned around at the sound of her footsteps, Rose saw magic in his eyes.

"So you wanna go to a real party?"

So, Jack took Rose to his room. He showed her to some third class clothes. He told her that the dress he handed her belonged to his mother. Soon, they were ready to go. They were both dressed just like third class.

"I know this will work, Rose," Jack said as they reached the third class entrance.

Rose gave him a smile. "I hope you're right."

The music was playing loud. Jack noticed the boy that had ran into him. He was with a blonde haired girl. He smiled at them. They looked like they were having fun dancing together. Maybe...

"Rose," Jack said as he took her hand. "Come on."

And he pulled her out onto the dance floor. "I can't do this," Rose said as she looked into his eyes.

"We're gonna have to get a little bit closer," Jack said as he pulled her body closer to his. "Like this."

They started to move. Slow at first and then faster. Jack pulled Rose up onto the platform, and he began to show off his moves. Rose decided to try. She flung off her shoes and began dance. Soon, Jack grabbed her arm and they danced around in circles. Jack grabbed her other hand and around they went. They were having the time of their lives. No more thinking about politics, money, power, or anything like that. All that mattered was having fun.

But, sooner of later the party had to end. After they got back into their normal clothes at Jack's stateroom, they decided to take a walk out on deck. It was a beautiful night. Tons of stars shining bright.

"I've never had that much fun in years!" Rose exclaimed.

Jack smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I had fun, too."

"Thanks for making me come," Rose said as she looked up at the stars. They were so beautiful. So endless and carefree.

Suddenly Rose pointed up at the sky. "Look! A shooting star!"

"Wow," Jack replied. "That was a long one. My father used to tell me that it was a soul going to heaven."

Rose smiled. "I like that. Aren't we supposed to wish on it?"

Jack nodded. "What would you wish for?"

They moved closer. Close enough for their lips te meet. They both starred into each other's eyes as their heads inched closer. But, Rose pulled away. "Something I can't have," she said as she backed away.

Jack couldn't blame her. She was engaged to be married. "I understand," Jack said sadly. "Come on. I'll walk you back."

Their walk to Rose's stateroom was a quite one. Both of them thinking about how much they cared about the other. They came closer to the door and they could hear yelling. That obviously belonged Cal.

Jack looked at the door nervously. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"

Rose nodded. "Yes. I'll be fine."

Jack nodded. "Goodnight, Rose." He kissed her hand once again.

As Rose slipped inside, Jack decided to listen at the door. He just had to make sure that she'd be alright. He really cared for her.

Rose came into the room and saw Cal sitting in his chair smoking. "Where the hell have you been!?" He asked loudly.

She tried quickly to think of an excuse. "I was out..."

Cal looked at into her scared eyes. "With Mr. Dawson?"

Rose knew she couldn't deny it. She would probably be in more trouble if she lied. Being with Jack was worth getting hit by Cal. She was so used to being abused by him that she could barely feel physical pain anymore.

"Yes," Rose said quietly. "We just went for a walk..."

"A walk?" Cal asked. "I told you to stay away from him, but did you listen? No! You never do, Rose! It's time to teach you a lesson you won't ever forget."

He lunged at her and threw her to the ground. Rose knew she could not push him off, but she tried. She wondered where her mother was at. No doubt in her room, pretending to be asleep as her daughter suffers.

As Cal tried to lift up her dress, Rose yelled. She knew it was a mistake. "Help!" Cal held his hand over her mouth as he continued.

Jack know knew what Cal must be doing to Rose inside there. He immediately opened the door and ran to Rose. Cal stood up fast, thinking it could be anyone. Cal was shocked to see Jack.

Jack looked down at a trembling Rose half undressed. "She's my fiancée," Cal whispered.

Jack didn't care. After he saw the look on Rose's face he knew what he had to do. Without hesitation, Jack punched Cal, hard, knocking him to the ground. Cal stood up, with a bloody nose.

Just then, the master at arms came into the room. "What's going on here? I heard screaming."

Cal looked up at him. "Mr. Dawson here tried to rape my fiancée! Then he punched me as I tried to save her."

The Master at Arms looked at Jack. It was hard to believe. "He was trying to hurt her!" Jack said as he looked down at Rose. He held out his hand, and Rose took it to get up.

"What happened Miss?" He asked.

Rose looked at Cal an then at Jack. If she told the truth, she knew Cal would seek revenge on both her and Jack. She couldn't let him hurt Jack. But, she wasn't going to let Jack get in trouble, either.

"Nothing happened," Rose said. "I slipped and fell."

She was sure he knew she was lying. But, the Master at Arms had to accept it. These people were rich and had the power to say what they want.

"Alright. Have a good night," he said as he left their room.

"Rose," Jack said. "Why didn't you tell him the truth?"

Cal cut in. "It's none of your business, Dawson. I would appreciate it if you would just stay out of our lives for now on."

Jack looked at Rose. She gave him one of those looks that told Jack to listen. "Right," Jack said as he walked out of their lives.

Cal starred at Rose for a moment and then went to bed. Rose just stood there. Unable to move. How could she do that? Why didn't she just tell the truth. Maybe she can get out of this life she hates. But, she knew it was impossible. Whether she liked it or not. She was trapped forever.

Chapter Eight